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"I feel like a child, who, playing on the seashore, having fun, having found a stone popage, or sink colorful than the other, while the great ocean of truth spread out before me unexplored," wrote Isaac Newton.
Since then, we felt that science makes us all-knowing, and the technique is Almighty; that we become higher beings, using nature as a building material. Charmed their knowledge, we decided that we can define: it is in the nature done correctly, but it is not. Therefore, the finding that a large part of the DNA molecule does not contain genetic information, has caused excitement in the scientific community: here is indisputable proof of the uselessness of nature! However, later it turned out that the "extra" parts are used for modification and adjustment of the genetic material, it is essential, for example, in the fight against infection.
Ant colonies, with up to a million strong, have the highest degree of organization. They are diverse kinds of activity and carry out the most complicated projects. And all this without showing any visible "leader".
But in that coordinated "mechanism" every fifth ant shirk from work, becoming seemingly useless parasite. The first assumption was that they just sick. To identify the reasons for such unusual behavior of insects, scientists separated lazy ants from the rest. To the surprise of the researchers, four-fifths of the "lazy" immediately switched to regular employment. And among the "workaholic"deprived "parasites", every fifth stopped working. Thus, the emergence of two separate community with the same "public" structure, where every fifth ant, for some reason, does not participate in the common work.
The experiment showed that Nature has its own laws. Not understanding them and relying only on its own logic and concepts, we inevitably come into conflict with them. And the result of the confrontation will always be predictable.
Bacteria and man
Found fossils of bacteria, which more than 3,500 million years. And they, the bacteria that are still the dominant form of life on Earth.
Stephen D. Gould
It seems that simple and primitive tiny bacteria? It turned out to explore the possibilities individual bacteria, as it was accepted so far - still, how to evaluate opportunities of the person, studying its individual cells. The research results are literally turn our ideas about these "protacker".
In natural conditions, bacteria organize community with a complex structure, consisting of billions and billions of individuals. Elaborating joint solutions and realizing them, bacteria use of advanced communication methods, developed to such an extent that their chemical language includes semantic, and even pragmatic aspects. Thanks to the communication and interaction between the individual bacteria and the whole colony, in it there are new complex shape (structure). Bacteria acquire abilities and properties that were not originally in their genetic information.
The collision of the colony with a new problem is the collective data collection, search collected in the past and then, the joint information processing billions and trillions of bacteria colonies, making it the "swarming". This "swarming" can solve the tasks and man is not always on the shoulder.
Today, human society is divided into alienated groups and small groups, each of which with envy and suspicion tracks one after another. Put personal interests above the public, we have lost the ability Association. Once in an interconnected global community, we will not be able to solve their problem on their own, without taking into account the interests of others. Therefore, humanity is experiencing a multi-faceted crisis, and its further destiny is not clear.
Bacteria were the first on our planet and extremely successful. They act according to the basic law of nature, forgotten us - law Association. If we want to survive, then we are without of this law is necessary. Let us learn from bacteria!
Meanwhile, trying to get rid of "superfluous" in Nature, scientists join an endless list of errors.
So refined products, purified from natural debris have been found most useful, and the power they have become a matter of social status. But nature has in store lovers of "clean" products surprise.
Believing in the theory Pasteur, medicine saw the cause of epidemics in microorganisms and their toxins. Therefore, the causative agent of a disease called beriberi, which broke out in the far East in the end of XIX century, was looking for laboratories around the world. Already published studies on allegedly causing the disease organisms, but a cure has not been found and the number of victims of the epidemic grew.
Cause "epidemic" was established in 1897, through observation modest prison doctor from Indonesia (then a Dutch colony) Christian Aikman and ... yard chickens. Last ate white purified rice from food residues and was sick with prisoners. After switching to raw white rice, chickens recovered. Mysterious "disease" was the absence in the diet of vitamin B1 (thiamine), then unknown to science in the shell of rice.
Attempts to summarize the Nature of its creation - a man under invented by us standards generally lead to disastrous results. So, our psychiatry has become a weapon of manipulation personality. Specialists have created the image of a "normal" person that is not too sad, angry or excited. Traits that do not fall under this standard, qualify as "childish" or "neurotic".
In fact, only the unity, built of controversial and often the "wrong" components, creates a complete personality.
This is best shown in the following summary of the story of "the Four elements" masters of sci-Fi Robert shackley.
Alister Crompton was a stereotype - single-man, desire, which is easy to guess, and fears obvious to all. Painfully skinny, behind the thick lenses watery, dull eyes; the face of rare vegetation.
In short, Crompton was a clerk is the embodiment of Melancholic temperament Water. All his life he adamantly methodical reached his Desk. At five in the afternoon neatly folded ledgers and would return to his furnished room. On Sundays and public holidays studied geometry of Euclid, because they believed in self-improvement. And once a month he crept to the Newsstand and bought the magazine obscene content.
He knew that the doctors made it for his own good: in eleven years he has revealed three independent personality. The most appropriate left in the original body, and the other two were given new names and temporary bodies were placed in orphanages, on Mars and Venus.
Crompton recovered after the operation, but two thirds of nature he lacked: some human traits, emotions, abilities. He enviously watched people throughout inviting complexity contradictory characters fight against stereotypes. There was only one way to achieve inner contradictions and passions - that's what he was waiting for tridtsatipjatiletnego age, when he had the right to Reintegration.
"I want to exercise my right to Reinterate.
The doctor sighed and pulled out a thick medical history. "You cannot even imagine what these Crompton! "he exclaimed, " You believe that it's you is defective? Yes you're the top of this pile of junk! - I don't care what they are, " said Crompton. - They are part of me. Please give names and addresses.
After retiring from work, he took diligently accumulated savings and bought a ticket to Mars to find there Edgar lumis. He was a tall and slender, and in no way resembled Crompton. But between them there was some kind of a desire, attraction, instant consonance. The mind has appealed to the mind, part demanded of the whole, and Loomis, feeling it, raised his head and opened looked at Crompton.
He considered lumis, closely examining its correct, beautiful facial features, tan, casual elegance service, sunken cheeks, which were visible traces of makeup. Now, he thought, the stereotype of a sensualist, a person living for pleasure and bliss - the very embodiment of Sanguinolentha temperament, which is based on the Fire, a woman in a man causeless happiness and excessive attachment to the pleasures of the flesh. Loomis - the stereotype that all the desires that are easy to predict, and fears obvious for everyone. Pleasure in its purest form, which Loomis was guided in his life, was absolutely necessary to Crompton, his body and spirit. This rastlinnej, smug Alphonse, this creature with morality dog was a part of him, part required for Reintegration.
I follow the rule " said Loomis, - never make on Thursday. The old man, come in three or four years, then we'll talk. "But it is impossible, - explained Crompton. - You will then be on Mars, I'm on the Ground, and our third component - on Venus. Us it would not meet at the right time. If you change your mind, I stopped at the Motel "Blue Moon". When before the departure of the missiles had an hour in the room went Loomis, looked around and locked the door behind him. - I changed my mind, " he said - I agree on Reintegration. More than anything for fear of physical violenceLeah. Isn't it better just to reintegrate, and then I will explain it to you?
- Well, let's -- said Crompton. But Reintegration has not happened. Mergers, in which two elements would be formed of a single person, could not be, yet do not join them Dan Stack, the third missing component.
For fourteen hours Crompton learned a lot about Venus, where he directed people like the American pioneers or Australian pastoralists. They stubbornly fighting for a place under the sun and I fight with the natives. The group plantations in the depths of the continent fifty earthlings watched the two of thousands of aborigines.
- And you too need this Stack? "asked the Foreman. - He's my brother, " said Crompton, feeling sudden weakness. The foreman looked hard at him. "Yes, " said he, " rich cronies have rich cronies, there's nothing you can do about it. But worst of your brother in my life I didn't see anyone, I have seen enough of all. Leave it better alone. "I must find him, " said Crompton.
Tonight Loomis persuaded him to abandon the search. It is clear that the Stack is a thief and a murderer. What sense to unite with this? But Crompton felt that everything is not so simple: a Stack is another stereotype that do not count with the ordinary rules. The merger will change it, having filled with something missing in Crompton and Loomise: make the proper bit of aggressiveness, cruelty, vitality.
Colonel Prentice remembered very well the Stack.
- Yes, he was with us for almost two years. Then I was expelled. We are not predatory army of conquerors. The stack with his stupid head was difficult to understand. He fell into a rage, and shot a native, and then shot and all other. To stop him could not. To leave such a man I could not. He needs above all to the psychiatrist. Some time Stack worked on the docks. Met there with a guy named Barton Finch. Both were in prison for drunkenness and brawl; then they were released. Now they are owners of a small shop somewhere near the Bloody Delta.
The night before leaving rebelled Loomis. - I agree on Reintegration, but not with the serial killer. Is it a part of us, " said Crompton. - Maniac! He will destroy us! The appropriate response Crompton not found. Without Stack merger was impossible. - We're going, " he said.
They reached the last refuge Dan Stack. Crompton slowly walking down the street. After three empty shop, he saw the fourth with a sign: "the Stack and Finch, food and went in. On the stool sat tanned, bearded man of about fifty.
- Dan Stack? - asked Crompton. - I ed Tyler, Sheriff. Stack in prison. This barn is a prison. He had killed a man, his name is Barton Finch. He is still alive, but that's it going to end. I was sentenced to hang Stack. You may be present at the hanging. Sheriff opened the door of the barn. A few people went in there and soon returned, dragging her prisoner.
- Give the word to say " came the muffled voice of the Stack.
- Let him tell his speech on the law of the dying - has stood up for him Sheriff.
Stack put on the van, put a noose around the neck. He was a large, well done man. Full, etched wrinkles face expressed anxiety, hatred, fear, it could be guessed exuberant nature, the secret concealed defects and sorrows. Hard black hair hung down on hot forehead, black beard was performing on burning cheeks. The whole image was issued generated Air Choleric temperament of a person, easily flowing into anger and loses his mind.
- Guys, I have done many bad things in my life, " he said. He was a liar and a deceiver, had struck the girl he had loved, robbed of my dear parents, shed blood of the unfortunate natives. But I want you to know that I struggled with my own sinful nature and tried to win her. But I did not kill Barton Finch! He was my only friend in the world!
- Let's begin! "said the Sheriff. And then Stack with an expression of infinite despair on her face noticed in the crowd of Crompton. And recognized him. Their eyes met. Crompton made a decision and allowed the Stack to enter.
The crowd roared when the lifeless body hanging on a stretched rope. And Crompton staggered blow - consciousness Stack went in. And fell without memory.
Reintegration... Merge... the End... whether he Achieved this during a healing swoon? Crompton began to carefully examine your consciousness. Here Loomis, inconsolable wailing; here is the Stack, motionless, not merged with them. Crompton realized that the Stack was honest in his last speech. He sincerely wanted changes, self-control, perseverance. But not one iota was capable of it. Crompton tried to redress the balance, to extend its authority in both its components. But they, in turn, fought each for their autonomy. Then the Stack is the moment of enlightenment.
- Very sorry. And still need one another. I tried to change. But too much of it was in me all... so hot... then cold. I went to the Splitting... So there is another component? "exclaimed Crompton. "Who is he, where? - You have to go to Finch and get him into itself. Hurry up...
...In the back room lay Finch - the last hope for Reintegration. He lay very quietly, with her eyes open, staring into the void vacantly. He had a wide, white, completely expressionless face idiot. In his flat as the Buddha, terms, frozen inhuman calm, indifferent to everything living. He expects nothing, nothing wants. A thin trickle of saliva was dripping from the corner of her mouth, pulse was rare. It found fullest expression of the temperament of the Earth - Phlegm, which makes people passive and indifferent. Crompton's eyes darted into the eyes of an idiot, trying to get you to look at yourself, learn and connect. At that moment, and the Stack was to convince Finch to look and see. Even Loomis has found in itself forces to join them in a United effort.
All three were eyes of a cretin. And Finch, awakened to life three quarters of his "I", the three components, calling for reunification, made a last attempt. In his eyes for just a moment flashed through his mind. He learned. And joined in Crompton. He felt properties Finch - infinite peace and tolerance - flooded him. Four Basic Human Temperament, which are based on the Earth, Air, Fire and Water are connected. Crompton uttered a piercing cry, and fell dead.
When lying on the floor opened his eyes, he yawned and stretched himself, feeling nakazuemo pleasure from the light, and air, and bright colors, the feeling of satisfaction and the consciousness that is in this world cause that he has to do, is love, he will experience, and there's a whole life you want to live. The body, the former property of Elistera of Crompton, temporary shelters Edgar lumis, Dan Stack and Barton Finch, stood on his feet. It realized that it is time to find a new name.
Titanic struggle of mankind with the diversity of nature is reminiscent of the story of Greek mythology.
Procrustes, the Highwayman was lured to his home unsuspecting travelers. Placing them on the bed, he cut the feet of those to whom it was brief, but to whom high and pulled. In the end, and he Procrustes was a victim of his bed, when Theseus, the other mythical hero, went with him as the one with their captives.
Attempts to reduce the Nature and her offspring - person - to far-fetched stereotypes lead to disastrous results, as for the "customize" object, and for those who do.
Sergey Belitsky, doctor of Sciences about the Earth