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Amazing results received psychologists from the School of Psychological science from the University of tel Aviv. It turns out, instinctively decisions provide high positive results.
Studies have shown that the human brain is able to immediately determine the most appropriate solution, and this innate ability.
Professor Marius Asher (Marius Usher), is sure that the human brain is capable to handle pieces of information and "to issue the" right decisions.
On what principle does intuition person?
Equally, simple solutions, for example, what product to choose on the shelf, or more complex, whether the decision of the surgeon during the operation, our brains are weighted by the principle of "for" and "against".
To determine the accuracy instinctive decisions researchers observed the participants during the execution of tasks on decision-making. The volunteers should follow the screen of the computer on which appeared two columns, left and right. In each of them quickly display a sequence of pairs of numbers. The numbers in each column were a group and reflected profit in the stock market. Study participant had to quickly determine which group is the highest average.
Because changing combinations of numbers happened quite quickly - every second, so the time the counting of the participants simply did not exist. The only assistant in decision was intuition.
The results were quite unusual - participants quickly calculated values.
Moreover, the accuracy make the right decision was increased with increasing data provided to the participants. From shows 6 pairs of numbers "hit" took place in 65 per cent, in the case of displaying 24 pairs of numbers, accuracy reached 90 percent!
"The human brain of the positive and negative fragments is the General picture. Therefore, the more information, the brain is easier to handle it and make the right decision," says Professor Marius Asher.
That is, the human brain with the help of intuition collect more pieces of information and displays their total value.