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Мифы и реальность проекта «HAARP». Страшилка двадцать первого векаThe American project "HARP" (HAARP) a difficult fate. Publications there are not very many, but about them is blown something fantastic. For example, the media announced that as a result of "HARP" occurred South Asian tsunami in Sumatra moved tens of meters, has moved itself the earth's axis that "HARP" is a variety of weather anomalies, plasma clouds that are easily directed to the aircraft and "other objects", and the "cool" - the earthquake.

Almost all these myths. Some we will discuss below, some are simply absurd and not worth attention. However, the project "HARP" - that is truly serious (see, for example [1]).

On materials of INTERFAX-AVN from 08.08.2002: "Deputies of the state Duma of Russia expressed concern about the development in the US qualitatively new weapon. The USA within the framework of scientific program of HAARP is actually engaged in the creation of a new kind of arms - integral geophysical weapons that have an impact on the near-earth medium with high-frequency radio waves. The significance of this qualitative leap in the system of arms comparable with the transition from a cold weapon to fire or from conventional to nuclear".

Features of the project "HARP". State Duma deputies, probably, have at their disposal enough correct information, - the statement is missing a "scary" the results of the project. But the project is already for a long time, since 1960, under different names. In popular publications are mixed together true and a fabrication. Refer to physics.

First, consider what "...the impact on the near-earth medium with high-frequency radio waves...". Here, under "the near-earth environment" refers to the so-called ionosphere - a part of the atmosphere above the stratosphere. Density there is very little, but most of ionized particles, i.e. has electric charges. Radio waves of most radio stations are distributed around the circumference of the globe, periodically reflected from the bottom of the ionosphere. This lower limit is approximately on the height of 100 km But it is certainly not a mirror, so the radio waves, reflected, as both would move the border up and down. If the intensity of the radio waves small as broadcasting stations, the response of the ionosphere almost invisible. If the "kick" powerful, the result is a "swinging" of the ionosphere.

Studies of the reactions of the ionosphere on the powerful strikes have been conducted so far with a few basic purposes, mainly for military purposes. The first is the search for methods of communication with submarines. The second is identifying the optimal frequency for radar detection strategic missiles and military satellites. This is like a "protective" tasks. But every coin, as it is known, there are two sides. In the course of the research there appeared the third objective - massive impact on a very large territory electromagnetic fields biologically dangerous frequencies.
Consider everything in order.

Communication with submarines - is a very difficult task. In seawater radio waves normal frequencies does not practically penetrate. That is, to listen to radio or watch TV shows on submarines impossible. But the boat it is necessary to give commands to a ground point. That was a communication problem. To address this problem, the majority of countries with submarine fleet (including the USSR and now Russia), has allocated a lot of money.

For example, one well-known project of the USA under the name "Sanguin". Imagine the antenna is transmitting system "Sanguin" - its length reached about 30 km of Transmission was performed at the frequencies of about 100 Hz. But at this frequency signal almost faded already at a depth of 10-20 m-That is, the efficiency of communication was very small. It would seem, so what? Would rise submarine closer to the surface and would have received the necessary orders! But not all so is simple. To be constantly on the depth of 10-20 m submarine worthless. And not only because at this depth pumps (from wind waves on the surface), but also because it can "detect". For example, from satellites. Had to look for other ways. Such a path has been through the effects on the ionosphere.

Radar tasks. The second goal is too difficult to achieve. After all, due to the fact that the particles in the ionosphere electrically charged, any radio waves through it just don't go - they are reflected. You need to look for a specific frequency. Moreover, for each layer of the ionosphere (and several of them: E, F1, F2, etc.) there is some so-called critical frequency. So conventional radars not applicable for detection "something bad" in the ionosphere, and beyond.

Critical frequency. Ionospheric layers are located at different heights and different concentration of charged particles [2]. The bottom - E-layer, sporadic. It is located on the heights of 80 to 100 km and is different in that it is often not continuous but consist of a cloud of charged particles. When ionospheric sounding using a special radio-emitting at a variable frequency, in the gaps between the "clouds" beam can pass without attenuation and to achieve a higher layer of the ionosphere. On the E-layer, at an altitude of 250 miles, is a layer F1 (concentration* charged particles 3 • 105 e./cm3). Even higher layer F2: height approximately 350-400 km, concentration of particles 8 • 105 e./cm3.

In a certain range of frequencies reflected from each layer constantly. But on reaching a certain frequency, it disappears, and apparently registered the height of the layer increases dramatically. However, that is not the layer itself, and the conditions of signal reflections, starting with the critical frequencies of the signal radar simply "penetrates" layer. The value of this frequency depends on the maximum concentration of charged particles in probing the layer at the time of measurement.

The earthquake and the critical frequency of the ionosphere. Before the earthquake electrical processes in the crust sharply intensified as well due to mechanical stresses. Accordingly sharply increase the electrification of the whole atmosphere, including the troposphere, stratosphere, and the ionosphere. More intensive electrification means an increase in the number of charged particles. Thus it is quite natural change of critical frequency of ionospheric layers.

Investigation of variations of critical frequencies as before the earthquakes, and during earthquakes were held several times [3]. The appearance of such variations, significantly ahead of itself earthquake, can be considered as a good prognostic factor. To widely use this factor until it is too sparse network of stations that register ionospheric critical frequencies.
But we are not interested in the problem of earthquake prediction. In popular publications about the project "HARP" examined the relationship between earthquakes and ionosphere is interpreted as the opportunity to initiate earthquakes electromagnetic "blows" by the ionosphere. But that being said, already too much. Identified aggregated links are never relationships. Yes, the accumulation of mechanical stresses in the earth's crust may cause local perturbations in the ionosphere, but not Vice versa.

A little bit of biology and physics. Even on the found optimal frequencies "penetration of the ionosphere" a significant part of the radio wave energy is still reflected, exciting variations of the ionosphere. With biologically hazardous frequencies - in the field to 10 Hz. Surprisingly, the first open Russian publication about excitation of oscillations at frequencies 7-8 Hz such locator was "biological", is a small section in very serious monographs, which have no relation to physics [4]. All the ionosphere, of course, not excited, but the effect was indeed observed.
A little bit of biology. Frequency of electromagnetic oscillations 7-8 Hz is the resonant frequency of a neutral zone between two charged surfaces. Electromagnetic field such frequency existed since very ancient times, since then, how did the system of the surface of the Earth-ionosphere. This field is influenced living beings even in the time of trilobites, everybody got used to it and uses for their needs. For example, one of the major hypotheses - "biological clock". Because all animals somehow ticking! Any person, if he wants to Wake up at the specified time, will Wake up without an alarm clock. And with very little error. It turns out that the most reliable "metronome" is perceived by the body's resonant frequency 7-8 Hz. The figure shows a generalized energy spectrum of the resonator.

Fig. 1. Schumann resonances
It is seen that the main fashion - just 7-8 Hz. Spectral density subsequent mod exponentially decreases. The peculiarities of the spectrum have called Schumann resonance.
Changes in the intensity of this resonance field, of course, there are. This is usually due to natural hazards [5], for example, with the approaching cyclone, storm, storm. All life on Earth, probably, has learned to perceive the strengthening of the resonance field as a danger signal. It is necessary to go deep (fish), you must close the dwelling (ants), etc.

People also perceive this field, but usually unconscious: to afflict something, joints ache, nerves have russulales... drivers for reinforcement of the field increases the reaction time (on the average on 20-30 MS). At a speed of 70-80 km/h, the car rides for these millisecond extra half a meter. Like anything special, as if suddenly appeared oncoming car and driver delayed pressed on the brake? In the result of the accident. Indeed, Statistatistical data show a sharp increase of traffic accidents in strengthening disturbance of the electromagnetic field. In addition, due to the impact on the nervous system increases social tension: not, "how", elections could take place, suddenly break out of the strike be declared hunger strike, etc.

It turns out that artificial initiation of electromagnetic signals through the effects on the ionosphere can be outwardly, subtle but effective weapons. That is the obvious danger, which apparently drew the attention of the state Duma of the Russian Federation.

Again physics: some features of special equipment VLF range. To affect the near-earth environment, you can not only use high-frequency radio waves, but with a very low frequency (VLF), in the range of 3-30 kHz. Technical interest in the VLF-fields appeared in connection with some of the magnetosphere resonance spillovers. Recall that the magnetosphere is the region of earth's atmosphere, located significantly above the ionosphere. Naturally, the interest to the detected effects is not academic, they can see the prospects ensure reliable communication with underwater objects.

Experiments with active VLF transmitters began long ago. The impact on the magnetosphere beginning to be studied Stanford group Helliwell (USA) in 1957 with the use of the transmitter NSS. Many groups abroad and in the USSR, using the transmitters of different types, continued these studies. The table lists used VLF-emitters (usually with a whip antennas).

The latitude specified geomagnetic that in this case more appropriate. From a number of the detected effects is for us the most interesting so-called demodulation, due to the nonlinear properties of the magnetosphere [6], they are of great interest due to the initiation of biologically active electromagnetic fields. Moreover, with this in the troposphere, has increased field of Schumann resonances.

About myths. Can the effects on the ionosphere cause earthquakes? Of course not. It is too rare and too dense areas of the earth's crust, which are the sources of earthquakes. So it's the same thing that kick sand on the cliff.

And whether such effect, turn the earth's axis? Also there. It's not even a grain of sand on the cliff. When writing about it, you somehow forget that the Earth is rotating top. Linear speed of any point on the equator of more than 1500 km/H. Try to imagine how you can rotate the axis of such a giant rotating mass.

Is it possible to create in the ionosphere plasma cloud, you can burn the planes and missiles? The cloud is, of course, to make, but it is nothing to burn you can't. Again, due to the small density. Those who write about this, apparently, is bad imagine what the temperature.

Is it possible to control the weather? Similarly, no. The weather is formed very energetically powerful processes. In meteorology sometimes uses the term "trigger", but this "hook" at the bottom, in the dense layers of the atmosphere. And in General the weather is determined by the processes in the layer to a height of about 10 km And the ionosphere, located at an altitude of over 100 kilometers

So many descriptions of crazy consequences of application technologies "HARP", except, of course, the biological side, remain myths.
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