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Viewings: 6494
Египетская мумификацияMummification process, required to sustain the body of man or animal. This can be a spontaneous process, or it can be tailor-made. Egyptian mummies were made by drying. The Egyptians had dried up the body using the salty mixture called 'oxide sodium'. It 'oxide sodium' is a natural substance that is common on the river Nile. 'Oxide sodium' consists of four salts: sodium carbonate, acid sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, and sodium sulfate. Sodium carbonate works as a drying agent 'pulling' water from the body. At the same time bicarbonate in the presence of moisture increases the pH, which creates a hostile environment for bacteria. Egyptian climate has provided a lot of favorable conditions for the mummification process.
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Viewings: 4821
Древние египтяне предсказали события 2012 года в Книге мертвыхToday, many argue, predicted by the ancient Egyptians global event in 2012 or not, because their civilization reached certain heights in astronomy and mathematics. Similar questions arise in connection with certain similarities in cultures of ancient Sumer and Egypt.
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Viewings: 5622
Судьба Скотты, дочери Нефертити"Scotty (cattle, lat. scotti) - group of the Celtic tribes. Originally Scotty lived in Ireland and Isle of man. In Roman sources-Scotia usually called Ireland. The name of the tribes immortalized in the name of Scotland - "the country Scott")."
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Viewings: 5533
Что за чередой смертей?The problem of safety of property of the Egyptian pharaohs, with whom they were sent to the afterlife, excited still builders of the pyramids. Robbers used a clever system of traps, false moves and cameras, zamurovic and artificial gegraphic. But relied extensively on the terrible power of spells...
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Viewings: 5727
In Egypt discovered two previously unknown complex of pyramids. According to the British Daily Mail, opening belongs to the American archaeologist Angela of Mikol.

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Viewings: 5767
Последняя загадка СфинксаIn late November 1986 in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" published an article by Nikolai Bankovskogo and Savely Canicola "the Last riddle of the Sphinx", dedicated to the hypothesis of Anatoly Vasilyev. The researcher suggested that the famous pyramid of Cheops built quite differently, according to Herodotus (out of the hundreds of thousands of separate blocks), and represents, in essence, built on a rock. Vasiliev has revolutionized the technology of construction, from which it followed that, in addition to the well-known galleries in the pyramid should be hidden tunnel. He may lead to the tomb of the Pharaoh and his treasures. Vasilyev was proposed to test his hypothesis and pointed out several points in the pyramid, the study which would confirm (or deny)... to Do it decided Nikolai Bandrowski, today, chief editor of the newspaper "Architecture", the honorary academician of the International Academy of energoinformation Sciences. Here is his story.
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Viewings: 5377
Непознанное "Золотое сечение"Whether the pyramid in proportions "Golden section" generator of life?
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Viewings: 8367
Загадочный ЕгипетEvery year II of November, the Day of St. Martin, the residents of the Swiss village of Sursee (Canton of Lucerne), magnificently celebrate the feast called Gansabhauet. The crowds listening to the stories of the local patriarchs that this day marks the resurrection of nature, the return of fertility and the glorification of the life-giving Sun. The culmination of festivities is an ancient (by the assurance of the elders) and very curious ritual. On the main square in advance erected a scaffold, where on the rope hung by the neck carcass killed the goose. Executioner in a bright red dress, face is hidden behind the Golden mask in the form of a solar disk, under a storm of delight of the audience up on the platform and one stroke of the blade (in full conformity with the name of the holiday: Gans - goose, abhauen - cut, cut) separates the head from the body. It is believed that such a symbolic penalty is a vestige existed in these parts of the solar cult...
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Viewings: 5828
КУДА ЛЕТАЛИ ЭСКАДРИЛЬИ… ФАРАОНОВ?Could the ancient Egyptians to use in combat helicopters and airplanes? The pyramids and temples of Ancient Egypt for thousands of years attracted the attention of historians. Yes, there's no reservation - it is not the first thousand years before our era the Greeks are very keenly interested in the culture and history of the kings on the great Nile and even wrote about them the whole volume of the study. Some of them survived to the present day. It would seem that for such a huge period of time all the famous monuments had to be investigated thoroughly investigated, and nothing new to find in them at all desire it is simply impossible. But it is not so...
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Viewings: 5164
Тутанхомон: проклятье фараонаТех, кто «осквернил» гробницу юного египетского царя Тутанхамона, постигли несчастье, болезнь и внезапная смерть. Неужто и впрямь они стали жертвами трехтысячелетнего проклятия?
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Viewings: 5210
В Калифорнийском научном центре открылась выставка "Клеопатра: Поиск последней королевы Египта".

Клеопатра: Поиск последней королевы ЕгиптаКлеопатра: Поиск последней королевы ЕгиптаКлеопатра: Поиск последней королевы Египта
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Viewings: 5089
Com-Eva: 0 Author: admin Read more
Viewings: 4552
Таинственные врата Великой Пирамиды в Гизе будут открыты в 2012 годуПотайные врата в сердце Великой Пирамиды могут быть впервые открыты в 2012 году, когда робот британской компании разрешит, наконец, загадку, мучавшую археологов с 1872 года.
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Viewings: 4907
Секретный код пирамидПредназначение египетских пирамид так до конца и не выяснено. Непонятно и то, каким образом они были возведены. Сможет ли когда-нибудь человечество приблизиться к тайне ушедшей цивилизации, разгадать код пирамид?
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