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Rare super comet that is carried to the Sun from the outer part of the Solar system, close to the Sun in November of next year. At its peak super comet, known as C/2012 S1 (ISON), can overshadow the moon even during the day.
When approaching comet to the Sun, scientists hope to see such an excellent performance, which showed the comet Hale-BOPP in 1997. The comet was first seen in September and may contain volatile gases from the outer part of the Solar system, like other comets.
This will allow scientists to look for materials whose age is 4.6 billion years old.
The following year, scientists will also be able to see the unusual celestial fireworks, as the gas cloud with a mass more than three times the Earth is moving toward a supermassive black hole.The collision will not be visible to the naked eye, but x-ray telescopes will receive radiation from the shock wave that is created when the cloud will crash into the halo of hot gas around the black hole.
The black hole, called Sagittarius A, located at a distance of 25,000 light years from Earth, should provide an unprecedented view the flash. It will also provide scientists with important clues about what happened 300 years ago, when this black hole was much brighter than it is now.