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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 5189
В Ужгороде для туристов организуют "уфологическую зону"Unusual tourist attraction will soon appear in Uzhgorod. It will present students of the Department of tourism will Dine. The city will have its own tourist UFO-Zone", designed to draw people's attention to the problem of hypothetical contact with extraterrestrial civilizations...
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Viewings: 5743
Спальня – самое аллергенное место в доме!British scientists say that in his own bedroom we "sleeping with the enemy" in the literal sense of the word: in our bed full of potential instigators of allergic reactions.
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Viewings: 4459
Китайцы отметили День холостяка, потратив за сутки в интернете 3 млрд долларовInvented by the Chinese students in the 90-ies of the Day bachelor gained popularity among the inhabitants of China. Day, 11 November (date must contain four units) had grown from a student traditions in publicly favorite event thanks to the activity of the Chinese sector of electronic Commerce. It is in this day of online stores offer their customers a variety of bonuses, gifts and discounts of up to 70%, writes RBC daily.
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Viewings: 5287
HD 40307g – потенциально обитаемая экзопланетаOnly 42 light years from us comfortably settled planet that could be inhabited.
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Viewings: 3680
Китайский космический аппарат приземлится на Луне уже совсем скороIn 2013, the Chinese space Agency is going to land on the moon your aircraft.
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Viewings: 3842
"Одиссей" проснулся и готов к трудуThe Orbiter "Mars-Odyssey"at the beginning of June this year, translated into safe mode because of problems in navigation systems, recently returned to work. However, as commented by representatives of NASA, for that the probe had to go on a spare set of equipment. He has already started to transfer data from the Rover opportunity".
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Viewings: 5019
Вильгельм Рентген открыл Х-лучи, когда ему уже было за 50A true saying, if an elderly person is not able to do extraordinary breakthrough. The famous German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered the mysterious rays, named after his name, when he was already over 50. Old age has not affected the care of the scientist, and his hard work and the desire to establish the truth.
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Viewings: 3849
Новый проект по изучению снега принесёт лавину данныхMountain - barometers of climate change, but so far science has no answers to the simplest questions about them. How much snow on the top and slopes? As the snow cover varies from year to year?
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Viewings: 5379
Чем полезен зелёный чайBlack and green teas contain about 30 thousand different polyphenolic compounds, some of which has already proved its real, not imaginary usefulness, significantly reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and small cell lung inflammation in fat tissue, causing diabetes of the second type.
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Viewings: 4376
Замечен хороший кандидат в блуждающие планетыWith the help of "Very large telescope" and telescope "Canada-France-Hawaii" the European southern Observatory has revealed the body, which is likely to be a planet, restless wandering in interstellar space. Today it is the most prominent candidate for this title and, by the way, the closest to us: to him about 100 light-years. Such a small distance and the lack of bright stars in the vicinity of the planet will allow specialists to get important information about its characteristics.
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Viewings: 5680
Иисус в Исламе: не Бог, но ПророкOnce in Palestine wars were fought over the Holy Sepulchre. Christians fought with Muslims, not accept Christ. The Muslims fought against Christians, not recognized the Prophet. And if the latter can not agree, then the first - not quite true: Jesus Muslims believe. And even revered as almost immortal. It is almost. Why? Let's face it.
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Viewings: 3850
Человечество утрачивает мозг и способность мыслить Humanity is rapidly growing dull, and it is not a poetic metaphor, but a scientific fact. We lose the ability to think, because this is not required for survival.
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Viewings: 3625
Американские учёные изобрели искусственную кожу, способную к восстановлениюHuman skin is a unique material, characterized above all flexibility. Thanks to this, our skin does not crack when, for example, we have to closing. One more distinctive property - sensitivity to stimuli that are assessed as electric signals, therefore, it must conduct electricity.
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Viewings: 4306
Когда и как работает интуиция?Amazing results received psychologists from the School of Psychological science from the University of tel Aviv. It turns out, instinctively decisions provide high positive results.
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Viewings: 3850
Tens of thousands of scientists, tourists, Amateur astronomers and ordinary Australians were able to see the incredible beauty of the spectacle - a total solar Eclipse.

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