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Viewings: 7579
 Материки расколотые и затонувшие If you look at the map, you can easily see an amazing similarity to the coastlines of Africa and South America, Australia and Africa, Australia, and the Indian subcontinent - as if the fragments of the whole pilfered unknown force and separated ocean open spaces...

Probably the first who drew attention to the similarity outlines the West coast of Africa and the East coast of South America, was the English philosopher Francis bacon. In 1620 he published his observations in the book "New Organon", not giving them, however, no explanation. And in 1658 Abbe F. plus expressed the hypothesis that the Old and New world once was one continent, but were divided after the flood. This view was adopted by the scientific world of Europe. And two hundred years later, in 1858, the Italian Antonio Shin-der-Pellegrini has tried to reconstruct the initial position of the continents and drew out a map, where African-America United in one mainland.

Finally the idea of "continental drift" was formulated by the German scientist Alfred Wegener, specialty - meteorologist. In 1915, after five years of research, he published a work entitled "the Origin of continents and oceans", which on the basis of geological, geographical and palaeontological data have proven that once existed on Earth only one, built of granite rocks, the mainland, which Wegener gave the name of Pangea (from the Greek words "pan" - the universal and "Gay" - Land), and only one ocean - Panthalassa ("Thalassa" in Greek - sea). According to A. Wegener, about 250-200 million years ago Pangea under the force of the Earth's rotation was split into separate blocks, and further action rotational forces of the Earth "was pushing" them, bringing these built of granite blocks "drifted" more dense layers of the earth's mantle - basalts.

Wild fantasy! Such was the verdict of the majority of scientists of the world hypothesis's granulomatosis. According to opponents, the movement of continental masses science is not fixed, Wegener failed to explain the reasons of drift of continents and the nature of the moving forces. In the hope of finding new evidence of my hypothesis, Wegener in 1930 he went to Greenland and died there...

...Forty years, at the Tokyo United Oceanographic Assembly, the hypothesis of drift was officially recognized by the overwhelming majority of geologists and geophysicists of the world.

As shown by the latest studies, Wegener was absolutely right. He was able to even tell the exact date of the breakup of Pangaea - 225 million years ago. Originally Pangaea broke up into two supercontinent - Laurasia (North) and Gondwana (South), which was divided and the United ocean Panthalassa the Pacific ocean and the Tethys ocean. If the first still exists, Tethys died about 6-7 million years ago, and it remains today are the Mediterranean, Black, Azov, Caspian and Aral seas. Further fragmentation of the continents caused rapid tectonic processes, has led to the emergence of the modern continents and oceans.

But were there other continents - in addition to the already existing ones?

..."The young man Tea Vaca said:

- Our land was formerly great country, a very big country.

Kuuchuu asked him:

- Why the country became a little?

Tea Vaca replied:

- It lowered his staff Awoke. He lowered his wand at the locality of Ohio. Rose waves, and the country became a little..."

The story of the natives of Easter island, is given in the book A. Kondratov the "Mysteries of the Great ocean", some believe an indirect confirmation of the fact exist at the current location of the Pacific ocean and killed millions of years ago continent Pacifica. Its remains can be found today in America, Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica.

But why in the memory of the inhabitants of the Islands of Polynesia still preserved the traditions of sunken land? Why such legends exist about the other two hypothetical continents - Atlantis and Arctida?

It is possible that the process of destruction of the ancient continents ended recently and preserved in the memory of mankind...

"The leader noted that his land is slowly sinking into the sea. He gathered his servants, men and women, children and the elderly, and put them into two large boats. When they reached the horizon, the leader saw that all the earth, except a small part of it, called Maori, went under water".

Such stories are known to many, and they recorded not only on Easter island. By the way, was repeatedly expressed the view that the huge buildings of Easter island - the remnants of civilization that once existed on Pacifica. Famous Soviet geologist and academician V.A. Obruchev wrote in 1956: "it Can be argued that in the heat of the Equatorial belt of the Earth at that time, when both the circumpolar region were still covered with snow and glaciers reached a high cultural development, built beautiful temples to the gods; the pyramids as tombs for kings, and on Easter island was erected stone statues for protection from some enemies. And an interesting question is not whether caused the deaths of other cultures and their structures some catastrophe? We have to remember that the ice age, created on Earth in both polar zones huge masses of snow and ice, gradually weakened by exposure to the Sun, and could not fail to cause some catastrophe".

In 1997 the American geologists have found new traces of Pacifica. It has long been observed that some geological fragments of Alaska, California, Rocky mountains do not meet in its composition the structure of the American continent. The same atypical forms are in Australia, Antarctica and other adjacent to the Pacific ocean continents and Islands.

These geological anomalies associated with the collapse of the southern supercontinent of Gondwana, which were once part of Africa, South America, Australia, Antarctica and India and Madagascar. Another part of this continent was Pacifica, which broke up into small fragments. Part of Pacifica wide fan "came" to other continents. Geological studies have shown that about a hundred million years ago to the West coast of North and South America - in the areas of Alaska, California and Peru - have been attached quite a large fragments Pacifica. Other fragments of Pacifica were flooded, and some of them have joined with Australia, Antarctica, and New Zealand.

Geologists believe that Pacifica first "fell away" from ancient Hong Dwan, and the collapse of Pacifica contributed to the active geological processes taking place in the world in the area of the present Pacific ocean about 150-100 million years ago.

Research killed Pacifica shed light on the problems of evolution and "drift" of the continents and on the mechanism of occurrence of the oceans.
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