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Aliens pursued his studies not only in animals but also on the people. There were cases when people were taken sleeping right from their beds or on walks in the forest, from cars, on the empty road. They conducted experiments: they took the samples of fabrics, hair, was illuminated by the rays of unknown origin, some did very painful injections or cut, took the blood.
After the experiments, people were often returned to the place where they were taken, but there were cases when people were tens of kilometers from the place of the abduction. Almost all stolen remembered nothing about spent hours and even days on Board a UFO. After returning many had begun health problems: people with good health suddenly "bevel feet" ordinary flu, some found cancer, people suffered from memory lapses, headaches, mental disorders, but some have not observed any negative consequences of theft, but, on the contrary, there was a small improvement in health.
Sometimes during abduction (though it's not even kidnapping: people were invited to enter into UFO) the people did not conduct any experiments, but simply showed the device UFOs, aliens told about the wide range of instruments on Board, sometimes were flying to their home planet of aliens (but it is impossible to speak with confidence that this flight is really took place, but was not a hallucination or something similar), never mentioned about the purpose of the visit of the alien planet.
Of course, such activity of aliens could not leave without attention, neither society nor the governments of the countries in which there was theft. For example, in the USA by the kidnapped people were interested by the government, especially the air force, and the Pentagon. They examined, taking tests, checked on the lie detector. Some people have confessed that they thought these stories with the kidnappings. But most people said was true: they had passed lie detector tests results individuals testified prolonged their stay in conditions of weightlessness, held on them by unknown experiences, etc.
It happens that people rasskazyvayut cases when some of alien arriving to Earth with matrimonial purposes. One of those representatives of the space of the fair sex met the famous American channel Howard Menger, His fiancee called themselves Marla and claimed that she was born 500 years ago in the constellation of Leo. The charm of the space lover was so strong that Menger divorced his wife and married the gauze, which has acquired U.S. citizenship and prefer the comfort of home alone interstellar flights.
A similar case occurred in 1952 with the Truman Bethurum, loved, in its statement, the beautiful captain's "flying saucers". When the wife of Buturama learned about the passion of her husband, she immediately demanded a divorce and znachitelnoy monetary compensation.
One of the first women who had at their own claims of sexual relations-making with a stranger, was Elizabeth Klarer In 1956 she loved the ynohp-lanmania by the name of Law. which is rendered under space
the machine took her to the planet occultations. There he seduced the earth woman, saying that only a few have the honor to bring new blood into their ancient race. In the result of the Union Ako-on and Elizabeth was born their son Ailing, after which the need in the earth woman at the alien fell away and he sent her home. Since then, Elizabeth Klarer lived alone and in 1994, died in South Africa, piously believing in the fact that on one of the planets in the constellation alpha Centauri is her only son.
on October 16, 1957 23-year-old Brazilian farmer Antonio Wipes Boas ploughed tractor own field, when a machine motor suddenly stalled. It took a little time, and over the field appeared "flying saucer" red lights on the case. When an object has made landing on fallow land, he produced three humanoids and headed to the farmer. Began the struggle ended the fact that the alien has overcome Villas Boas and dragged him on his ship.
Inside the flying saucer farmer stripped, tied to a metal table and using unknown devices subjected his body thorough medical examination. Then, apparently satisfied in the physical health of the young prisoner, aliens gave him some stuff and left the room. Some time passed, recalled Antonio Boas, when suddenly the door again opened and entered the room completely naked dazzling blonde. Her seductive brought in a young man irresistible desire which was immediately granted. The farmer and the alien had sex in a few hours, not abolishes during this time, words, and In a subsequent interview to journalists Antonio Boas said, "before Leaving, she turned to me, pointed to her stomach, then smiled... and pointed to the sky"...
One woman, again abducted two years after the first theft, I saw my son playing in a special room. Although he was not like a normal earthly child, she could not refrain from showing maternal feelings. It was welcomed humanoid-mi, and they allow women to stay and a few months to care for the baby.
The story of the capture of the alien's spouse Betty and Barney hill is well known. It is told with many juicy details, among which are sometimes lost an important detail - star map on the wall of a flying disk.
Lunar night of 19 September 1961 they were returning from Canada home in new Hampshire. Aliens stopped their car and took spouses in your vehicle for any medical examinations. When all was done, ufonautai released Betty and Barney, having erased in their memory all events. On the events of that September night, the world learned a few years later after the sessions regressive hypnosis, which subjected the spouses in the clinic of Dr. Simon.
What happened then on Board the flying disk?
Betty was released first. And while her husband was kept in the next compartment, she calmed down after the unpleasant procedures, talked with the captain, he somehow it seemed to her there, chief. Betty asked where they have come from.
The commander brought her to a hung on the wall map. No inscriptions on it was not, big and small circles, just point, United different thickness lines or dotted line. Does Betty where her Sun, said the commander. Of course, Betty did not recognize the Sun on the map. And the commander could not or did not want to explain to her, where they have come.
During the session, Dr. Simon asked Betty to draw the star map, as she remembered. And Betty, remaining in a state of hypnosis, drew. Two circles on the map were joined five lines, which clearly pointed to the busy message. Four star was joined by two or three lines. Two were dashed routes. All in all, the figure had counted twenty-six circles and dots. This turned out map.
The incident with their spouses hill many perceived as a curiosity, nothing more. Betty and Barney went at night. Saw in the sky a strange light that was coming. Stopped the car, left on a desert road to see the light at the binoculars. And then continued on his way and made it safely to the house.
Safely? Clothes torn, shoes trampled, the hood of the car in indelible stains... Surprised that came home an hour later than expected, considering the distance and speed. This hour was erased from the memory of the spouses, but pop up in a dream a nightmare. This led them to the clinic Benjamin Simon. Plunging spouses in a hypnotic state and unlocking their memory, doctor Simon asked - each one in a separate ward - about the incident, involuntary they participate in.
In the mid 1960-ies sessions regressive hypnosis for victims of UFO incidents were still quite new. Today, there are tens, if not hundreds of hypnotic confessions. People talk about old or recent episodes of his life, when their power somewhere attracted little freaks, something with them, had done, and then released, mytravel from the memory of what happened.
A session for spouses hill arranged and paid for UFO society of NICAP. Its Chairman Donald Kiho nevertheless believed that the story of the spouses, most likely, the figment of the imagination. And the star map Betty many regarded as a graphical application for this curious history. And only a school teacher, Margery fish from oak Harbor, Ohio, believed in the truthfulness of the story Betty and set out to prove it on the example of the map.
Margery understood that she was to: among the billions of stars in the milky Way to find a corner of the cosmos, where two dozen bodies took place exactly in the same order as they are depicted in the figure Betty hill. Moreover, they should be presented in three-dimensional space, as they would look with the unknown planet where started ufonautai. The task seemed impossible. But Margery concluded that the matter was about the closest to us stars. And it significantly narrowed the range of searches.
First had to find it on the map Sun. Margery decided that the communication between the desired star and the Sun should not be intensive. Besides DWI position should be one-sided: they come to us and then back. From us - no flights.
From one big starfunds to the small star on the map were not parallel lines, which could well mean mutual visits, and two converging beam. One ray - way there, the second - back. This small star of Margery fish conditionally accepted for the Sun.
Work began - d model of the space, which is listed in star catalogues of light relative to the Sun settled down to, like on the map Betty hill. After five years of calculations, search, disappointments and finds a school teacher from oak Harbor was able to name the nine stars, located in relation to the Sun exactly as denoted Betty hill. Is this mere coincidence?
With a little stretch managed to snap to points on the map several stars. But three stars in General there was no match in the directory. And only three years later, when released a new updated and expanded edition of "catalogue of nearby stars" Gliese, Margery fish recognize the last nameless point. These three stars was called the name of the compiler of the catalogue - Gliеsе 86.1, Gliеsе 95 and Gliеsе 97.
The identification of the latest star triangle considered proof that the card Betty hill's not fiction, and that Margery fish has found her place in the cosmos. Why?
Because between 1961 and 1963 years, when Betty drew out a map, and Margery was looking for it stars, none astronomer could not know that the last three of the identified stars will take the position, what they found in the specified directory, issued in 1969.
So, according to Ralph bloom, said about this story Allen Hynek, always considered himself primarily astronomer and only then ufologist.
Margery fish called search star binary star system Zeta-1 and Zeta-2 constellation Grid.'! From these stars on the map Betty were the routes to the well-known astronomers of the lights of the Tau Ceti and 82 Eridani. Maybe the card will someday become a guiding light for future space columbuses?
But thirty-seven light years! This twenty-two year journey in one end at a speed of 80 percent of the speed of light. If the speed is 99.9 percent of light the same way can be covered in just twenty months - the higher the speed, the slower time flows for the crew of the spaceship.
The results of the survey Margery fish were so controversial that they have tried to forget and soon forgotten. Only twenty years later, the double star system Zeta 1 and 2 of the constellation Grid again unexpectedly rose in UFO sky, now with the filing of the intelligence services.