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A true saying, if an elderly person is not able to do extraordinary breakthrough. The famous German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered the mysterious rays, named after his name, when he was already over 50. Old age has not affected the care of the scientist, and his hard work and the desire to establish the truth.
In the modern world covered by gerontophobia, often have to hear that if a man in his youth had not done anything remarkable, that in old age it to do so will not be able. Alas, it is absolutely incorrect assertion is becoming popular in the scientific environment. Often in institutions to work prefer to hire inexperienced Junior researchers, refusing while older professors saying that they favor the institution to bring not able, because the incense breathe.
However, those who thinks so, somehow forget the many examples of discoveries that were made famous scientists already in old age. And the most revealing example is the so-called X-rays, which are now in many countries is called by the name of its discoverer of x-ray. The famous German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered this interesting phenomenon in 1895, when he was over 50. And not only found, but thoroughly researched them to open the rays, not trusting the important work of its postgraduate students.
It should be noted that this phenomenon was discovered by accident (as often happens in science). In fact, Professor of Radiology at the time, for several years headed the Department of physics at the University of Wurzburg, investigated a totally different phenomenon - the so-called cathode rays. Now everyone knows that they represent a flow of electrons emitted by the cathode feeding him power, but in those days, even the words "electron" knew not. So physicists are very interested in why the current passing through the cathode tube observed a strange glow, that is how electricity can produce light.
And here November 8, 1895 Professor Roentgen as usual had stayed late in his laboratory. All his assistants had left, but he continued to work - on and off the current to the cathode tube, making measurements of various characteristics and taking account of the results. However, the years had their - in the midnight X-ray felt tired and I realized that I had to go home. The Professor glanced around the lab to make sure everything is in place, turned out the light. It is this action has led Professor for his outstanding discovery of X-rays suddenly noticed in the dark glowing spot.
The scientist came to the light source and found that it was used in the experiments screen from sinergistom barium (which is always responds to electromagnetic waves, including visible light). But why is it glowed? Because the street has long been dark, cathode tube off, and besides, closed black case from cardboard (neat Professor always did when he was finished). And then X-ray realized that he probably still had forgotten to turn off the cathode tube.
Having reproached himself for forgetfulness, scientist groped in the dark switch and stopped the flow of current. But with him immediately went out and screen. X-rays are interested in this phenomenon - it is still several times on and off the phone, and the mysterious glow again it appeared and then disappeared. There was no doubt - it cathode tube was the cause of it.
But how could this happen? Because the cathode rays were to stay the case of paper, and furthermore, air metre gap between the tube and the screen was completely impenetrable. Wanting to understand the situation, X-ray decided not to go home and continue the experiments. In vain that night Frau X-ray was waiting for her husband - he seized his chance discovery, continued the experiments under cover rainy Wurttemberg night.
So, leaving the case on the handset (so the cathode rays were closed), Professor with the Masach in her hands began to move in the laboratory. It turned out that even the distance of two meters for these unknown rays is not a barrier. During research Roentgen discovered that they are easily penetrated through the book, glass and other items. When the scientist's hand was on the way these unknown rays, he saw with horror on the screen silhouette of her bones! That is, they freely passed through the flesh.
However surprising it was a once - as a skilled experimenter, X-ray knew that he would need irrefutable evidence of its opening. And so he took out lying in the closet plates in order to make the world's first x-ray. Then began a new series of experiments, during which the researcher found interesting thing is not only that the rays Shine album, so they are still not diverge spherically around the tube (as this would make light), and have certain direction.
Only in the morning tired, but very happy X-ray showed home. However, a little rest, he again rushed to University - Manila his ajar them secret. Realizing that at his age not only expensive - it actually is priceless, it is seven weeks desperate held for experiments, he ordered to bring him to the laboratory food and put there the bed. Was forgotten all: and the disciples, and friends, and family, and even health. Only 50 days scientist finally figured out that all the same it opened.
It is curious that the first person to whom the X-ray showed its opening, was his wife Bertha. Picture it was her brush with a wedding ring on her finger was attached to the article x-Ray "On a new kind of rays"which he 28 December 1895 sent to the chair of Physical-medical society of the University. After the article was quickly released as individual brochures, and Wilhelm Roentgen sent its leading physicists of Europe. Thus began a new era in the history of medicine and other branches of science and technology - era studies the internal structure of the object by means of x-rays.
By the way, himself an outstanding physicist, who was fantastic modest man, was opposed to open them radiation called x-ray. Later on, the x-Ray appealed to the representatives of industrial firms with the proposals on best buying the rights to use the invention. But the Professor every refused to patent his opening, so as not considered their studies source of income. And even when in 1901 scientist became the first Nobel laureate in physics, he received the award, refused to attend the ceremony (for they could not stand greetings, applause and other attributes of recognition, considering all this stuff). The award was sent to him by mail, but he is not her and took advantage of, when the government of Germany during the First world war, addressed the population with a request to help the state with money and valuables, modest and responsive scientist Wilhelm Roentgen gave all their savings, including the Nobel prize.
By the way, the fact that the greatest discovery in the field of medicine was made in Wurzburg, should be considered as a kind of historical curiosity. The fact that this historic Bavarian town gained in the middle Ages as the capital of the German "hunting for witches". Its ruler, Prince, who is also the Bishop of Wurzburg Julius Echter founded in 1582 University for preparation of Catholic theologians, with the aim "destroy all the filth and things back to the city". It was the same University, which later were opened above-mentioned X-rays.
However, in those dark days the institution became known as the hotbed of obscurantism - its graduates were famous by such cruel acts as a forcible conversion to Catholicism of his flock, banishment from the city did not want to change the faith of Protestants, confiscation of property of the local Jews and odawskie processes. During the reign of Echter burned more than 300 witches and sorcerers - more than in any other German city. And only by the middle of XVII century the witch trials and executions were stopped. Therefore, what a discovery, which has saved many human lives, was made in this University, is a symbol of the restoration of historical justice - as the University of Wurzburg atone for his guilt before humanity.
So, old age for discovery is not a hindrance, and Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen proved it by the example of his own life. His half-century life wasn't affected his care, diligence and desire to establish the truth. It should be noted that often young scientists just lacks those qualities that the discoverer of x-rays had full.