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Медицинские эксперименты НЛОUfologists believe that aliens are visiting our planet, conduct medical experiments on animals and on people. The corpses of animals that have deflated the blood or removed bodies using the most advanced tools, was repeatedly.

Who did the aliens, predators, or Satanists? According to stolen, aliens conduct genetic experiments and over people, implanted under the skin implants, the aim of which is also unclear. Perhaps it is a means to track stolen. According to some data, each fortieth Americans have implanted the implant. It is surprising that the authorities sometimes simply ignore such cases. "The Phenomenon Of Snippy". One of the earliest cases of attacks by unknown beings to animals occurred on April 21, 1897.
The message about it has left a resident of the village of Le Roy, Kansas, Ahamilton. After 92 years in the U.S. again started to occur the sudden disappearance of animals. However eyewitnesses observed the appearance of a UFO. They circled around the farm, and after a while the inhabitants were found in the area surrounding the mutilated corpses of horses and cows. Widely known was the disappearance of a horse by the name of Snippy. Among ufologists such cases became known as "the phenomenon of Snippy". In 1994 the solution of the phenomenon started a former pilot in the U.S. air force Ted Oliphant. He interviewed many witnesses to UFO sightings in several US States. Farmers in the North-Eastern part of Alabama at night near the city of Albertville saw helicopters without identification lights, and in the morning in the fields appeared carcasses of cows with cut languages, pulled out eyes, open chest.

Oliphant came to the conclusion that some form of extraterrestrial civilizations are interested in the collection of genetic material. Deflated blood. Raymond Calahan, the owner of a cattle farm near Paisley, Oregon, was very surprised to see the morning of 28 March 1996 in his corral dead calf. The body of the animal seemed to him so strange that he summoned a veterinarian. Calahan tested on the eve of the state of the entire herd. The animals were healthy. At first he thought that the calf could attack coyotes, but no predator can so mutilate their victims. The only blemish in calf - no skin around the navel, cut in the shape of a perfect circle with a diameter of 20 cm.

Arrived vet found that calf "deflated" all the blood, to the very root cut off the tongue. In this land in December 1995 farmers Tim and Lisa Howard discovered the body of a cow, which was soon to calve. They were affected by the terrible wounds that unknown force has caused the poor animal. Unknown creatures had been removed, cow tongue, left eye, all four nipple, rectum and genitals. Despite a light frost, the body of the cow was warm to the touch, and the joints are kept mobility. Surprising is the fact that coyotes living in the vicinity, not even touched mutilated corpse. The atrocities of Satanists? For decades, farmers inform the authorities about the mysterious accidents with their animals, ask them for help and protection. The authorities are trying to shrug off the problem, explain acts of barbarity satanic cults, and sometimes subjected to affected owners outright derision. Some farmers prefer to keep silent about such incidents.

Public attention to this problem has managed to attract spouses bill and Jean Barton, who found his two dead the mutilated cows. After that, the corpses of animals were examined by veterinarians and biologists. It was found that most of the cuts on the bodies of victims are made with the use of tools, working at the temperature of 300 degrees. Study tissue samples of dead animals, plants and soil close to found the corpses found a strange change in their cellular structure. Chupacabra. Similar cases of injury of cattle was observed in other countries. Many facts were registered in Spain. Attacks on animals started to happen not only at night but also in broad daylight. It is the day disappeared 163 sheep by the Spanish farmer Marino Saez. He followed the tracks of animals, leading from the corral in the field, and are faced with inexplicable phenomenon: traces suddenly stopped in the middle of a field at a distance of 6 kilometers from the corral. Some witnesses say they saw in these places mysterious being whose eyes glowed an eerie red fire.

From creatures came the smell of blood, sulphur and rot. In the 90-ies of all records of attacks on animals were beaten in Puerto Rico, where in 1994 he died two thousand animals. Reports of the creature interested in American Doctor of Dausa. Together with cryptozoologis Gingelom he went to Puerto Rico. The day before their arrival at one of the farms were killed 30 Petukhov. The owners said that on the place of death of birds found three-toed footprints mysterious beast. To explain the origin of Chupacabra fails. Some ufologists is connected with the emergence of Chupacabra with UFO. There were witnesses who saw this monster close to flying saucers. Captives of the aliens.

In October 1975, David Stephens and Glen gray was riding in the car on the way to Maine. Suddenly they dived UFO. Stephens offered to go back. However UFO appeared again. The engine stalled. What happened next, the young people themselves could not remember. Dr. Herbert Hopkins spent with David Stephens several sessions of hypnosis. Stephens said that after being in a car struck a beam, he was in the aircraft aliens. Through the window he saw a car driven by gray. She was still coming down the road, illuminated by the light of the UFO. The room in which were Stephens, had no furniture. The door that David didn't notice, entered the stranger. He was about four feet with a completely bald head and thin arms and legs.

Alien held Stephens into another room, which was prepared by the bed. David lay on it, he was approached by four more of a stranger. They took Stephens a sample of blood from the right elbow, cut off a lock of hair and a few nails tore even a button on a shirt. After that, Stephens was led back into the room. There he made a shot, and a moment later David was in the car next to gray. Kidnapping in Rio de Janeiro. In the early morning of September 15, 1977, the bus driver from Rio de Janeiro Antonio La Rubia went to work. Above the field, he saw a strange glowing object resembling a broad-brimmed hat. La Rubia got scared and ran off. But he was stopped bright blue ray escaped from the UFO. Before the Brazilian has produced three of the stranger. Their heads were oblong, up stuck antenna. Eye replaced a number of blue mirrors. The body of aliens covered scales (or it was overalls?). The growth of strangers were meter. On their waists" there was a belt with hooks on which hung syringe device. Rounded body of every creature stood on one foot on a sort of narrow pedestal, ending a small round platform.

One of the newcomers had sent him a syringe, and the next moment the Brazilian was on the alien spacecraft. In the spacious room was more than two dozen strangers. They had subjected the Brazilian survey. He took samples of blood, hair and skin. After that La Rubia was again at the bus stop. Removing the implant. From August 1995 to February 2000, a group of surgeons under the guidance of doctor of Lara spent 9 extraction operations unusual items from the bodies of patients. Just deleted 8 implants. Three of them were non-metallic, and five - metal. Non-metallic implants was a grayish-white pea, metal had shell dark gray color. Analysis of the implants. Seized implants were sent for examination. The research results were amazing - the mysterious balls consisted of more than 20 chemical elements. Implants contain abnormally high percentage of carbon.

Researchers believe that they were used as a molecular computers. It was noticed another unusual feature of the extracted objects: they were hard as a rock, then turned into a jelly-like mass and again kamerali. Three metal implant had an oval shape, a T-shaped and one - triangular. Unusual was the shell of metal implants. It consisted of actual organic tissues, protein, carotine and metal. According to the laboratory, metal components of membranes of non-metallic implants contained 11 chemical elements. The purpose of the abductions. The purpose of the abduction has not been fully elucidated. Perhaps the aliens are conducting genetic experiments. They need this for further conquest of the Earth.

According to another version, the alien is an endangered species, and with the help of "fresh blood" Earthmen they try to survive. Many abducted seen in a space alien spacecraft compartments with hundreds of cans and cones, which sailed embryos. Aliens derive a new type of intelligent beings. Earthly woman bear a child by a stranger, then her snatch and grab the embryo from the body of the mother. In the future it develops in the flask. David Jacob writes: "Genetic program alien involves no reproduction, and production. They came here not to help us. They have their own interests that they have not commit".
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