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Viewings: 5394
Near the village Naberezhne (Leninsky district) on a thin line - the camp of the expedition. Several tents and trailer not too attract attention of local residents and tourists. Many think it is located ordinary fans of rest savage, and few people know that there from mid-may live and work the scientists-archeologists from the Ukraine, Russia, Poland and Lithuania. Their attention is the Bosporan city of Acre.

Экспедиция в город на дне Черного моря: каменные усадьбы, колодец и сокровищаЭкспедиция в город на дне Черного моря: каменные усадьбы, колодец и сокровищаЭкспедиция в город на дне Черного моря: каменные усадьбы, колодец и сокровища
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Viewings: 5348
Жить стало веселее: обнаружены 79 новых видов акулThrough genetic testing thousands of sharks and rays (close relatives sharks), the scientists were surprised to find a significant number of new species. The results of the research have generated among biologists heated debate about the pedigree of this family. The data also suggest that some species are under greater threat than it seemed before.
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Viewings: 5261
Запорожские ученые порадовали новой сенсациейZaporozhye archeologists confirm that the tribes who lived in the Azov sea at the end of VII BC, were the first on the territory of modern Europe breeders.
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Viewings: 6515
Amazing place, which is called the Valley of ghosts. is located on the top of the mountain demirdzhi in the Crimea.

Крымская Долина привиденийКрымская Долина привиденийКрымская Долина привидений
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Viewings: 4828
Ожидание Апокалипсиса – что говорят учёныеAccording to scientists, the mankind was gripped by fear associated with the pending Apocalypse in December 2012 that can become a cause of irrational fear, phobias, end of the world.
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Viewings: 8281
Капитолийская волчица оказалась подделкойThe symbol of Rome, bronze sculpture, called Lupa Capitolina, i.e. the Capitoline wolf - has been cast not ancient Etruscans, as I thought before, and the unknown master of the middle Ages. It could be a copy of an early and not come down to us of the original, but, nevertheless, it still is a work of art in later eras.
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Viewings: 4157
В космос можно будет летать из аэропортаSpace projects today are rather expensive: only the prices for orbital transportation fluctuate at the level of from seven to 20 thousand dollars per kg, while the real price of each rocket launch, as a rule, higher than originally claimed by 30 and more percent. Experts now are looking for ways to lower the cost of space flight.
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Viewings: 4330
Краткое руководство по применению бозона Хиггса в застольной беседеNow, scientists working with the world's largest accelerator, announced the discovery of subatomic particles that looks remarkably similar to the long-awaited Higgs boson. Media around the world have lost their legs, explaining that this means that the public school is not kept in the hands of the textbook on physics. The Guardian even offered the readers to learn a set of phrases that should be used in the presence of parents did not understand, understand all physicists or indifferent to what is happening believers.
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Viewings: 4251
Газопылевой диск вокруг звезды исчез на глазах у астрономовTYC 8241 2652 1, the star of spectral class Q2, distant from Earth at 450 light-years, made a real circus: the surrounding gas-dust disk was glowing in the infrared range all the time observations, and then suddenly disappeared.
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Viewings: 4907
Злобные геныYou are left handed? You have narrow face and a well-developed lower jaw? Your happiness that you are living in the XXI century. Some 100-150 years ago with the set "accept" you would immediately labeled as criminals. Then the police revealed the criminal elements, including, and on the faces. Today we know that for the most beautiful facade may hold the most terrible evil and Vice versa. But from idea to learn how to calculate maniacs and murderers, preferably before they committed the crime, humanity is not refused. Just now it took genetics...
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Viewings: 4143
Земля отдаляется от Солнца, но прохладнее не становитсяIn the hottest for the Northern hemisphere, the days of the planet, it turns out, reaches its maximum distance from the Sun, which is available to its orbitele approaching the peak, the heat grows stronger, and it may seem strange, but now our planet is as far from the Sun.
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Viewings: 4433
В магнитном поле Земли скрываются порталы в параллельные мирыPhysics NASA say that at the moment of collision the magnetic fields of the earth and the Sun space is distorted so that you can get into another dimension.
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Viewings: 4430
Бизнес на привиденияхAccording to parapsychologists, about 30 percent of the population believes in ghosts. To convince their existence skeptics, and to experience different thrill, they tend to get any evidence related to an other-worldly reality... Today on Internet auctions can be found artifacts, allegedly directly related to phantoms.
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Viewings: 4978
Ева яблоко не ела?In Italy publisher "Piemme" published the book Roberto Beretta and Elisabetta broli "ten commandments". Italian journalists were advised by Gianfranco Ravasi, the famous Milan theologian, specializing in the study of the Bible. As journalists themselves - Roberto Beretta and Elisabetta broli - operate in the paper "Avvenire", which is the official organ of the Pontifical biblical Commission. So the authors of the book is not some three heretic-pretender, but a very dear people, which has enlisted a blessing and a guidance of the Vatican.
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Viewings: 4454
КАЙФ В ЗАКОНЕ"Legalize! Do not criticize! Legalize, and I will advertise!" - sang once about marijuana legendary Peter Tosh, one of the most popular artists reggae. In 1987 he was shot, and Tosh did not know that many States followed his advice...
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