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"So what that the Arctic ice is melting? We do not live in the Arctic" - so says the majority of the population of Europe. Belief in global warming Europeans diminished after the abnormally cold winters.
To convince people took Professor of Earth and atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University Charles green and senior researcher Bruce Monger. According to scientists, a citizen with a work is, how are those or other processes in the atmosphere and oceans of the Earth.
In the scientific article published in the Oceanographic magazine, colleagues argue that global warming and the melting of Arctic ice is most directly related to the weather of Europe, and are the cause of the abnormal cold winter. Dr. Greene proposes not to think about the remoteness of the Arctic from the cities of Europe and wonder how global warming can lead to the abnormal cold, and just to understand the relationship of events.
Scientist have built understandable to the layman logical range: temperature of the planet increases, so the ice is melting in the Arctic, therefore, is exposed water surface hence increases the absorption of solar radiation, therefore, excessive heating of the ocean, therefore the excess heat is transferred to the atmosphere and, consequently, lowers the temperature difference between the Arctic region and temperate latitudes, therefore, changing the pressure difference...
So, step by step, the scientist explains why the planet is heating up, and in Europe's getting cold. "All I think the problem of climate change in the Arctic does not concern them because of their extreme remoteness. I tried to explain that the Arctic climate impact on our daily life is much stronger than it seems most people," said Dr. Greene.