Viewings: 6757
Located in the Indian state of Maharashtra, magnificent caves of Ellora is 34 patterns carved into the vertical slopes of the cliffs of Sarinande. Official site of world heritage UNESCO, the Ellora cave include 12 Buddhist, 17 Hindu and 5 Jain monasteries, built in the period between 6 and 10 centuries
Viewings: 4865
In the framework of the 36th session of the world heritage Committee of the UNESCO heritage list from June 29 to July 1 were included 16 objects.
Viewings: 5489
June 28, the American spacecraft Cassini passed by the time tefii - moon of Saturn diameter of 1 062 km, which is almost entirely made of ice.
Viewings: 5924
In Singapore in the Bay of Marina South today officially opened for visitors "garden of Eden" is a huge Park area with unique flowers and trees from all over the world, quaint bridges and crossings.
Viewings: 5257
For the first time, scientists have discovered a mass grave a herd of mammoths, which is located on the territory of Serbia.
Viewings: 7299
Now there is no doubt that our ancestors were monkeys. Seeing the tree, and tries to him to climb )
Viewings: 6264
Republican Committee on protection of cultural heritage has initiated assignment of the status of the Crimean reserve Atlantis - the ancient city of Acre, which finds under thickness of sea water. According to the press service of the Ministry reported.
Viewings: 7338
Archaeologists have conducted a series of studies in Spain and made a sensational discovery. Rock carvings in the Spanish Altamira caves and El Castillo was the most ancient in Europe - their age exceeds 40 thousand years.
Viewings: 5642
"The flagship of the sailing fleet of Russia barque "Sedov", which many called diamond among sailboats, left St. Petersburg for a long journey."
Viewings: 6622
On Earth there are still inexplicable, mysterious, but the incredible natural phenomena: the fantastic beauty of the Northern lights, the majestic power of lightning, the gentle charm of the clouds, and many many others
Viewings: 5127
Every winged creature has a symbolic meaning. The birds always friendly, because due to the connection with the element of air are the messengers of the upper world.
Viewings: 6477
Soon, after 27 years of restoration work, the public will be able to see the famous "the Gates of Paradise" Creator of the 15th century Lorenzo Ghiberti.
Viewings: 5942
The tragic thing happened on the Northern coast of Puerto Rico: here died a large-sized passenger bus, the sperm whale. |