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Viewings: 3507
Косточковые фрукты защищают от диабета и сердечно-сосудистых хворейPeaches, plums and nectarines contain bioactive substances that have the potential to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular diseases associated with obesity.
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Viewings: 3983
Тайна странных кругов на полях раскрыта!American scientists finally figured out the secret of the mysterious crop circles! Who is not only attributed creating perfectly smooth circles. Some said that they made people (but how then to explain the absence of traces?), someone attributed to these circles of divine origin, and most were inclined to think that the circles draw the alien ships. But last week shrouded mystery was solved! There were more than ordinary explanation of unusual shapes. Strange circles draw... Hedgehogs! Yes, these little spiky creatures, as it turned out, curled in a ball and roll around on the field in a circle!
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Viewings: 4295
Лед в Арктике тает - на Земле холодаетStill very strange thing that global warming: someone from him hot, and someone - on the contrary. Here and scientists from the U.S. he is linked abnormally cold winters of recent years that regularly froze residents of the Northern hemisphere. More specifically, with very rapid melting of Arctic glaciers, the reason of which is the global warming.
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Viewings: 3238
Цветение Черного моря становится рекордным, заявляют экспертыThe flowering of the Black sea becomes a record, it lasts for a month and covers the entire deep-water part of the sea, is spoken in the message of engineering and technological center (ITC) "Center".
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Viewings: 4047
Forbes: извините климатические паникёры, но Земля остываетThe idea of climate change itself is already in the process of final refutation of climate alarmists who believe that human use of fossil fuels is responsible for catastrophic global warming. This is because the natural cycles already deployed towards cooling, global temperatures have already reduced about 10 years, and will continue to fall for another 10-20 years.
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Viewings: 5434
Why recently in the middle East UFO issued for the Russian rocket. Who is to blame that the Russian security agencies so many suicides and why we are forty years kept reverent the bloody mystery of Nikita Khrushchev?

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Viewings: 4870
"Ледяной кубик" отгадал нейтринную загадкуScientists from neutrino Observatory Ice Cube made a sensational discovery. They managed to prove that neutrino different types of high energies, too, are transformed into each other. Before such was considered impossible is believed that when the energy of these particles comes to a few hundred GeV, search for oscillations lose practical sense.
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Viewings: 3645
Скрытые сокровища далекой галактикиIn the galaxy m that is in the constellation of Virgo, something strange happens. The telescope "Hubble" recorded some spark, not like a star with variable illumination, nor supernova explosion. "Compromising" galaxy picture was found in the electronic library Amateur astronomer M. Nowak, participant of the contest"Hidden treasures".
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Viewings: 3851
Прогресс цивилизаций зависит от географии?Theory "continental axis" occupies the minds of scientists for decades. According to her, the more chances for prosperity and the rule have civilization living on an extended from East to West territory. The inhabitants "vertical" of the States, elongated from North to South, more likely to suffer from civil wars and die. Is this a strange idea has a scientific basis? American researchers believe that found a link between geography and progress.
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Viewings: 4139
Шестое чувство: загадка телепатииStatistics show that at least 60 percent of people believe in the possibility of telepathic communication. Yes and scientists conducted dozens, hundreds of experiments to establish a mental contact, put forward a number of interesting theories explaining this phenomenon. And yet still no one can confidently answer the question: is there a telepathy?
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Viewings: 3422
Ученый шантажирует сообщество разгадкой тайны «неизвестного вулкана»"We have a new and irrefutable evidence that reveals the secret of the mysterious eruption in the history of Volcanology," says Frank lavigne.
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Viewings: 4689
Ларчик, в котором живёт диббукNot so long ago on the Internet auction has a new lot. The owner, Joseph Netzke, student of the forestay Missouri, called it "zagovornik box for wine". In it were two curl, a statuette made of granite, dried rose Bud, two coins and a candlestick. Netzke honestly warned: box brings misfortune and it, probably, settled dibbuk. (The spirit that instead of the other world settled in our. This spruce was also called the spirits of the dead, slavsya alive with the light intentions).
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Viewings: 4656
Список стран и городов, которые утонут в ближайшие десятилетияHumanity's time to say goodbye to a sinking Amsterdam, Venice, Tripoli, Yokohama and the Maldives.
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Viewings: 5545
НЛО вопросы и ответы.Когда ждать вторжения инопланетян?Probably, you are not one time a long time gazing at the sparkling diamonds star placers, trying to guess where the pulsing life, where sparks blaze of mind, where just stare into space dal eyes alien beings. And then you start to overflow the thoughts and feelings, hopes and fears...
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Viewings: 6554
О вреде африканских масокMy interlocutor name is Victor Pavlovich, Colonel jingoism and retirement, the participant of liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl accident. His behavior, the ability to hold yourself, special army specifics to describe the events - all says that this man is simply unable to imagine, let alone to dream foldable so that his stories can be easily written in an exciting artistic novel.
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