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Cooking on a mixture of oils of sesame seeds and rice bran helps significantly reduce blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels, according to scientists from the University Fukuoka (Japan). According to them, this mixture is almost as widespread medication to lower blood pressure. And even better.
The rice bran oil, and sesame, contains very little saturated fat, making improves cholesterol "profile" of a person.
The study lasted for 60 days; it was attended by 300 people in new Delhi (India). The subjects were divided into three groups (equal number of men and women, mean age 57 years) in accordance with the level of blood pressure. One group received nifedipine - antagonist of calcium ions. The second group daily was issued ounce (28,3 g) oil mixture, which had to be added to food, and the third had used and nifedipine, and oil mixture.
Eventually it was revealed that representatives of the second group systolic blood pressure fell an average of 14 divisions, and in subjects of the first - 16. Best of all was the case in Guinea that were in the third group: registered a decrease of pressure immediately 36 divisions. Diastolic pressure is also decreased significantly, by 11 divisions in those who eat butter, 12 - drinking cure, 24 - taking both tools.
As for the level of "bad" cholesterol, the group eating the same oil, it decreased by 26%, and "good" increased by 9.5%. Patients treated only nifedipine, no change in the concentration of cholesterol was not found. But the third group of "bad" cholesterol fell by 27%, and "good" increased by 10.9%.
The authors believe that these results should thank contained in oil blend of healthy fatty acids and antioxidants, such as sesamin, sesamol, sesamolin and oryzanol.
Note that the "miraculous" a mixture of oil was created specifically for research, and scientists currently have no plans to output to the consumer market. And at home, in their words, to cook something similar will not work...
Based on the materials of Medical Xpress.