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The earthquake of 9 points on the Richter scale killed in South-West Asia, not less than 200 thousand people and brought countless disasters to a number of countries. It even moved pole, changed the geography of some regions and the angular velocity of rotation of the Earth. Soon after the catastrophe, in early January 2005, again, there was talk of war, top secret experiencing ecological weapon - these tests, they say, and caused the earthquake. Remembered about the aliens: they not trying to help us adjust wobbly rotation of the Earth, swaying from side to side.
Interestingly, some scientists have noted that after a powerful undersea earthquake of our planet and in fact began to rotate more steadily. And geochemist, Donald Depaolo from the University of California specifically stated that the Earth periodically need shaking: they regulate our habitat and the main thing - the temperature of water and air.
The frightened people were whispering that someone knowingly and pointedly nodded: of course, this is not an accident! Exactly one year ago and also on Christmas day December 26 earthquake in Iran has caused the deaths of 30 thousand people. And isn't it strange that earlier near Sumatra was not noticed much of seismic activity? And why did the US send to the place of disaster warship?
Indian media also did not miss the chance to speculate about the secret conspiracies. As the correspondent of the newspaper India Daily Sudhir of Chad stated that "recently, there were reports about contacts aliens with South Asian governments, especially with the government of India. And in the affected area often observed UFO". Some even suspect that it was a monstrous experiment, "rehearsal" of the future of the flood: how will react humanity, how it will behave?
UFO newsletter, UFO Roundup №2, dated 12 January 2005 put a selection of messages from India Daily, UFO India, USA Today, etc. that in areas where it was played the accident, a few days before saw many UFO. Such messages were received from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, etc. locals had no idea what to do with that information and to whom it should be reported. But they had the feeling that all these things were flying over them is not accidental - they wanted to get in contact and to say something important. About UFOs, by the way, reported and foreign tourists, arrived in Port Blair, the administrative center of the Andaman Islands - people saw the strange flying objects in the week prior to the disaster.
News about the appearance of UFOs over the Indian Andaman Islands caused heated debates in new Delhi - should the government to tell people what he knows about the presence of aliens. It is no secret (and this, too, wrote the newspaper India Daily)that "in Ladakh, for example, local residents have a daily occurrence that out of the ground appear large triangular UFO, and that they protect Indian security service".
Whatever it was, and publications about aliens in India appeared more and more often. He wrote, for example, if in new Delhi in one of night clubs of the omnipresent, the journalist of Subha Jane had a chance to talk with the officer of very high rank, and he argues that "in recent years, the aliens have visited most of the major States. India is no exception. They always come in contact through ground-based radar, " says the journalist from the words of his companion. The most recent contacts took place in the Himalayas and Ladakh". The aliens want the Indians knew the rules and conditions for the existence of the multidimensional Universe. Since India is planning an unmanned space mission to the moon and later to Mars, its space research organization (SRO) received from the aliens instructions on what can and cannot do in space.
According to rumors circulating in new Delhi, when the aliens come in contact with representatives of the Indian government, those initially confused. Didn't even know how to react to this. Then little by little everything settled calmed down. Everything seems to have come to the conclusion that the aliens are friendly and they need to get along with.
In Lech, one of the towns of Ladakh, a local employee confirmed that the Indian army has placed in this zone motorized brigade, who are tasked to protect the area and prevent tourists and General civil violence.
In Bangalore recently retired officer of the Indian air force was asked to speak on any subject in elementary school, his younger son. And you know what topic he has chosen for his speech? Underground UFO base in Ladakh.
However, the former Aviator began his story with new developments in technology, including space industry. The children began to ask questions - where, they say, are these technologies. And then the guest began to describe space base.
- Surrounded by two highest mountain ranges, the Himalayas and the Karakoram, the area lying opposite the other two ranges - Ladakhi and Laserskog. People live there at the height of 2750 meters in Kargil to m in Caser-Kangri. Summer temperatures rarely exceed 27 degrees Celsius, while in the winter it drops to minus 20 degrees even in Lech. Thin air makes solar heat more tangible, so that only in Ladakh sitting in the sun the man, feet which in the shade, can suffer from heat stroke and frostbite! Here is in such an unusual place newcomers and established its base!
January 9, 2005, the reporter India Daily has published an article titled "China and India know about underground bases UFO in the Himalayas". And here's what he says.
According to many ufologists, hidden UFO base is in the depths of the oceans and the earth's thicker. Kongka La is one of those places where suspicious objects appear from virtually impregnable mountains on the border of the two countries, and both of them prefer to keep quiet, what it is.
Kongka La - is a low mountain pass in the Himalayas in the disputed territory, which is claimed by both countries (it is marked on the map by a circle). The part of this territory is still under Chinese control. The Chinese kept the North-Eastern part of the territory known as Aksai Chin and India - South-West, known as the Ladakh. It is here that the Indian and Chinese army fought hard in 1962. This is one of the most remote mountain areas in the world, and according to the bilateral agreement, both countries decided not to patrol the border. Many tourists tell, however, that the border line is still under observation. Her follow Buddhist monks and local residents in Ladakh, Indian army and of Chinese military. But in this area there is something much more serious. Some local residents as with Indian and Chinese sides say that it is here that you can often see a UFO.
Recently pilgrims-Hindus, moving to a sacred mountain Kailas from Western pass, saw strange lights in the sky. Local guides told the Hindu that here it is the most common. Just in the busiest area of the Sino-Indian border strange triangular luminous aerial vehicles now and then silently appear from under the ground and almost vertically soar into the sky. Some interesting from the number of pilgrims wanted in this area to look. But they were stopped first Chinese guard posts, and then the Indian border patrol, when people tried to approach the area from different angles. And this despite the agreement on free movement between the two countries.
Then the pilgrims began to question the Indian border patrol, what is the matter. They told that they had an order of the security service - not to let this zone anyone. Here are only allowed Indian special forces and intelligence. And it is true that there are departing strange objects with very powerful lights.
When someone begins to ask about UFOs local residents, those laugh: Yes no secret there! The presence of aliens and their underground bases well-known Indian and the Chinese government. However, none of this for some reason does not want to admit it. And local authorities ordered to keep quiet.
But, the question is, why are the aliens decided to create their underground base here? But because in this place of the Eurasian and Indian tectonic plates meet. More precisely, how would one dives under another. And this is one of the few regions on the planet where the thickness of the crust is about twice the average thickness.
Double the thickness of the earth's crust allows you to create underground bases deep inside of tectonic plates. For some strange reason, neither the Chinese nor the Indians never anything here not developed, not drilled and not dug, so that the mines in these places there is the edge of pristine and untouched.
And another thing. Recently China and India suddenly rushed to solve their border problems and to re-establish Indo-Chinese relations. Here, the long part of the border between the two countries is held in Himalayas, and every part of this border on the negotiations discussed, disputed. In addition to the district of Aksai Chin. This area is still disputed. But what's interesting: during the negotiations the impression that both sides are quite indifferent to him. While India claims that its territory, the government considered that the pitfall this Paradisehe ought not to be: the world is more expensive. On the other hand, Chinese, conquered the area Aksai Chin and India in 1962, has constructed here the strategically important military road, but now they use another route, and the impression is that Kongka La they don't care. In General, strange things happening.
... Recently in a local school organized a children's drawing competition. And it is significant: more than half of the works was devoted to some strange objects in the sky, and some of them appear from the bottom, right out of the mountains...