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For a long time the subject of UFOs was strictly classified in the USSR. Some zealous enthusiasts who distributed in the framework "Samizdat" materials of foreign mass media about UFOs, often invited to the appropriate elaboration of the KGB, where they accused almost anti-Soviet agitation.
But the most interesting that in the depths of the KGB there was a special unit, which was collected and systematized all the information not only from the Soviet Union, but also from all over the world about the mysterious and unidentified phenomena. Proof of this is probably the article published in one of the recent numbers of the Madrid journal "Mac, Ala". The magazine also published footage from the report of the American TV company TNT, branch CNN.
All of the materials stated that in 1968, the KGB allegedly got at its disposal whether the Complainant catastrophe, whether brought down air defense "flying saucer" extraterrestrial origin. And like in the hands of the chekists even got a corpse ran her humanoid, which was extensively investigated in the Department of anatomy of the Moscow medical Institute. Semashko. The company claims that passed it on one of the cable channels report is based on the documents received from the former KGB officer, a Paul Klimenkova, and is deliberate "leak" from the depths of the Soviet secret Agency.
His belonging to the Soviet secret service, Klimchenkov confirmed before telephoto lens as if genuine official identity. What is the purpose of organized "leakage", he said, and therefore, says the magazine, all this mysterious story as a whole requires official reaction of concerned Russian agencies, which has not followed yet.
To give sensationalism this story TNT invited Roger Moore, actor, who played agent 007. He began to tell about the history, what happened in the Urals under the town of Berezniki in 1968.
The starting point for investigation of long-standing rumors that the USSR has part of the UFO was a piece in the paper "Evening Sverdlovsk" from November 29 of that year. Witnesses to the incident claimed that their eyes some kind of "brilliant Orb in the form of a disk" landed, whether fell on a steep snow-covered slope. TNT showed footage of arrival to the place military units at army vehicles and armored personnel carriers. The soldiers began to carefully comb the countryside. We'll see how the military with General insignias and "two in mufti", which TV company is somehow presented by the KGB, give any orders to people in military uniform. The military are on the virgin snow, gradually approaching lying on the edge and half sticking out of the snow bright silver object in the form of convex disk. The snow has thawed around it, the trees were not injured in the landing that necessarily happen if the villages of the earth's aerial vehicle.
Experts on military issues of the former USSR confirm that both military and Kalashnikovs, and transport - "ZIS-151" and "GAZ" from that time. But, on the other hand, shooting so professional and clear that experts suspect in the staging which, incidentally, can be easily refuted the chemical analysis of the film.
But even if to assume, according to military experts who were asked by TNT that it was one of expertly forged "episodes of intimidation" of "cold war", to which they resorted KGB in their disinformation operations, there is no sense to give this "Linden" glasnost 30 years later. The master tape Pavel Klimchenkov, middle-aged, well-kept, round-faced man in a cap, maintains that the operation to detect and capture UFO wore code name "Myth". Presents numerous KGB documents with the stamp secret", which referred to its successful completion. And then went absolutely incredible footage anatomical dissection small in size and grayish color of the body of humanoid. Clearly his thin torso, part of a long thin arms and resembling a monkey's head with close-set eyes. Scientists anatomists believe that these symptoms are not typical for a person of any race or age.
Effects of original and photocopy of the order of the Minister of defense of those years commander of the Urals military district General A.G. Ponomarenko that at all stages of discovery UFO was attended by the KGB. Their reports, States Klimchenkov, quickly lay down on the Desk of the head of the scientific Department of the KGB Colonel A.I. Grigoriev. In the displayed document is named not only scientific institution, where he held anatomical dissection humanoid, but also the names of doctors - Kamyshov, Savitsky and Gordienko. For some inexplicable reason they all died on the same day - on March 24, 1969, i.e. exactly one week after opening, who work, who are at home.
As is known, in September 1995, many mass media reported about a similar history with UFOs, supposedly captured in America, and even on opening humanoid, accusing the CIA in the years of hiding this fact. The authorities, fighting off criticism, called erupted sensation hoax of ufologists. But on the published photographs of American humanoid very similar to the Soviet one.
Narrated TNT history causes some scientists skeptical smile, but it, in their opinion, too many plausible. Only serious study of the film, the originals are shown of KGB documents and medical reports about the cause of death doctors can make the final clarity.
Occurs and no less sensitive issue of intellectual property film documents. So far the Russian special services have not declared their rights and its authorship. TNT in turn admits that were bought with "the black market" in Russia, where retired security officials often are trading like "leaks" from the secret funds of their departments. Price, by the way, was quite tolerable - about 10 thousand dollars, which is also surprising for those rarities. Therefore, according to American researcher UFO Alex Hetman, the TV company also cannot be considered lawful owner of the unique - in the case of their authenticity - materials. However, it continues its investigation, relying now on cooperation with the official authorities in Russia.