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We've all seen the rainbow, but have you ever heard of the phenomenon of fire rainbow? Scientifically this is called ecologiasemarnat arc, and actually this optical effect - one of the halo formed plate of the ice crystals at a high level Cirrus clouds.In Sunny day Cumulus clouds rise up, pushing layers of moist air is even higher, where they cool down and condense, forming a cloud cap. When these cloud hats are formed very quickly, their water droplets be approximately the same size, which is ideal for a rainbow of colors. Photographer under the nickname daslasher1 was in an ideal location in the ideal time to capture fire rainbow in the sky. How often do you see this "fuzzy rainbow", depends on your location and latitude. In the US, for example, is relatively common that one summer, one can observe several times. But in Northern Europe is not often seen. ![]()
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