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Инопланетян хоронили в МексикеAncient cemetery containing the remains of strange humanoid creatures have been discovered by archaeologists


In Mexico, near the village of Onavas, located in the West of the country in the state of Sonora, archaeologists have found a mysterious cemetery. Very ancient experts estimate its age is not less than 1000 years. In a common grave was buried the remains of 25 beings, in General, similar to the people. But half of them were of a very specific feature: their skulls in the neck were incredibly stretched. Exactly how the aliens from the famous film "Alien" directed by Ridley Scott.

Scientists believe anything like that either they or their colleagues had not seen on the territory of Mesoamerica - from Mexico to Honduras, where he lived the ancient Mesoamerican peoples. Where do these mutants in an abandoned cemetery, which belonged to the Indians of a tribe of Pimas? Director of the scientific research project Cristina Garcia Moreno puts forward his hypothesis:

- Most likely, in the ancient Indian tribes deformed skull in order to differentiate between the upper class from the lowest. Or is it for ritual purposes.

But this conjecture leaves a lot of other questions without answers.

First, it is not clear why it was necessary to draw skulls, to distinguish leader from the servants, if all the bodies were buried in the same cemetery?

Secondly, scientists have not found an explanation that some corpses were decorations and not others. And why from 25 skeletons was only one woman.

Thirdly, it is unknown why some of the dead were especially damaged teeth. The analysis showed that this execution was done during the life of the deceased, in adolescence.

And the last. One of the skeletons had baffled scientists. One buried in the stomach for some reason bones sticking out, and they were so deformed that was shaped like a turtle shell.


This is the second in recent years an unusual find in the Western hemisphere. Almost a year ago, in November 2011, in Peru were discovered the mummified remains of humanoid beings, too, with a huge head. Found him near the city of Andahuaylillas (Andahuaylillas), in the southern province of Peru, Quispicanchi (Quispicanchi). Close to the famous Nazca plateau, which is famous for the full existing world of mysterious giant figures. When the find studied anthropologist from the Peruvian Museum in Cusco Renato Davila Riquelme, he was surprised to exclaimed: "she looks like an alien!".

And just like aliens from horror films. The size of head from chin to top of our heads - 50 centimeters. As much - lower body. The eye is much wider than that of ordinary people. Teeth like an adult. And the head is an open, overgrown, like a baby. And importantly, as the Mexican, Peruvian skull stretched back his head.

- "Big" does not correspond to any ethnic group, living on our planet, - said Riquelme.

Really, really, aliens?

Skeptics disagree. Convinced that we have before us examples or sick people, burdened with heavy mutations. Or victims of operations "machining" the head.

The earliest written mention of giant tortoises refers to 400 BC Famous Greek physician Hippocrates in their treatises described the disease called microcephaly is an abnormal increase in the size of the head in relation to the body of the person. But in addition, the doctor met and Neanderthal skull, which were artificially lengthened special equipment.

As a rule, such operations were carried out on the children, because their heads are easily exposed to metamorphosis. At the age of about one month, the heads of infants squeezed wooden planks. And in such a Vice children spent almost half a year. However, this method was extremely dangerous for life. And many Neanderthals with deformed skulls died young. And in ancient Peru was what made bandaged head babies - also with a view to its increase.

But here's the question: what was the need to disfigure their offspring? Some researchers have put forward the theory that perhaps our ancestors saw still some creatures, arriving on Earth. Their descent from heaven, fantastic ships so impressed savages that they magnify alien to the status of gods. And wanted to be like them.
One found mummies in orbit preserved substance eyes. There is hope that it will be possible to analyze his DNA. And then finally understand who buried the Indians.

Svetlana Kuzina
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