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Israeli archaeologists have discovered more than 100 gold dinars of the Crusades with the names of local sultans, blessings, and so on
The cost of Nakhodka is estimated at $500 thousand Total mass of about 400 g
The staff of tel Aviv University and the Department for the protection of nature and parks carried out excavations in the national Park of Apollonia and 15 km from tel Aviv, on the place of the seaside settlement Arsuf, which was founded in the Persian times (VI-IV centuries BC), and was also used by the crusaders in 1241-1265 years. on June 21, a student Mati Yuhananov bumped into the pot, in which lay about 108 gold and another quarter of a Dinar. As noted by Professor Oren tal, it is one of the largest medieval treasures of gold coins, found in Israel.
The local castle was the residence of the knights Hospitaller order of. In those days Arsuf was one of the most important fortresses in the area. It is here that the English king Richard the lion Heart won a convincing victory over Saladin. But about 80 years later, the Muslims returned. Treasure buried under the floor boards of the citadel shortly before and after the forty-day siege of the stronghold Christians fell before the onslaught of big and well-trained army.
Archeologists noted that some enterprising Crusader hid gold, apparently deliberately broken and ugly pot, filled it with sand. If someone accidentally came across it, it could decide that it is plain skull, and would not get to the truth. Experts have found dinars only because sift everything.
The coins date back to the time of the Fatimid Empire that covered part of North Africa and the Middle East. They were minted in X-XI centuries, but was in circulation and in the thirteenth century. Some emblazoned date and even the mark of a mint (Alexandria, Tripoli and others). The peculiarity of the Fatimid dinars in the fact that they are always a lot of inscriptions, so there is still a lot of work.
Prepared according to FOX News and Reuters.