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Viewings: 5114
Труба Давида Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world. His venerable age is four millennia. Archaeological finds indicate that the city was founded on one of the hills that a thousand years later began to be called the mountain of David. Here was erected the ancient fortress walls. The hill opposite the mountains of David, was called the Temple mount. But even more earliest traces of human activity - clay utensils and burial caves, carved in the rock - archaeologists have discovered near the source Tikhon, located at the foot of hills and almost unique in the whole region.
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Viewings: 5810
Куда исчезли 10 колен израилевых? Since the Assyrians in the VIII century BC drove ten Jewish tribes from their land, the further fate of these people is unknown. Where are they headed? What happened to the exiles then? Historians have not received a clear answer to these questions so far.
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Viewings: 5255
Тайна Кумранской общины In the spring of 1947 in the areas of hirbet-Qumran in the North-West coast of the Dead sea has been a sensational event Bedouins from the tribe of tamira in one of the caves discovered two clay vessel with ancient manuscripts. The cave was located in 25 km to the East of Jerusalem and 3 km to the North from a known source ain Pasha.
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Viewings: 5816
Финикийцы могли открыть… Австралию Why not just attributed to the Phoenicians - the ancient inhabitants of Lebanon and Palestine! And the creation of the first in history of the alphabet, and the invention of Magenta, and some even call them the first merchants. But some researchers that was not enough. They put forward a rather interesting theory that the Phoenicians visited the shores of the New world for three thousand years before Columbus, and at the same time get assigned priority in the discovery of Brazil, India, and imports from South America to Egypt tobacco and cocaine. In the proof of the theory of opening by the Phoenicians South America, supporters of lead found in the forests of the Amazon pale-skinned, blue-eyed Indians supposedly descendants of the Phoenicians.
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Viewings: 6423
Храм Соломона и манна небесная According to the Bible, when the rules of the people of Judah, king David, gave him the Lord through the prophet Nathan these words: ' your Son, whom I will put in your place on your throne, he shall build a house to My name". Has passed time, and on Jewish throne of king Solomon. In accordance with the prophecy he built the temple in Jerusalem, he was unrivalled in the whole Ancient world.
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Viewings: 5430
Баальбек, чудо инженерной мысли Baalbek, and ancient Heliopolis, lying on one of the most important trade routes of the Ancient world - between Damascus and Sktirus in Eastern Lebanon. Of all the archaeological treasures of Baalbeck are built, the construction of which was absolutely impossible without construction equipment, then don't existed. Giant monolith blocks of stone weighing up to one thousand tons was the basis for hypotheses about the alien origin of buildings...
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Viewings: 6068
Неизвестная Эбла In a wide valley that stretches in the North-West of Syria, there are dozens of hills, in the majority of artificial origin. They have grown on the spot settlements, erased from the face of the earth once in ancient times. Over the ancient ruins of the forgotten Sands of the desert cities formed mounds of different size.
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Viewings: 5165
Древнейший город на планете? In Syria discovered the ruins of a city whose age, according to scientists, is not less than 6000 years. Perhaps it is the oldest city on the planet. Find virtually changed the traditional understanding of the appearance on Earth of cities and civilization in General. It forces you to consider the spread of civilization in the new world, building on an earlier time. Before this discovery of the city, Dating back to 4000 BC, found only in ancient Sumer - between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq, the last, the most ancient, found in the South-Eastern part of Syria under a huge hill near the village Hamoukar. Mysterious city is also called Hamoukar.
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Viewings: 5401
Черные молнии над Мохенджо-Даро Back in the twenties of the last century archeologists opened in the area of Pakistan ancient barrows with the remains of the largest cities of the bronze age of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. By the way, according to some publications, the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro retain traces of burning flames that destroyed this great city. It was even said that terrible flame was generated almost a nuclear explosion.
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Viewings: 4614
Бессмертные руины Персеполя In the spring of 334 BC Alexander the great made in the campaign against Persia. His army consisted of 30 thousand soldiers and five-thousand cavalry. The first clash occurred in 334 BC on the Hellespont by the river Hranik. The winner in the battle with the army of the enemy, the number of which amounted to nearly a million people went Alexander. Thus began a triumphal victory of the great commander in Asia.
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Viewings: 4750
Гималайская Троя? In Nepal, in the southern part of the province Mustang, lies the valley of Kali Gandaki. There is the most important road, crossing from North to South impregnable mountains of the Himalayan mountain range. Alpine valley close with the two sides cool "eight-thousanders" dhaulagiri and Annapurna, jealously keeps from strangers its secrets. In ancient times the inhabitants of the mountains has built numerous fortresses which protected the valley of Kali Gandaki from invasion intruders.
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Viewings: 4803
Синьянские могильники In recent years there has been a surge of public interest in unexplored and, apparently, a very ancient Chinese pyramids in the so-called restricted area, Xin Yang. "Fashion" for the discovery of the century was born after the publication of pictures of some of the pyramids German specialist in ancient Astronautics by Hartigan Hausdorf, follower and admirer of the famous seeker traces visiting Earth by aliens from other planets Erich von Daniken. Hausdorf accused the Chinese government of concealing the existence of the so-called "White pyramid", built according to Hartwig, aliens. However, researchers of the ancient history of China considered that the images on the pictures of the pyramid are in fact nothing other than the gravestone of landscapes that make up the familiar landscape of the district, Xin Yang. These mounds are heavily eroded and some trees. In the opinion of Hausdorf, trees planted here not for protection from further erosion, according to local authorities, and to conceal the mysterious constructions from prying eyes.
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Viewings: 4494
Кто построил Великую Китайскую стену? According to one legend, the father of the Chinese nation was a man of Panko, personality, frankly, inoplanetanka. He was born from the "ancient eggs", whence the undertaken on Earth and who later became the basis of all life. This "peracetic" lived 1800 years, and from his body appeared nature of fleas - the rest Chinese. Apparently, something which, as fleas he had more than enough. Of course, the legend is true smile, but we must not forget that China is a country at all solid mysteries.
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Viewings: 4291
Белокурые амазонки из Китая "The Tarim mummies", discovered by Chinese archaeologists in Northwest China belong to the people of European descent. Presumably, the Sarmatians, the Tocharians and Scythian nomads from the Northern black sea coast. This proves that the Indo-European tribes who lived from two to four thousand years ago, moved East far beyond what used to be considered by historians.
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Viewings: 5408
Пепуза – город монтанистов These people lived communities, was preparing for the imminent end of the world and inevitably refuge from persecution of Orthodox Christians. The fathers of the Church called them sectarians-Montanelli, apostates and heretics. Working in Turkey foreign archaeologists after much searching found the Holy city of Montanists Pauzu, where the main temple and the monastery of the sect. To the conclusion that found really Pepuza, unanimously reached American Professor Century, Tabern and Professor Peter LAMPE from Heidelberg University in Germany, which together examined the newly discovered ruins.
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