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Viewings: 5805
Добрая нечистьMany believe that ghosts cause us harm: provoke bad deeds and knocked the right track. Is it really?
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Viewings: 4938
In Bashkortostan was found the so-called "Card Creator"in Bulgaria - the skull of an alien in the Tula region - stone with the image of strange creatures. What hides behind mysterious artifacts from the past?

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Viewings: 4934
For centuries, different cultures through a variety of means, ranging from crystal balls, and ending with the stars, trying to predict the future. Sometimes they managed to do it with incredible precision! And even now in the 21st century this tradition continues. But now researchers of the future look to exact Sciences. Who will be the next Nostradamus?

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Viewings: 5321
Кто же подтолкнул Землю?The star can "pull" the neighboring developing system. That's such a hypothesis was proposed to explain the strange paths of some of the exoplanets, as well as long-standing mysteries of inclination of the orbit of the Earth itself at 7 relative to the solar equator.
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Viewings: 5382
Крокодилы оказались чувствительнее людейRecently American zoologists managed to figure out how female crocodiles can move in to graze their eggs or young, not causing them the trauma of their teeth. It appears, on the face of these reptiles have special receptors capable of extremely finely adjust the pressure of the jaws. In the world of animals are the most sensitive organs of touch.
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Viewings: 4788
Приготовьтесь наблюдать за ближайшим метеоритным дождемDark moonless night, and the clear sky - ideal conditions in order to observe the amazing phenomenon - meteor rain - Leonide, the peak of which is expected in the night from Friday to Saturday (16-17 November 2012).
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Viewings: 6547
10 недоказанных вещей, в которые люди все равно верятEmpirical evidence allow us to understand what to believe and what not, but sometimes get cold hard facts is impossible. Even when we have no solid evidence to support the existence of something, people tend anyhow extend" faith in certain things.
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Viewings: 6571
10 распространенных научных мифовWe have certain views that are based on personal experience, education, the media and opinion of the people around us.
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Viewings: 8051
Каждые 3600 лет Нибиру проходила нашу Солнечную систему между орбитами Марса и ЮпитераSeveral billion years ago there was a big planet Tiamat. Rotate it around the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. Then there was another huge planet Nibiru, moving in the opposite direction in relation to other planets.
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Viewings: 5989
Новая угроза — нанопыльThe dust is not innocuous. Not only home that can cause allergies, asthma and even damage your computer. Most of dangerous industrial dust: it is a threat to life.
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Viewings: 6015
О существовании иной реальности после нашей смертиThe book of Ibena Alexander the Third in literally blew up the world. Reported it today, magazines, said public figures and politicians, professional sphere shaken to its foundations.
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Viewings: 5253
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Viewings: 5670
Сегодня день почитания образа Богоматери Смоленской-ШуйскойSmolenskaya-Shuya Theotokos icon is especially revered by the Orthodox three days in a year - on 15 November (new style), 10 August and Tuesday of the Bright week. This list of Smolensk image of the virgin written by a monk by the lacrimal the request of parishioners of the resurrection Church of the village of Shuya, whose residents died from the deadly pestilence. And most pure heard their prayer.
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Viewings: 4658
Уровень загрязнения атмосферы достиг своего максимума за всю историюEmployees of the Institute of renewable energy in Germany stated that the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has broken all records. Statistics shows that their number in comparison with 2011 increased by 2.5 percent. Also for comparison, we can take the data 1900, according to which the total volume of harmful emissions in the atmosphere has increased in 2 times. It should be noted that more than 25% of all pollution comes from China. For example, emissions of the USA in two times less than in China.
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Viewings: 5315
ГМО помидоры защитят от атеросклерозаCalifornia state University: genetically modified foods is much more effective to cope with illnesses than drugs. They talked about it during the meeting of the American heart Association 2012. So, head of research, Alan Fogelman, shared the results of the work.
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