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In the German state of Saxony-Anhalt, twenty kilometers to the North-West of Naumburg, lies the town Nebra. In the late 1990s to around inside the annular shaft, the crowning wooded top of the mountain Mittelberg, in a shallow pit dug in the rocky soil, and then covered with earth, the looters accidentally found the treasure from very ancient objects. The age of the finds, scientists estimated 18 000 years. It consisted of two swords and a few bracelets bronze age as well as the amazing products of unknown purpose, which will be discussed further. This is a bronze disk with a diameter of 32 cm and a thickness of approximately 2 mm with images of the moon, Sun and stars. The edges of the disc on opposite sides were two curved bands, one of which is lost, and the Sun and the Moon, at the edge of the disk is sickle stripes symbolizing probably Solar barge. All of the mentioned elements of the sky overhead, made of gold.
Before Star disk got to the scientists, he survived a real criminal Odyssey. The robbers, who found the treasure, wanted to sell it, first of all, of course, precious disk, but the task was complicated, because under the laws of Germany this finding is owned by the state. Criminal holders finds succeeded each other, while in 2001 their trail is not attacked by the authorities, podolasia to them "buyer". The negotiations broke down in unexpected for sellers way, and precious object has fallen under state protection.
The stellar disk of Mittelberg
First of all it was necessary to ensure the authenticity of the Stellar disk, that is, in its antiquity. However to make it it is sometimes not easy. Radiocarbon Dating method (isotope of carbon C14)used in relation to residues of organic substances, which in this case was not good. Helped presence on the surface of the disk patina - oxide film, which was painted bronze in bright green. However, patina can be formed as under the influence of the natural environment, and as a result of special treatment. But in the latter case, to create the necessary chemicals, traces of which can easily be detected in the analysis of the artificial surface. In patina covering the disk, these substances were not. And because he was found together with swords and bracelets, aged about 18 000 years, scientists have established with a sufficient degree of reliability, and about the circumstances of the discovery of the treasure robbers told in detail, the antiquity of its items can be considered proven.
Moreover, it is possible that this (or similar) Star disk was known and revered in ancient times. In the eighteenth song of the Homer's "Iliad" described in detail the shield of Achilles made by Hephaestus, as scientists believe, in the image and likeness of findings from the mountain Mittelberg. Here is its description in translation N.I. Gnedich:
The shield of the five amounted sheets and on the extensive range of
Many wondrous is God in creative ideas did.
There he presented the earth, presented and the sky and the sea,
The sun, in the way Neizdannoe full of silver month,
All the beautiful stars, which crowned the sky:
Are visible in their host Galaxy, Heady and power of Orion,
ARKTOS, sons of the earth even chariot sodomy;
There he always, always look Orion
And the single alien to wash in the waves of the Ocean.
Excavations have shown that approximately 1260 BC Troy experienced a long siege and was destroyed, which, in principle, confirms Greek legends about the Trojan war and related historical events.
Well, what is "applied" the destination disk and is depicted on it celestial map? 25 kilometres to the South-East from Nebra near the village Gocek in the district Wei?enfels archaeologists have unearthed prehistoric Observatory with a diameter of 75 meters Established that it was built more than 7000 years ago, that is, it is the oldest of the currently known astronomical observatories, which is older than Stonehenge and all known constructions of Egypt and other highly developed ancient civilization!
According to researchers, between the Stellar disk of Nebra and Observatory near Goseca there is a clear link. Professor Wolfhard Schlosser from Bochum University investigated the Stellar disk from the astronomical point of view. He is convinced that the one who created it, deliberately identified only the position of the seven stars of the Pleiades, and the rest was placed without any system just to show the starry sky. The same image of the Pleiades, along with the sun and the Moon, has a deep meaning.
Why Galaxy played such an important role in the life of the ancient people?
Ancient poet Hesiod, who lived at the turn of the VIII-VII century BC, wrote that in the firmament of the Pleiades farmers define the moments of the beginning of the main stages of his work - plowing, sowing, reaping.
But back to the contents of the Stellar disk.
As already mentioned, at its edges facing each other were gold arc, one of which has survived.
If it is to build sector, the angle between the generators of its radii will be of 82.5 degrees. But this corner form the radius drawn through the middle of the two inputs inside Observatory Goseca! And they are focused exactly on the South-East and South-West. These inputs determine the horizontal longitude in the celestial coordinate system and, therefore, the points of sunrise and sunset at the winter solstice for this area. In the Observatory, there is also the third entrance, but the value of its location it is not yet clear. Now becomes clear and the sense of arcs on the Stellar disk: they represent the horizon line and determine the location of the input (the same observation posts) in the Observatory of Goseca.
But that's not all. Researchers have found a relationship disk geometry, geography, so to speak, on a global scale.
Almost two thousand kilometers to the South-East of Hosaka in the Aegean sea lies the island of Delos. On the island is mount KINTO, on top of which archeologists found the same Observatory, as Gaseke. In the times of Ancient Greece Delos was a major religious center of the majestic temple of Apollo. The Greek historian and geographer Diodorus wrote about Hyperborea - the country, which lies in the far Northern edge of the world. Its inhabitants, Hyperborea, enjoyed a special love of Apollo, fly to them for the winter. Hyperborea was famous for the soothsayers, who founded many churches and Oracle of Apollo. The most famous of Hyperboreans was abaris, the prophet and the priest of Apollo. He could go without food and flying on the magic arrow, presented to him by this God. Researchers do not consider Hyperborea pure fiction, suggest that she could stay in Iceland or Greenland, where in the past, the climate was much softer.
Now, if we draw from the center of the Observatory in Geseke a straight line through the South-East entrance and continue it, it will lead to the temple of Apollo in Delos! As a straight line drawn through the South-Western entrance and extended on the same distance as the first to reach the mountain massif of the Sierra Nevada in southern Spain, the highest in the Iberian Peninsula. Was there in prehistoric times the sanctuary and the Observatory, will show future research, but the place is for them is very appropriate.
If, however, continue straight line Delos and Gocek, North-West, it will reach the legendary sacred Cape Reykjanes in Iceland, where once landed the first Vikings, and being extended even further, will lead to Greenland...
The stellar disk of Nebra is now in the Museum of the history of primitive society in the town of Galle and its research is ongoing.