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Обнаружена планетарная система, напоминающая СолнечнуюThe system star HD GJ676A, separated from Land by 16.4 PC, has the planets, which are much harder than those in our Solar. But it plays the latest model: earth of the heavenly body with a rigid surface - near the star, and the gas giants - away.
In HD GJ676A earth-planets are extremely close to the local sun, but it looks like it is here that they were formed. (Illustration Dana Berry / National Geographic.)

The methods by which conducted her research will help in the detection of exoplanets smaller where before there were only gas giants.

An international group of researchers under the supervision of astronomer of Giljema Anglada-Escude of the Institute of astrophysics of the Goettingen University (Germany) for a long time analyzed data from different telescopes, watching red dwarfs spectral class M. the Aim of the work was to identify in their systems of the planet of low mass where before was only known by a single gas giant. Using the Doppler effect, which occurs when the change in the observed radial velocity of the star caused by the influence of its low-mass companions.

As a result, the system GJ676A discovered planet with the same spread by mass as our Sun: from "supertall", which is 4.5 times heavier than the Earth, to "superwriter", five times that amount actually Jupiter. Moreover, if the smallest planets revolve around the red dwarf GJ676A for 3.6 per day, the largest and remote - 4 400, which is significantly longer than is typical for planets that are not so far from their stars.

Just found four planets candidate. It GJ676 D, GJ676 E, GJ676 B, GJ676 C deleted from the star 0.04 respectively. E. (6 million km), 0,19, 1.8 and 5.2 a. that is, Researchers say that this is one of the vanishingly rare cases, when the planetary system is so similar to ours: the closest planet to the Sun very easy. Then the mass is gradually increasing (from us - to Jupiter, there is to GJ676 B), and then begins to decline (Saturn - Neptune, GJ676 B - GJ676 C). Usually observed the planets of other stars do not adhere to this scheme, once, before the discovery of exoplanets, a recognized classic and is the only appropriate model of formation of planetary systems of the protoplanetary cloud.

From the opening of a number of consequences arise interesting character.

First, in this case it is impossible to say that earth-planets were formed far from the star, and then came closer to her (this would at such small distances from the light). Since then, the formation of gas giants in remote areas would be impossible. Given the low mass and gravity самог? red dwarf, even gas giants could not be formed on 5 and. E. (where GJ676 C). So, planet earth, which was in a few million kilometers from GJ676A, initially there.

Although this contradicts observed near the Sun (where the closest planet is located in half a hundred million kilometres from the star, the astronomers believe that red dwarf formation of the planets could happen at smaller distances due to its smaller light pressure to the gas protoplanetary cloud.

Secondly, although the structure of the Solar system is not generally accepted (with the myth about this ended the first discovery of a "hot Jupiter", gaseous giants in their stars much closer mercury), it still is not something unique or rare. According to Giljema Anglada Escude used for the search methods can be used in other systems on a relatively small distance from the Earth - where already identified giant planets, but is still unknown planet earth. "This means that, most likely, other systems also have a hidden companion, says the scientist. - We just need to apply new methods of search.

In the case of mass detection small rocky planets of the earth type where already seen gas giants, it is possible to speak seriously about what the scheme of the Solar system is widespread, and therefore, many of the planets around the stars is the norm, not the exception, as it once seemed.

Based on the arXiv.
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