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Viewings: 4406
«Учителя римлян» – этруски In 1968 Italian workers were expanded motorway from the sea to the Adriatic coast. These places are famous by many ancient burial places, because no one was surprised when the bucket was the urn or a jug with verdigris from time coins. However, at some point works were suspended. All stood still, waiting for the chief archaeologist Gino Vinicko Gentili, who led the excavations in places.
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Viewings: 4288
Дельфийский оракул: правда и вымысел In ancient times people paid a great attention to the prophecies. They were conducted in special temples and drew crowds afflicted. Although Oracle communicated intermediary, or, as we would say today, the medium was considered that his voice says the prophet himself. One of the most revered prophets of Ancient Greece was the Oracle of Delphi, who settled in the temple of Apollo at the foot of mount Parnassus in Delphi.
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Viewings: 5504
Троя – споры вокруг легендарного городаThe time of oblivion passed. Troy, fabulous city of ancient Greek epic, acquires its true history.
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Viewings: 4174
На подступах к минойской культуре When the XIX century in Akrotiri on the island of Santorini discovered ancient ruins in science even was such a thing as the Minoan culture. There were only vague guesses about the existence of some Mediterranean culture based on found in Egypt imported ceramic products of unknown origin. Probably, for this reason, between the opening of Akrotiri in the middle of the XIX century and the beginning of the excavations in 1964, it took almost a hundred years. Of course in the XX century the excavations at Akrotiri was conducted on a higher scientific and technical level than it would be in the XIX century. Experts now have sparing methods of extraction from the earth valuable fragments of ruins and know how to save ancient times thanks to the recently introduced methods of conservation. We are talking first of all about the preservation of the valuable frescos, discovered in the excavations.
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Viewings: 5111
Исчезновение амазонокLegends of the Greek antiquity, brought to us by Homer and Herodotus, tell of the tribe of Amazons - virgins-warrior who lived on the shores of the Black sea, "in the wilds of Scythia far". In their Kingdom is no place for men. Bold and ruthless, they were fighting at the walls of Troy against the Greeks. The legend is it has a real basis, or idle tale? Or the Greeks had a chance to meet with the tribe that lived under the laws of matriarchy, and the meeting was so impressed by them that we, and now, three thousand years later, repeated the ancient truth that in our mouth has long turned into a myth?
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Viewings: 5920
Неразгаданные тайны гуннов The history of the Huns still full of secrets. Why is only one of many peoples of Asia moved his tents to remote Rome? Why other barbarians, winning many lands of the Roman Empire, retreated under pressure from the Huns cavalry? Where did the Huns after the death of his terrible leader Attila? Finally, where hidden treasures looted by the Huns?
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Viewings: 7841
Тайны друидов We often write about Celtic priests, the druids. They today have fans and followers who offer their version of the history of the Celts. Most often it is about the legendary battle of the trees." Refer it to time, separated by about four centuries BC. From the battle counts era of prosperity in the life of the Celts. Complete this period, not even the conquest of Gaul by the legions of Caesar, and the assault by the Romans sanctuary druids and priestesses-druidess on the island of Anglesey in Britain in 81 ad In response to the attack, the Britons rose in rebellion. The head of it stood a woman-warrior Boadicea, still revered by the British. And yet in the first centuries of our era, the power of the druids weakened. Finally, after the destruction of another sanctuary avalon - legends carry this event for another five centuries later, begins the modern history of the Celts, that has preserved its culture in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the French Bretagne.
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Viewings: 5744
Пирамиды в… Англии Several years ago a group of Russian scientists returned from England, where he studied... pyramids, according to D. Vasilyev. We used to think that such buildings as the pyramids, characterized primarily for Egypt and Mexico, but it turned out I was wrong. The pyramid is in the Canary Islands, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Peru. Mounds built in Russia by our ancestors, too, can be called pyramids.
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Viewings: 6390
Стоунхендж: великая книга тайн... из камня The most famous and remarkable of the extant of cromlechs, i.e. prehistoric megalithic structures made of stone, is, without a doubt, Stonehenge in England. This prehistoric monument of architecture is combined in the form of a circular fence of the two types of hewn stone blocks that were delivered with Preselected mountains to the construction site for several centuries. And Peteliskiu mountains are more than 200 miles from Stonehenge.
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Viewings: 4797
Сокровища Тартесса Since the nineteenth century historians, archaeologists and more all the treasure seekers tried to get on the trail of" legendary Hostal Castillo, the ancient town, about the beauty and luxury, which admiringly told the ancient writers, and before it sparingly mentioned the Phoenicians. In the old Testament the Hostal Castillo called Marchesani, and the prophets, not just talk about it as a symbol of wealth and abundance.
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Viewings: 4544
Каким оружием владели древние? Folklorist at Princeton University (new Jersey) of Adriana Meyer, author published in the autumn of 2003 the book "Greek fire, poison arrows and "skorpionov bomb": biological and chemical warfare in the ancient world", says brave and noble warriors of the famous poem by Homer used in battles of the Trojan war boom, impregnated snake venom.
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Viewings: 4362
Тауроктония, прошедшая сквозь тысячелетия Now about this ancient cult difficult to find any information even in encyclopedias and reference books, although once Mithraism was widespread in the Mediterranean, while in the end of IV century not replaced Christianity. Now from the secret cult were only hundreds of mysterious images, because, probably, historians still failed to understand what was the essence of the teachings.
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Viewings: 5127
Созвездие Орион – на бивне мамонта A small ivory sheet length 38, of a width of 14 and 4 mm thick, probably, is not a part of something larger. According to the German archaeologists, evidenced by the nature of patterns: they cover the entire surface of the subject and do not seem incomplete or unfinished.
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Viewings: 6107
Маршрут Хараппа – Полинезия? In 1820, in the valley of the Indus river at the base of a huge hill where there's a small Indian town of Harappa, were found the remains of some ancient villages. In 1853 here archeological excavations started, which resulted in the opening of a rectangular stone seals depicting animals and signs picture writing. The publication of this amazing discovery in 1875 caused a real sensation in the scientific world and found the writing was the most ancient in the Indian subcontinent, and many archaeologists saw her grandmother Indian writing!
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Viewings: 4381
Как «ходили» каменные истуканы Easter island has long been considered one of the most mysterious places on Earth. Who was the prototype of a huge stone idols with a strange long faces? How could the islanders without the aid of any equipment to move multi-ton statue on very long distances? Maybe, as some researchers suggest that this mysterious island was once visited by aliens from outer space?
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