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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 6294
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Viewings: 4775
Modern Russians, Vikings, Chud ferruginous -- who are they? A generation without the past, seeking historical reconstruction is a social phenomenon that is rapidly developing in Russia today.

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Viewings: 4647
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Viewings: 5040
Наша Вселенная выдыхаетсяAccording to the most complete at the moment the investigation of the age of the night sky, a large part of the stars that ever will exist, have already appeared. About it says Iain Steadman in Wired Magazine (USA).
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Viewings: 4873
Британские астрономы рассказали о грядущем солнечном затменииAccording to the astronomers, November 13 GMT on Earth there will be a full solar Eclipse, and its impact will be seen to be felt by people in all corners of the planet. And it's no wonder Vedic astrology Sun is responsible for the vitality, health, will-power, ability to operate and manage. Astrologers warn that the high activity of our luminary can deprive some people of these qualities, worsening health. Experts advise not to plan anything for that day and to refrain from making important decisions. The shadow of the Eclipse will not affect Russia, and see him only South of the Pacific Ocean.
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Viewings: 6458
Зачем покупать телескопTelescopes are sold on every corner and available to everyone. But does it make much sense this purchase, and will not turn out whether she expectations?
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Viewings: 4869
План "Барбаросса": капут немцам и историкамWestern historians write about the Second World war and the failure of Hitler's operations "Barbarossa"? A magnificent plan for rapid conquest of the USSR broke vast distances and a winter storm. But is it? And what about the Red army? The Defense Of Moscow? In the end, the Russians also suffered from the cold. Maybe we should look at a map and rewrite history?
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Viewings: 5184
1812 год: несправедливо забытый геройStill in the shadow of the figure is one out of three (Barclay, Bagration and Tormasov) commanders West Russian armies - General Alexander Petrovich tormasow, although he only for the Patriotic war of 1812 was given the highest award of the Russian Empire - the order of St. Andrew the first-called. His name is not called the streets of Russian cities. Even on the pedestal of the monument to Kutuzov at Borodino panorama in Moscow among the figures commanders not seen tormasow.
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Viewings: 4667
Планеты Солнечной системы - ровесникиIt is believed that all the planetary systems are formed of two components - of chondrules and calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAW). For a long time scientists thought that both of these components were formed at different times: first appeared KAV, but after a few million years appeared and Hendry. But recent studies have shown that most likely they were born at the same time.
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Viewings: 4086
Внутренних часов у человека многоIf you disconnect your computer, throw clock and stop watch mobile phone, you will still not get rid of the feeling of passing minutes, hours and days. The brain has its own sense of time. Previously it was assumed that in the Central nervous system has a separate area-timer. As shown by recent experiments, the sense of time in the brain decentralized. For each and every task he gets a separate "watch" in different areas. It is an evolutionary mechanism, formed over millions of years. The sense of time, by the way, is characteristic not only to people, it is, and the animals.
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Viewings: 4670
Марс а натюрельInterplanetary expedition is a long, costly and risky. And so attempts to organize a round-trip airfare and does can be counted on the fingers of one hand. In fact, lunar soil and to this day remains the only example of a large-scale delivery to Earth extraterrestrial matter.
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Viewings: 4935
Новый вид пролил свет на эволюцию рогатых динозавровDinosaur with spiked head who roamed Canada 78 million years ago, was the oldest horned lizard, found in North America.
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Viewings: 4325
Действительно ли современные люди глупее предков?In the journal Trends in Genetics published an article in two parts (1 and 2), which can kinda Elvish to please the enemies of progress, agitating for a return of humanity to the pristine natural purity. Its author, Gerald Crabtree of Stanford University (USA), argues that in comparison with the ancestors of modern man was pretty stupid. Arguments in favor of this view may formulate any who are in school at least slightly acquainted with the principle of natural selection, but in this study, they look like this.
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Viewings: 3589
Единственное затмение в году вызвало туристический бумOnly in 2012, a total solar Eclipse will occur on the Earth on 13 November. The full phase of the Eclipse will be visible only in the North of Australia.
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Viewings: 4491
November 2, in the press-center of the Internet-newspaper "Obozrevatel" held a press conference on the theme: "a Solar Eclipse 14.11: imaginary threats, real opportunities."
In press-conference took part:
-co-founder of the Union of Astrologers of Ukraine, Chairman of the Kyiv regional organization of the Union of Astrologers of Ukraine, author of "Astrological calendar for Ukraine" Elena Asipenka;
-editor of the "Astrological calendar for Ukraine", the publisher of the books "the zodiac-the Temple of doom" and "the Art of interpreting" Yuri Buyanov

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