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Viewings: 3860
Эль-Ниньо уничтожил коралловые рифы в Тихом океане 4-1,5 тыс лет назадIncreased activity of El Nino was the cause of the extinction of coral reefs in the Pacific ocean approximately 4 - 1,5 thousand years ago - the scenario can be repeated in the near future due to climate change, reinforcing this climatic phenomenon, oceanographers say in the article, published in the journal Science.
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Viewings: 3702
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Viewings: 4653
Смерч и двадцать всадников пронеслись над селомUnusual, mysterious incident occurred on June 27, in the village sottintsy Ust-Aldan ulus, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - as amended). During a thunderstorm in the area walked mini-tornadoes and local residents saw inside them silhouettes 20 galloping riders with the ancient weapon. The same thing happened the next day, but this time riders was only three.
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Viewings: 3226
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Viewings: 3776
What you will see is a plausible description of a prehistoric Apocalypse. A huge asteroid exploded with the force of a million atomic bombs and freed up a lot of energy. She turned to ashes all biomass on earth and have heated it atmosphere. What was once a living planet, turned into a wasteland. Billions of life forms were dispersed and turned into ashes. What happened in these last days, hours and minutes in the life of the dinosaurs? Whether it was the first Apocalypse on planet Earth?

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Viewings: 3304
In the statistics of natural disasters over the past three years has been a strange trend - while the volcanic eruptions or earthquakes practically did not increase, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes and the resulting disaster has increased several times.

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Viewings: 3522
Tibet is often called the Roof of the World. Shrouded in mystery, this region has long attracted mystics from different corners of the planet. Today we turn to the history of exploration of the space that is a true Paradise on Earth. This legendary city of utopia called Shangri La...

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Viewings: 3548
The myth about the end of the world is found in many world religions and teachings. But the most famous remains the Apocalypse, Revelation of the New Testament, which describes events that must occur before the second coming of Christ. We delve into history to understand where is the beginning of the legend about the inevitable death of all things. In the last Book of the Bible describes jotake vision - the battle that marks the beginning of the end - the end of the world, history and time.

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Viewings: 3074
A possible variant of the nearest future of mankind

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Viewings: 3978
В Китае в эксплуатацию сдана крупнейшая в мире ГЭСToday in China, the official was commissioned last unit of hydroelectric power station "San Xia," which cumulative power has become the world's largest hydroelectric power station. At today's underground hydro power hydro system "San Xia" the ceremony of transferring equipment, the General Director of the Chinese electricity joint-stock Corporation "Changjiang" Zhang Cheng has announced full completion of construction and putting into official action of a hydroelectric power station "San Xia" a total capacity of 22.5 million kW, which also became the largest database on the development of clean energy.
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Viewings: 3139
Ученые увидели темную материю между галактиками по искривлению светаAmerican and European astrophysicists were able to see the thread of dark matter, connecting galaxies Abell 222 and Abell 223, distortions in the radiation from distant stars, caused a huge mass of gas thread between these entities, according to a paper published in the journal Nature.
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Viewings: 7496
JEITA grotto Grotto, or the JEITA Grotto - a complex of two separate, but related karst limestone caves with a total length of nearly 9 kilometers. The caves are located in the valley of Nahr-al-Kalb in the settlement of the JEITA grotto, 18 kilometers North of the Lebanese capital Beirut

Пещеры Джейта Гротто в ЛиванеПещеры Джейта Гротто в ЛиванеПещеры Джейта Гротто в Ливане
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Viewings: 6741
Located in the Indian state of Maharashtra, magnificent caves of Ellora is 34 patterns carved into the vertical slopes of the cliffs of Sarinande. Official site of world heritage UNESCO, the Ellora cave include 12 Buddhist, 17 Hindu and 5 Jain monasteries, built in the period between 6 and 10 centuries

Пещеры Эллора: Храмы в скалахПещеры Эллора: Храмы в скалахПещеры Эллора: Храмы в скалах
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Viewings: 4845
In the framework of the 36th session of the world heritage Committee of the UNESCO heritage list from June 29 to July 1 were included 16 objects.

Базилику Рождества Христова признали всемирным наследиемБазилику Рождества Христова признали всемирным наследиемБазилику Рождества Христова признали всемирным наследием
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Viewings: 5365
Найден новый бозон - но вот хиггсовский ли?Yesterday's conference in Geneva, where employees CERN announced the discovery of a new particle, still has not given a clear answer on long been tormented all the question: is it elusive Higgs boson, or not? Because the people who spoke, spoke only that found particle similar to the Higgs boson. Why are scientists so cautious?
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