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Viewings: 4933
Звездная вера египтян It was down in Memphis, one of the largest cities of the Country of pharaohs, at the time when the rules of its king Amenemhat. On the penultimate day of the fourth month of the first season, in the hour of dawn the sun, Takamine, the wife of a prominent official Sebastea, gave birth to a daughter. Great was the joy of their relatives, who saw that the girl was healthy. Two and a half years ago in the family Subestate first-born son, but after a few months of death had took him. A few weeks the mother mourned the baby, who was later buried on the West Bank of the Nile, putting a face to the ground. Guilt acted smart Takamine. That she might be the cause misfortune? Shortly before the birth of her son she stretched out on a bed with her husband, it was one of those "unfortunate" days in which the stars don't allow spouses to get close... But time heals all wounds" - this wisdom was known to the Egyptians. Cries stopped, stopped crying - Takamine again waited for the child.
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Viewings: 4306
Пирамиды летали по воздуху... Researchers in many countries have long tormented by the question: how did the creators of the Egyptian pyramids were brought huge blocks from the quarry to the construction site? It seems that one person in the world knew the answer, and it helped him to build a giant coral castle in Florida.
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Viewings: 4184
Страсти вокруг пирамиды Хеопса "A strange and unexplainable phenomena surround the Great pyramids". Today this conclusion is no longer just a stamp that roamed scientific-popular editions. Recently, these "strange and unexplained phenomena began to occur not only in the Egyptian pyramids, but also indirectly affected studying their researchers...
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Viewings: 9312
Вторая жизнь Нефертити Nefertiti was not only the Queen, she was revered as a goddess. The most famous and perhaps the most beautiful of the wives of the Egyptian pharaohs lived with her Royal spouse in a huge luxurious Palace on the East Bank of the Nile. It seemed that she had to have the same luxury apartments and after death. However, all signs of the Royal position after her death over 3300 years ago disappeared. In February 2002 from Egypt returned group of the British scientists from the University of York. After data processing archaeologist Joanne Fletcher made a sensational statement - found the mummy of Nefertiti.
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Viewings: 6410
Битва при Кадеше In the XIII century BC on the Egyptian throne after the death of the Pharaoh of SETI I was succeeded by his son Ramesses II. It was, perhaps, the most famous Pharaoh of Egypt, who ruled for more than 60 years who had about a hundred children, and died almost a hundred years old. During the first four years of the reign passionate Ramses expanded the temple of Luxor, completed the finishing of the great hall of columns in Carnac, began the construction of their Church Million Years in the country and built a new capital PI-Ramesses in the Nile Delta.
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Viewings: 4263
Тайна гибели Тутанхамона It looks like two modern detectives managed to unravel the mystery of the untimely death of the young Egyptian king Tutankhamun barely eighteen years old when he died. According to detectives, they found not only evidence that Tutankhamun was killed, but found the murderer.
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Viewings: 5212
Таинственный египетский мегалит In 1998, the expedition of scientists, led by Fred Vendorom, an American Professor of anthropology from southern Methodist University, discovered in the province of Aswan in southern Egypt, near the town of Nabta-Playa made of big stones in a circle, inside of which were delivered "on the pop massive stone blocks. The locality is located just one hundred kilometers to the West of Abu Simbel, famous for its temples, carved in the rocks in the XIII century BC, and the giant statues of Ramses II. According to radiocarbon Dating, the ancient monument was constructed not less than 6500 years ago, that is a thousand years before the famous British Stonehenge.
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Viewings: 4677
Загадки гуанчей "...Today the smell shore caught it very early, he realized that he hears it in his sleep, and went to bed, to see the white tops of cliffs rising from the sea, the harbour and the Bay of the Canary Islands". These lines Hemingway, taken from the novel "the Old man and the sea", perhaps the most expressive in all the literature on the Canary Islands. Lying at the crossroads, Islands firmly established in the sailing directions and notes seafarers in the tourist and trade directories. Their beauty not once sang ancient. To the shores of the Canary Islands stuck galleys of the Cretans and the Phoenicians, the Greek pyatidesyatiletiya and Roman tribes of liburni. ...Early in the morning if humid ocean wind does not bring from the North Atlantic grey rain clouds and Sugar not recalls its presence clouds of yellow sand, on the Moroccan coast you can see a white on the horizon cap eternal snows of El Teide, the largest mountains of the Canary archipelago. Dazzling top of the volcano is visible from the side of the ocean. It became a beacon for the first Spanish captains 575 years ago...
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Viewings: 4446
«Учителя римлян» – этруски In 1968 Italian workers were expanded motorway from the sea to the Adriatic coast. These places are famous by many ancient burial places, because no one was surprised when the bucket was the urn or a jug with verdigris from time coins. However, at some point works were suspended. All stood still, waiting for the chief archaeologist Gino Vinicko Gentili, who led the excavations in places.
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Viewings: 4323
Дельфийский оракул: правда и вымысел In ancient times people paid a great attention to the prophecies. They were conducted in special temples and drew crowds afflicted. Although Oracle communicated intermediary, or, as we would say today, the medium was considered that his voice says the prophet himself. One of the most revered prophets of Ancient Greece was the Oracle of Delphi, who settled in the temple of Apollo at the foot of mount Parnassus in Delphi.
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Viewings: 5544
Троя – споры вокруг легендарного городаThe time of oblivion passed. Troy, fabulous city of ancient Greek epic, acquires its true history.
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Viewings: 4224
На подступах к минойской культуре When the XIX century in Akrotiri on the island of Santorini discovered ancient ruins in science even was such a thing as the Minoan culture. There were only vague guesses about the existence of some Mediterranean culture based on found in Egypt imported ceramic products of unknown origin. Probably, for this reason, between the opening of Akrotiri in the middle of the XIX century and the beginning of the excavations in 1964, it took almost a hundred years. Of course in the XX century the excavations at Akrotiri was conducted on a higher scientific and technical level than it would be in the XIX century. Experts now have sparing methods of extraction from the earth valuable fragments of ruins and know how to save ancient times thanks to the recently introduced methods of conservation. We are talking first of all about the preservation of the valuable frescos, discovered in the excavations.
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Viewings: 5159
Исчезновение амазонокLegends of the Greek antiquity, brought to us by Homer and Herodotus, tell of the tribe of Amazons - virgins-warrior who lived on the shores of the Black sea, "in the wilds of Scythia far". In their Kingdom is no place for men. Bold and ruthless, they were fighting at the walls of Troy against the Greeks. The legend is it has a real basis, or idle tale? Or the Greeks had a chance to meet with the tribe that lived under the laws of matriarchy, and the meeting was so impressed by them that we, and now, three thousand years later, repeated the ancient truth that in our mouth has long turned into a myth?
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Viewings: 2934
Ещё одно исследование подтвердило антропогенный характер глобального потепленияHow to prove anthropogenic global warming? For example, you can compare the results of two climate models: one - greenhouse gases produced by humanity, and another without them. At the same time it turns out, what role in warming is played by natural factors: solar activity, volcanic eruptions, etc.
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Viewings: 3381
Чёрные дыры предложено использовать вместо экспериментальных ускорителейResearchers from the Institute of theoretical physics at the Vienna technical University, suggested the use of black holes (BH) for the search for axions, all attempts to discover that using experimental particle accelerators has not yet been successful.
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