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Black and green teas contain about 30 thousand different polyphenolic compounds, some of which has already proved its real, not imaginary usefulness, significantly reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and small cell lung inflammation in fat tissue, causing diabetes of the second type.
In contrast to the overall positive effect, which is readily observed in the course of uncomplicated clinical trials (drink tea or eat dark chocolate and sdawy analyses), real biochemical mechanism of action of polyphenols still not clarified. Polyphenols can act as antioxidants, and long time this ability was given for the explanation of their usefulness. However, recent studies suggest that the suppression of active radicals (and in particular of singlet oxygen) - this is only a fraction of their talents.
To install, as polyphenols affect living cells, Nikolai Kouchner and his colleagues at Jacobs University in Bremen (Germany) conducted a series of experiments that allowed to study the interaction of polyphenols with cells at the molecular level. Taking into account the recent message that polyphenols demonstrate a strong tendency to accumulate in the nuclei of plant cells, scientists investigated the nature of the interaction of individual polyphenolic molecules with biomolecules kernels, namely with low molecular weight proteins (histones), the double helix of DNA and DNA-quadruplexes. As the main analytical methods used circular dichroism spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. (Obviously, the authors take for granted the fact accumulation of polyphenols in the nuclei of mammalian cells in direct analogy with plant cells. But this requires checking, that is some serious research.)
The result was found that polyphenols are associated with proteins and DNA, and two of tested polyphenolic molecules selective regarding DNA QUADRUPLEX over, not the double helix of DNA. QUADRUPLEX covers a telomeres, which are located at the ends of chromosomes and protecting them from premature destruction (for example, in the course of aging). Telomeres are also one of the most important targets for cancer treatment.
A detailed report about the study and its results published in the journal Food & Functions.
Inspired by their results, the researchers plan to conduct a similar study of black tea, candy, fried coffee and cocoa. The last object, according to them, the most complicated.
Prepared based on materials Chemistry World.