Viewings: 4542
 Asteroids - through cold, lifeless body. In the distant last their bowels could be warm and even hot due to radioactive or any other heat sources. Since then, they have long cool. However, internal heat never warmed surface: the flow of heat from the interior was very small. The surface layers remained cold, and only clash from time to time caused short-term local heating.
Viewings: 3960
 In 1876, when it was known only about 150 asteroids, D. Kirkwood tried to understand "chaos" asteroid orbits and found about 10 groups of asteroids, each of which consisted of only 2-3 members moving on similar orbits. Among them were, for example, 3 Juno and 97 of the Clot.
Viewings: 4183
 The orbits of most of the numbered minor planets (98%) are located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Their mean distances from the Sun ranges from 2.2 to 3.6 A. that is, They form the so-called main asteroid belt. All the small planets as big move in the forward direction. The periods of their circulation around the Sun are depending on the distance from three to nine years. It is easy to count, that the linear speed of approximately 20 km/S.
Viewings: 4607
 Asteroids is a small celestial body in size from a few metres to thousands of kilometres. In General, between them and meteoric bodies there is no clear difference. The number of such bodies in the Solar system more than they do less. Many scientists believe that most meteoroids are chips of asteroids. Asteroids, and meteorites consist of iron, Nickel and various stony rocks. They are close to the planets of terrestrial group.
Viewings: 3778
 The beginning of the 19th century. In Palermo, in Sicily, Italian astronomer by gioseppe Piazzi for many years led the observations of the positions of the stars for compiling star catalogue. The work was nearing an end. And now, the first night of the XIX century, on 1 January 1801, Piazzi discovered in the constellation Gemini weak star, with a brightness of about 7m, which for some reason was not in its own directory or in the directory Christian Mayer available to Piazza.
Viewings: 3872
 Asteroids first gave the names of the heroes of the Roman and Greek mythology, and then discoverer have the right to call it whatever you like, though his name. At first, the name was given only to women. Only asteroids with unusual orbit, got men (for example, Icarus, coming closer to the Sun, mercury). After, and it has ceased to be respected.
Viewings: 4258
 All open still asteroids have direct movement: they move around the Sun in the same direction as the large planet (i<90 degrees). The vast majority of asteroids orbit is not very different from each other: they are poorly eccentric and have a low or moderate slope. That is why nearly all the asteroids move, remaining within toroidal rings. The section of the ring plane zr, perpendicular to the Ecliptic plane and passing through the Sun.
Viewings: 3754
 Almost 3/4 of a century had no idea that not all the asteroids move between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. But early in the morning of June 14, 1873 James Watson at the Observatory Ann arbor (USA) discovered the asteroid 132 Aarto. This object was able to track only three weeks, and then lost it. However, the results of determination of the orbit, though inaccurate, convincingly showed that the perihelion Aarti is inside the orbit of Mars.
Viewings: 4222
 How to reach Mars within a month? For this you need to give the spacecraft good momentum. Alas, the best available person - fuel nuclear gives specific impulse 3000 seconds, and flight stretched on for months. But do you have any on hand for something more energetic? Theoretically there: thermonuclear synthesis; it provides the impetus to hundreds of thousands of seconds, and the use of antimatter will get a boost in millions seconds.
Viewings: 4334
 Planck character of the spectrum of the CMB is the evidence of the last state of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) between quanta and cosmic plasma. This condition allows you to build a detailed thermal history of the early Universe with the indication of the characteristic stages, when there was a change of qualitative structure of matter due to interconversion of different kinds of elementary particles.
Viewings: 8432
 Professor Pulkovo Observatory N. A. Kozyrev worked on the problem of time over a quarter of a century.
Viewings: 8537
 Time and space, probably from the moment of vozniknoveniya people began to wonder what Nepredstavlenie what is the meaning of their existence and why they do neobhodimosti? And that's been hundreds and perhaps even millions of years and it seemed was civilized enlightened by science the world has finally found an objective ubeditelnaya data and information on the process and mechanism of etehdvom main components of nature.
Viewings: 7946
 Five years ago the Mexican newspaper described the mysterious story of what happened on the train, EN route from Mexico city to Acapulco. In the compartment where there was a young surgeon and a woman with a child, suddenly appeared disheveled, frightened to death a man dressed in a long coat. On his head was wearing a powdered wig. In one hand he held a goose feather, another large leather purse.
Viewings: 7919
 It is believed that the first to travel in time guessed writer-visionary H.G. wells. However, seven years before wells, in 1881, on the journey back in time to tell the world Edward P. Mitchell in the Novella "Clock that went back". However epochal phrase ime machine" invented yet wells. Since that time the idea to create the machine on which it would be possible to drive into the past and into the future, seized the masses of inventors, but to this day their attempts fail.
Viewings: 5503
 It is known that People who got into extreme situation sometimes can inadvertently modify, slow down Time and thus to help itself in a critical or even life-threatening situations. Nature has given us a great abilities, which we can use sometimes once in a lifetime.(Most people really face this only once, at the time of death). We haven for tens of years is not something that "train", even enable" don't try this unknown power. But for a time in the omission of any organ atrophies! Lain just a year in hospital patients already learn to walk again, and here we are talking about the ability to move not on any road dust, and on time!