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Cave Skeletons - the legendary semi-mystical cave in the jungle in the North-West from the mouth of the river Kwai in Thailand, about the reality of existence which are numerous disputes. In Russia this cave for the first time it became known from the words of the well-known researcher Nikolai Nepomnyashchy, but abroad, talking about it in 1992 after the disappearance in these places known scientist David Weddle. National Association of anthropologists, the U.S. sent in search of a special expedition under the command Perry and Roy Winston Clive, who had already conducted in the area of the planned search than one year. Driving route Waddle, they quickly reached covered by dense thickets of the hills where the descriptions had to be the search area.
Behind the hills lying plain, bounded on one side by the river, and on the other swamps teeming with snakes. The inhabitants of these places was infamous, according to their legends here in the past was inhabited by a tribe of witches-of man-eaters. Faith in the ancient tradition was so great, that local guides refused to accompany the search expedition...
In the blog posts missing anthropologist Saddle made shortly before last journey, contained a mention of this plain, and some are there and very interested in his cave, where cannibals did magical rites. Winston and Clive have aimed to find this cave, assuming Wadl with two companions died somewhere nearby... And here's the first night, smashing on the plains camp, people have heard strange sounds similar to the fraction of the large number of hammers and coming from the South-West. Experiencing involuntary fear, search engines are not solved in the night to go there, and in the morning, after a few miles to the southwest, they found the cave, "the suspect" as the place of death. That's about it, wrote missing Wadl. Perhaps it's from here came the sounds of the night. However, the human foot had never come here for many years, there were no footprints in the soft marshy ground. Indeed, soon in the nearby jungle were found almost totally decomposed bodies of all three members of the lost expedition. They are easily identified by the pieces of clothing and equipment.
Here is the worst. According to the description of Nepomnyashchy, anthropologists have died a violent death: their chest and skull had been broken by some blunt object. While no one stole from valuable property that has forced to assume people may have killed some powerful beast... Going into the cave, researchers have found in it many human skeletons lying on the floor, propped against the walls, even hanging from the walls and ceiling. All the skeletons are very old, if not ancient. But... the chest and skull of the dead were broken exactly the same as the "fresh" corpses Saddle and his companions. What wasn't clear...
We set up a camp some distance from the cave skeletons. And again in the night I poslyshalsya fractional clang, now much closer. Now no one had doubts, from where he comes. Search engines, people in General nerobkie, and also sufficiently well armed, spent a sleepless night. Only in the afternoon Winston and a few others went to the cave. Everything here was still, there were no traces of anyone's night stay. But in the cave... it was Enough cursory look at the skeletons, to make sure that most, if not all, have changed their position, before they were lying or sitting in a different way! At night someone was dragged the dead? Why, to what purpose? Winston, another member of the expedition decided to hide near the entrance to the cave. Provided with a supply of coffee and whiskey, armed with pistols, with a movie camera, which allows to shoot in the dark, they hoped to get up and fix the cause of the strange noise.
Others have returned to the camp. The next night from the side of the cave heard the same fractional sound. Nobody doubted, so can knock only the bones. Other sound no one has heard no shots, no shouting. And in the morning Clive discovered the bodies of Winston and his companion, lying in a bloody puddle, their bodies were the most savage way, crushed, and skull pierced some blunt object. It has made people so eerie impression that they hastily took the corpses and immediately left the plain. Re-visit the cave nobody dared, although one of the participants in the expedition said that walking past her door, he turned the light out there with a flashlight. A beam of light came out of the darkness part of one of the skeletons of cave. This man says that he saw the blackened bones of ancient skeleton... fresh Gore! Of course, people met the expedition Clive not hurried believe all told, few believe in the story of fresh blood on "rising at night" skeletons... Report about the expedition was never delivered to the public, that, apparently, was under pressure from the investigating authorities. It is planned that in the future in a mysterious cave must be sent another expedition...