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Viewings: 6985
Гигантские головы ольмеков The first civilization that emerged on the territory of Mexico, is the Olmec civilization. It was when it first appeared here hieroglyphic writing, calendar, major urban centers... But after more than half a century scientific study of the culture of the Olmecs, the researchers still far more questions than answers to them.
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Viewings: 6256
Тайна карлика Педро Archaeologists sometimes find it very strange ancient mummies belonging to Homo sapiens is highly questionable. Basic hypotheses explaining their origin, simple is aliens or monsters.
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Viewings: 6307
Пирамида на дне озера Рок Lake Rock lies 20 miles East from the city of Madison in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The length of the lake is eight, and width - about four kilometres. In the distant 1836, Nathaniel, hair accidentally discovered in the lake Rock small stone pyramid with a flat top. Discoverer named his discovery of Atzalyno and suggested that the monumental construction of not less than a thousand years.
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Viewings: 6869
Солнце, Луна и индейцы A thousand years ago, the Anasazi Indians, who lived in the South-West of modern USA, watched the movements of the heavenly bodies. These "secret knowledge" helped them to survive.
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Viewings: 7367
Загадка трехметровых мумий Marvin Rainwater, a farm owner in the Eastern part of Iowa (USA), 've been trying to dig a new well on the site. A hot day on 23 July 2001, he finally started to work. What surprise of Marvin, when, having dug out a pit of about 2.5 m, he came upon a very solid stone. Trying to take it to the surface, a farmer discovered that the width and length of the stone exceed a meter. After many unsuccessful attempts to shift their discovery from the place, Rainwater decided that, probably, he had met a layer of bedrock, although it is usually not fit so close to the surface. Rainwater in his youth he studied Geology and easily determined that the stone is not like limestone, very common in Eastern Iowa. Further investigation showed that the stone surface has no rude and rough natural breed, and, on the contrary, is a smooth, polished.
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Viewings: 5692
Спор вокруг «Кеннуикского человека» This man lived in America 9300 years ago. Now for the right to own it remains argue archaeologists and American Indians. The most surprising, that, judging by the structure of the skull, ancient aboriginal was not an Indian. Who is he?
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Viewings: 5533
Карфаген – проклятие Рима The ruins of Carthage, the greatest city of the Ancient world, are in Tunisia. So far not revealed the secrets of his, and perhaps they will go into oblivion - modern villas of the rich Tunisians already came close to the ruins of the former capital of the world".
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Viewings: 5968
Прошлое Большого Зимбабве The origin of the Great Zimbabwe ruins of which were found in the late nineteenth century in the heart of South Africa, still remains a mystery. Some Europeans believed that a stone fortress, one of the cities of the Queen of Sheba. According to rumors, the city had a fabulous wealth, it has even been suggested that it is biblical Ophir, which was delivered gold and jewels to king Solomon.
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Viewings: 5956
Цивилизация Ифе In the first quarter of the XIX century the English Hugh Clapperton and brothers Lendery managed to get into the inner region of Nigeria, a country of many Yoruba people. The price of their own lives they studied previously not accessible areas of the African continent, and found there the ruins of the once powerful state, which was called by the name of its capital, located in the extreme North-East of the country. According to legends, the rulers of Oyo once subordinated vast territory, which included almost all of Nigeria, as well as modern Dahomey and Togo. On behalf of one of its peoples inhabiting Oyo called Yoruba.
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Viewings: 5677
Тайны страны Куш International archeological expedition in Sudan is trying to save the remnants of the ancient culture on the territory, which will soon be on the bottom of the new reservoir.
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Viewings: 5558
Загадка «лузирского человека» Almost sixty years ago, the inmates of the prison, located on the hill of Luzira near the Ugandan capital Kampala, dug a trench for the Foundation for the construction of outbuildings. Pick one of them suddenly struck solid object - the sculptural image of a human head. The discovery was part of a ceramic figures. Next unearthed fragments of the trunk and extremities... Builders refused to work on this place: many assured that found the sculpture portends misfortune.
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Viewings: 5654
Догоны – посланцы Сириуса? In 1950, ethnologists Marcel Grill Germain and Dieterlen said in a brief article that by studying the life of a small tribe catches living in our time still primitive communal system, they found the natives extraordinary knowledge of the distant star system of Sirius. The Dogon told researchers that "the height of the sky" is "beautiful star Sigue". Around her, according to their information, rotates another star - Tolo. "On" in the language of the tribe means "wheat grain". It is interesting that in the modern astronomical literature this star is called the Latin word Digitaria that also means "wheat grain". Digitaria is the most severe star system of Sirius, it's invisible to the human eye, and the period of its circulation around Sigue is 50 years. The Dogon also report that the system of Sirius includes two more stars. One of them they call Emma Ya It more Digitaria, but 4 times lighter than her. Another satellite, Sigue is very far from him, and rotates in the opposite direction.
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Viewings: 5532
Библейский код: новейшие пророчества Several years ago the new York journalist Michael Drosnin made a name for himself by writing a book about that in the biblical text is allegedly a secret code. Recently he presented to the readers of his new creation - the "Bible code II : the countdown has started.
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Viewings: 5503
Найдено доказательство реальности Иисуса Христа! Although the identity of the great founder of the Christian religion of Jesus of Nazareth known to man two thousand years, until recently there was the evidence of His earthly existence, in addition to the written evidence. And here at the end of October of last year, the journal of Biblical archaeological journal" reported the sensational discovery, leaving no doubt the real existence of this largest in the history of the figure. For atheists this fact means the confirmation of the historicity of Christ and the believers he gives great joy of receiving one of the greatest Christian Holy places.
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Viewings: 5161
В поисках ковчега Завета According to legend, the ark of the Covenant, representing a silver casket that contains the saints of tablets with the ten commandments written by Moses from the words of the Lord God. On this subject Steven Spielberg was shot adventure film "the Seekers of the lost Ark"in which Indiana Jones makes heroic deeds on the way to the desired sanctuary - the ark of the Covenant.
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