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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 4659
Living beings have already chosen the basements of several houses and now rushed into the apartment. Controlling organization shrug, so they see for the first time and do not know how to help the citizens.

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Viewings: 5733
Скифы И ПонтыIf you carefully look into the mound hills around the fortress of Sudak in the Crimea, or a leisurely walk on the beaches of Koktebel, you will get the fragments of old products Goncharov - glazed ceramics with characteristic green-yellow-brown ornament. It artifacts testifying to stay in these places other civilizations...
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Viewings: 5357
Южный полюс Луны оказался безводнымThe planetary community from the USA studied the bottom of the large crater Salton at the South pole of the moon by using tools of automatic station LRO, and found that water reserves, the existence of which was pointing to data from terrestrial telescopes and space probes, according to a paper published in the journal Nature.
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Viewings: 5151
Туристов отправят к Луне в старых шпионских капсулах.Полететь к спутнику Земли можно будет уже в 2015 годуTourist flights to the moon intends to organize by 2015 British company Excalibur Almaz. The price of the journey to the Earth's $150 million. To deliver tourists will be old Soviet station intended for espionage, writes The Daily Mail.
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Viewings: 5779
Как нас обманывают: рабство и современный человекIn search of different laws, I stumbled upon a very interesting line of reasoning. It happened accidentally, so to speak, by itself, in a conversation with my best friend. And this line of reasoning has touched our "Capitalist society". Society, which is based on private property.
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Viewings: 6523
Кефир – оружие ЦРУLook for shells of foreign war of civilizations against Russia should everywhere. Not only in the speeches of politicians and information space, but also in everyday reality. Russia will endure, will beat off from seizure attempts, if its citizens will be vigilant.
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Viewings: 7680
Параллельные мирыParallel world is the reality? Our universe is a Genus of God is manifested to us as a limitless number of parallel Worlds. The whole visible world is a cascade of cause-effect chains, and not only the future but also the past inherent diversity.
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Viewings: 4590
Дельфины - как люди. И им нужна своя конституцияDolphins, whales and Beluga whales are so smart that they need to adopt the bill of rights. This will refer to them as "non-human race personalities". Such an unusual resolution was passed by the participants of the Vancouver conference, conducted by the American Association for the advancement of science. The document was signed by tens of zoologists and biologists, philosophers and defenders of animal rights. The bill of rights of animals have undertaken to draw up the scholars in Helsinki group, a human rights organization. It includes members of the British society for the protection of whales and dolphins.
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Viewings: 6792
«Цыганское» золото форта НоксIn October 2009, the Ministry of Finance of the USA from the store, located at Fort Knox, was sent to China batch of gold bars. The country regularly deliver and receive gold, in order to pay debts and to align the trade balance. Much of the gold in the world is exchanged and stored in depositories under the supervision of a special organization - the London Association of participants of the market of precious metals (London Bullion Market Association - LBMA).
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Viewings: 6840
People think that the death of hydrogen airship Hindenburg put an end to the whole industry of the use of aerial vehicles lighter than air. Indeed,the use of hydrogen dangerous,but why even America refused airships,because their flew inert,completely safe helium.
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Viewings: 5396
Nitrates -- salts of nitric acid. In nature these salts are formed in a natural way, so no nitrates can't grow any vegetables or fruits. That is, nitrates are in all the berries and vegetables. The whole question in the number...

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Viewings: 4939
Superpowers is a gift or a curse? Why each of the people who possess these abilities paid for his gift terrible price?

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Viewings: 4988
To look into the future at least once a dream of every man. Prophets always arouse genuine interest. In the main book of prophecy, the Bible is encrypted all the events of the future. But why are they still remain a mystery? And who and why hide them from us?

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Viewings: 7519
Древний народ чирибайя In southern Peru, is one of the most arid places of our planet - desert Atamaca. This desolate region produces a dull and bleak impression range of sand, stone, almost no water. Only the most hardy and unpretentious plants can survive. But archaeologists are convinced that in the midst of the barren expanse of the desert of Atamaca real treasures are hidden. Under a thick layer of sand lurk priceless items showing a forgotten culture of the people that inhabited in ancient times these places. In deep sand graves researchers discovered burial of the people of chiribaya, who lived over a thousand years ago. Studying various findings, researchers from separate fragments to piece together the history, way of life and beliefs of the long-extinct tribe.
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Viewings: 7721
Загадка «ледяной девы» Ancient Incas, to appease the gods, offered human sacrifices. And often they were children. Many of the victims were found mummified, and their remains have survived to our times. For the last time at the height of more than 5000 m on 30 peaks of the Andes excavated more than 115 mountain ritual places of the Incas. But until recently to find these mummies seemed almost impossible, as they were hidden very high in the mountains under the heavy layer of snow and ice. And only in 1995, scientists have finally found perfectly preserved ritual sacrifice, mummified 500 years ago.
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