Viewings: 4574
Most of the prophets, and indigenous peoples of the world are predicting that's waiting for the Earth and mankind. We see this final and concrete change as a change of dimensions on the planet and the transition to a new level of existence, associated with the change in human consciousness on consciousness of the Christ or Unity Consciousness.
Great Peremena
We will look more closely at the very great change and what insight it brings us. We will focus on the essence of inter-dimensional transition, in order to extract from here and make our today's life on Earth the wisdom that will help us to make future changes harmonious. Understanding the transition to another dimension helps to accelerate your spiritual growth of the person and a more efficient use of the time that is left for us to live on our beautiful planet.
Inter-dimensional transition occurs when a planet or other celestial body moving from one dimension to another. In our case it will be the transition from the third to the fourth dimension. The whole planet as a whole and all that dwell on it, go to a higher level.
Indigenous peoples of America believe that we are on the threshold of transition from the fourth world in the fifth, and this change precedes the Day of Atonement. The difference in numbering is because they feel a Great Emptiness separate world and are counting on this point. Thus, the third dimension of Melchisedec and the fourth dimension the American Indians are one and the same.
If you want, you will be able to understand the essence of transformation upon transfer to the next level measurement or the next world. Despite the fact that transformation will happen very quickly, we are able to see through what changes we have to go. The veil over the events of our world will be raised, and we will provide an explanation of why they occur, which in turn will give us the clarity of mind and heart, when necessary transformation.
Description of the transition into the next dimension
On the planets of our Galaxy, all usually begins with the fall of the magnetic field strength, which then becomes unstable. Next comes the destruction of civilization and there comes the last stage. It takes not more than two years, but generally lasts three months. Even just being alive becomes extremely dangerous. Break up all the systems that support the existence of civilization, and the world is ruled by chaos. This is the time to which prepares the most religious denominations, such as the Mormons. This is the period when we are still on Earth in the third dimension, but are ready to make the transition to the fourth dimension.
Next follows a five - or six-hour period of time immediately before the start of the transition. This is a very strange time when the fourth dimension starts to penetrate into the world of the third dimension. And each of us it is useful to know what changes are coming.
When the transition is really begins, it will not have any doubts. Cause specific changes of color and form that cannot fit into our human consciousness. At the moment we leave the third dimension. Usually at this time there is a displacement of the axis of the planet, but we already know about this, as it will be in a new dimension of space-time. Of course, there are other scenarios, but above their usual course.
After going through the Void we enter the fourth dimension. Life has dramatically changed. The ascension of Christ, the resurrection and the final death - everything happens to that stage. Then begins the birth of the new world.
The following scenario describes as usual in the Universe there is a transition to other dimensions, but the Earth is an exceptional case. First I'll talk about transition, but keep in mind - our transition can be and will almost certainly be something unusual. The course of history can go a completely different way than the one that I'm going to tell you. Everything depends on our love for each other as a planetary race of human beings. At the end of the story I will give you the alternative hypothesis. However, it is still too early to say for sure that this is now happening, but it seems so.
The first signs
The first sign of the beginning of the transition of our planet in another dimension is the sharp drop in the intensity of the magnetic field of the Earth, which is known to science, for two thousand years, since the advent of Jesus, all the time is reduced. In the last 500 years the attenuation is considerably stronger. As you approach the moment of transfer of the magnetic field in General will start to go crazy that already noticed around the world. The airports have to correct the position of the geomagnetic North pole on their maps so that you can use automatic devices. The last thirty years marked characteristic changes in the structure of magnetic field lines. Birds abandon their usual places of migration. The thing is that during the flight they focus on the magnetic lines of the Earth, and now the location guiding lines changed dramatically. I think, it's what makes thrown on shore of whales and dolphins, as they also use the magnetic field lines of the Earth during migration. Many lines that had walked along the coast, are now living on the land. Cetaceans strictly sail on these guiding lines and thrown to the beaches. In the end, the geomagnetic field, possibly, in General will fall to zero, which for many "so many times in Earth history.
In the further events may develop on several scenarios. Field can be overturned, and the poles have changed places. Or, reaching zero point, the field will restore the same configuration of the poles, but will have a completely different axis. The Earth's magnetic field can change in different ways, but for you and your ascension it will have no value. You will have left the level of the dimension of the Earth, and therefore not directly pass the experience of such changes.
In addition, before going into another dimension will be more subtle energy effects, such as changing Romanovskoj frequency (basic resonant frequency of the Earth), but the most pronounced will be the geomagnetic changes. I'm not going to talk about Romanovskoj frequency because the U.S. government categorically denies that it is changing. If you really want to know the truth, look for relevant materials in Germany and Russia, since these two countries have information on this issue, which is completely contrary to the position of our government. You can also apply to works Gregg Braden. He is more informed and honest in this matter.
The special value of the magnetic field due to its effects on the human brain, when the field intensity drops to zero and remains at this point in more than two weeks. According to the Russian research when the astronauts were outside the geomagnetic field of the Earth for more than two weeks, they literally mad. The same thing happened after the Fall of Atlantis, when it plunged into the ocean, people would lose memory and went crazy. Apparently, the earth's magnetism supports our memory in a consistent state (as in the case of cassette tapes) and it is connected with our emotional body. In Russia, for example, were invented small device attached to the belt that maintain normal electromagnetic field around the body, when the astronaut is in space. I am sure that NASA did the same thing.
At first glance, it seems strange that the geomagnetic field influences our emotions, but remember, what happens in a full moon. The full moon is only slightly changes of geomagnetic indices, but the effect is more than obvious. Check policemen summary of any large city one day before and after the full moon, and also in itself a full moon. In these three days is made much more murders, rapes and other crimes than at any other time. However, the problem becomes much more serious when the magnetic field is reduced to zero. If even in the basis of instability of the global stock market are human emotions, then the submitted-those yourself, what kind of worldwide panic can cause large variations of the geomagnetic field of the Earth, lasting more than two weeks.
Stage before moving
This period usually lasts from three months to two years. His attack is celebrating the fact that people act crazy because of changes of the geomagnetic field. The world is like going crazy. Break up of the social world structure. The stock market crashes, governments become incapacitated, and while attempts are made to apply to the Ministry of defense, this does not help, as the military - the same problems. Suddenly found the deficit of food and other vital resources, and with no place to wait. In addition, most people becomes paranoid and grabs his weapon. On Earth there is no one safe place.
However, owing to tremendous help to us our spiritual brothers from extraterrestrial civilizations, and thanks to a powerful change of consciousness, which we have reached, we have a good chance we may not have to go through this dangerous time, and if they have, everything happens very quickly. I would not be surprised if we don't get any warning signs about his approach, with the exception of those five or six hours, which will be discussed below.
If we were to prepare on the physical plane, we would have dug a pit in the basement and put there the food supply, according toReina least two years. But that went into this refuge during the beginning of the transition, we would not come out. Why? Because interdimensional shift will take us into a new dimension of consciousness of the Earth - the place where there will be no third dimension, our familiar world. When the changes comes, the world third dimension will go, so it is impractical to collect in the basement of the food and supplies, hoping then, when it's all over, to come out and continue to lead a normal life.
A considerable part of humanity recently did this, waiting for the computer crash (when 2000). There is nothing wrong, but you should understand that this will not save you. No preparation on the physical plane will not help you at the level of higher dimensions. Successful promotion in the upper Worlds depends on your spiritual awareness and mainly on your character. Yes, it is from nature, as I will explain shortly.
The last five to six hours before you go
With normal human point of view, this is a dangerous stage. In a tribe of North American Indians Taos Pueblo, where I was born during the first incarnation on the Earth, taught that at this time it is necessary to enter a home (Pueblo), closing the curtains and look out the window and pray. If you look out a window to the outside, you will cover the fear. And this you need the least.
At this stage happen strange phenomenon. Begins overlay each other two dimensions. You can sit in his room, and suddenly in front of you right out of the air there's something inexplicable for your mind. This will be the object of the fourth dimension, which does not fit into your understanding of reality. You will see the colors that are never seen before. They are very bright, and you find that they have their own source of light. If color is not reflected and emitted. The objects will have the form, inexplicable for your mind. Nothing like you've never seen before. But all this is in the order of things, the natural social phenomenon.
I strongly recommend you not to touch either one of these objects. If you do, you will instantly, at high speed drawn into the fourth dimension. Better and easier for you not to move so fast. If this can not be avoided, then it is the Will of God.
Synthetic materials and thoughtforms Luciferians reality
Another phenomenon that is likely to happen, has to do with the nature of reality, created Lucifer, and in which we live. The original Reality was created so that all is in Divine order with everything else. But in Luciferians reality with the help of technology of artificial creating synthetic materials. These materials not contained in nature, will not be able to pass in the fourth dimension. They will return to the state of chaotic set of elements from which they were created. The possibility to transfer such materials into the next dimension is, but it is required to create a special energy field that supports their integrity.
Moreover, all synthetic materials have a certain degree of stability. Some, such as glass, not far away from nature. Because the glass is simply melted sand. But other materials such as plastics, very far from nature and so much more unstable. This means that in five to six-hour period, some synthetic objects depending on their stability will melt or dissolve faster than others. Your machine is made of synthetic plastics, which concern to the extremely volatile materials, so it will definitely fail. Even your home, most likely built from a variety of short-lived materials and mostly destroyed partly or completely. Therefore, most modern houses will be unsafe in the transition period.
Knowing that this time will come and what will happen Indians Taos Pueblo long ago banned the use of modern building materials within their settlements, Pueblo. Yes, they build summer houses made of synthetic materials outside of settlements, but when the Day of Atonement, they know what should go in my old house in Pueblo. Sometimes they put the window in Pueblo, but as before, the Windows were without glasses, even if the window is destroyed, it will be no great loss. As for the rest, the Pueblo was built only out of clay, straw, stones and wood, so that any problems from the Indians in the transition to the new dimension will not occur.
So, the best thing to be on the nature, when that happens, and if you do not have such opportunities, submit to the Will of God. I would not worry about this. I give you this information only to have you all understood, when will the transition.
Let's go a little further. Synthetic objects is actually just thought-forms created in the course of and in the core of the experiment. They do not exist in the source of Reality. Perhaps you find it difficult to understand that it is just a thought. The term is more correct. Thoughtforms come from what the Hindus call the mental plane, from a measurement of higher level, and then slowly filtered coming down through the dimensions, as the steps yet to be here, in the third dimension.
If to speak about human terms, people think about something, imagine it, and then decides how to do this. People one way or another create something and thereby Express their ideas on the earth plane. This may be done by one person or group of people, no matter who. The person or people who create something, do not hold this object on the earth plane, even if they are its creators. He is held here by the network of our consciousness of the third dimension, environmental planet. This consciousness of all people living on our level, agreed reality, held in place by a network of consciousness. Therefore, if the death of the Creator of an object, the object itself remains. But if the network is holding the objects that must be broken up, the objects appear in the materials from which they were created, and they will not be over. And the network must be destroyed before or at the time of transition.
It is obvious that the condition of people who have already violated the psyche due to the decrease of intensity of the geomagnetic field, will become even worse, when they see the destruction of luciferianism reality, when all the objects will start to collapse and disappear. Fortunately, it will last less than six hours.
According to Edgar Cayce and other psychics, on the Earth before there was a lot of highly developed civilizations, but they are little or nothing remained. This is due to what has been said. Created by our ancestors artificial materials have not gone through the last inter-dimensional transition 13 thousand years ago or during the previous shift measurements. Every time you move into the next dimension, God cleanses the environment source of Reality.
If highly extraterrestrial civilization comes here and wants to create some structure (for example, a pyramid, which would have saved tens of thousands of years, it will not build it from some difficult obtained material, such as stainless steel. Will use natural materials of the planet, very durable and reliable. Thus, the pyramid stand during all natural changes of the dimensions through which each planet. And this is not a limitation of the stone age, and very reasonable steps, that's all.
Along with this, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are very attentive to the situation, in order not to leave any traces of their visit. They either take your body with you or disperse them, not wanting to break the galactic law of non-interference.
Planetary transitions
Every person that ever lived on Earth have already experienced the transition. All people had to do to get here, on the Earth. It is an undeniable space fact. Whence we came to the Earth, we had to go through the Void to get here, and, therefore, had to be a change of dimensions. That day when you were born on Earth child, you experienced a change of dimensions. You've passed from one world to another. Only because of our defective memory we forgot about it.
The fact that we do not remember the experience of his birth and lost the memory of the other dimensions, we imposed on ourselves incredible restrictions. Take at least the fact that we can not overcome the reality of the far distance. The distance to our reality so great, that we can't cross them. We can't even leave our Solar system, because in our current state of consciousness we are prisoners in their own home.
You think it's wrong? It is impossible to travel long distances in a space ship in common perception of time and space. Scientists have come to this conclusion. Undoubtedly, the idea that we may never leave the limits of our Solar system, can be daunting. Flight to the nearest star, alpha Centauri, at a distance of about four light years) using modern space technology would have lasted 115 million years. Man does not live long, and, in addition, is the nearest star. And thus to reach deep space is simply impossible. To succeed, we need to change our perception of time and space.
As we have said, our problem is that we only know about time and space, and reality measurement us almost completely lost. Because everything is perfect, we think about it now, just when we need it. First, the memory is returned to us through our dreams, and then through films. In movies such as , , and many others, explores the idea of other dimensions. We must remember, because God is with us.
I will try to help you: let's talk about how ordinarybut there is a transition from one measure to another. I'll give you a description of my personal experience, but what happens in reality may be somewhat different, because the universe always experimenting. Some of you might prefer to hear this story, but I think it is more appropriate to give a direct chronicle of events.
Experience real planetary transition
Remember, I'm going to tell you what you might read in the galactic tutorial. This is the typical scenario. There may be other details, because life is dynamic, but knowing the norm, you can imagine it different shades.
Now mankind enters the new Millennium, and lifted up the Teachers felt that in anticipation of the coming transition will be very little violence, as we have already advanced well on its way. We have done a great job of helping born to a new human consciousness. So now I say to you, take it easy, don't worry. Enjoy a great transition. Watching the perfection of life, you can be the little child, to which you, probably, wanted to return. You know that will take care of you and that all events will manage pure love. This wave energy is so powerful that you can easily surrender to the flow of life and just be.
Most likely, we managed to reduce the possible duration of the period of chaos from two years to three months. According to forecasts, the period will be very short and almost will not lead to destruction. It is expected a small number or even complete absence of warning signals, but before the actual five-six-hour period just before the transition. Most likely, one morning you will Wake up as usual, and before sunset will be a baby in a completely new world.
Six hours before the transition
Let's look at six hours preceding the transition. You Wake up in the clear, cool in the morning and feel great. Getting out of bed, I notice some unusual lightness and a little strange state. You decide to take a bath, watch flowing water and suddenly feel something behind him. You turn and see a large, brightly glowing object of an indefinite colour, hovering near the wall at a height of about 90 cm (three feet). While you are trying to understand what it is unknown where you receive a second object that is smaller. Both objects begin to circle the room.
You jump out of the bath, run to the bedroom, only to see that the whole room is filled with these incredibly strange things. In the first moment you decide that you have a mental disorder or a brain tumor that affects your perception, but nothing like this. Suddenly before you begin to unleash the floor and the whole house perekashivaet. You run into the street, into nature, where everything looks fine except that everywhere many strange objects.
Then you decide to sit down and not move. Think about my Mer-Ka-BA and begin to consciously breathe. Feel relaxed in the stream of a prana going through your body. The rapid rotation of the Mer-Ka-BA envelops you with a sense of warmth and safety. You are centered and wait, because what needs to happen is God's grace. Nowhere to go. This is the most wonderful pastime, what you can imagine. It is the ancient and at the same time a completely new. It is beautiful and you feel great. You feel more alive than ever during its existence in ordinary earthly reality. Every breath you think is amazing.
You look at the clearing where distributed red glowing mist, gradually filling the space around you. Soon you completely surrounded by fog and it seems that it has its own light source. Actually, this substance is not like the mist that you have ever seen. But you think that fog everywhere you even breathe.
A strange feeling covers your body. Not that it's unpleasant, just unusual. You notice that red mist slowly turns into orange. And now it has become yellow. Yellow rapidly becoming green, then blue, purple, and finally in the ultraviolet. Suddenly your consciousness illuminates the powerful flash of bright white light. You are not just surrounded them, it seems that you are the light. For you, anything else does not exist.
The last sensation lasts a long time. Slowly, very slowly, the white light is made transparent, and is becoming a prominent a place where you sit. Everything around becomes metallic luster and looks like it is made of pure gold - trees, clouds, animals, houses, other people - all except your body.
Almost unnoticed by you, gold, metal reality is transparent. Gradually, everything begins to look like a Golden glass. Through the walls you see moving people.
Void three days of darkness
Finally, Golden reality begins to disappear. Bright gold dims and continues to lose its light, until, eventually, the whole world around you becomes dark and black. Covers you, the darkness, and your old world disappears forever. You see nothing, even your body. You realize that you are standing firmly, and at the same time you feel that you are flying. The usual world is gone, but you do not feel fear. There is nothing to fear. All is absolutely natural. You are logged into the Void between the third and fourth dimensions - the Emptiness from which all came from and where everything must go. You came to pass between the worlds. No sound, no light. Totally free of any sensory experience.
Nothing left but to wait and feel grateful for what you are United with God. Probably, here you can fall asleep. This is normal. If you do not want to sleep, you will feel that the time lasts forever. In fact, it may take about three days.
More precisely, this period can last from two and a half days (the shortest of all known) until about four days (the longest of all known). Usually, it takes three to three and a half days. This, of course, earthly days and not real, but the empirical time, because, as we know, there is no time. Now you come to the spoken of the Maya and other religious and spiritual currents.
New birth
The following experience would be shocking for you. After floating in the void and darkness for three days or so at some level of your existence you may find that it's been a thousand years. Then in a moment and suddenly, for you your whole world blows up bright white light. He will be blind-tion. The brightest light of all that you have ever seen. It will take a lot of time before your eyes adjust and be able to keep his radiance.
Most likely, this experience will seem completely new, it is only that you became a child in a new reality. You are a small child. Just as once at birth on Earth, you come from a very dark place in a very bright place; you were blind and didn't know what was happening. These experiences are very similar. Congratulations! You're just borned in shining new world!
When you adjust to the brightness of light, which can take some time, you will see colours that have never seen before and didn't even know that they exist. All in this reality, all forms and feelings are strange and unfamiliar to you, except a short period of time just before the transition, when before you were floating strange objects.
Actually, it's more like a second birth. On Earth, when you're born, you find yourself in the world of a small child and continue to grow until, until you become an adult. Usually it is considered that adulthood is the end of growth. The fact that the body of an adult in the next world is a child, that sounds strange, until then, until you see it. Similarly, you begin to grow and become higher and higher, until you reach adulthood in the new world. Adults in the world of the fourth dimension is much taller than here. The man has a growth of 4.2-4.8 m (14-16 feet), and a woman 3-3,6 m (10-12 feet).
Your body will look tight, as on Earth, but in comparison with the third dimension it is not. If you came back to Earth, no one would have seen you. You still would have atomic structure, but the atoms mainly exists as energy. Your body will be a bundle of energy with a very small large number of substances. On Earth you could pass through solid walls, but in the fourth dimension your body tight. That's the new birth will be your last life in a familiar structure. In the fifth dimension, which will soon be replaced by the fourth, life will not be in shape. This formless state of consciousness. You will not have a body, but you will be everywhere.
In addition, the time in the fourth dimension obey totally different laws. A few minutes on Earth is equal to several hours in the fourth dimension, so for that time, which seem to you is two years, you will become an adult. But life in the new world does not consist simply in growth, as here on Earth. There are several levels of knowledge and existence, which you will be hard to imagine from the level at which you will enter into the fourth dimension, as well as a little baby here on Earth, it is impossible to understand astrophysics.
Your thoughts and survival
And here you baby appeared in the new world. But you are not helpless. You powerful spirit that can manage the entire reality with your thoughts. About whatever you thought, everything happens instantly!
First, you are not yet conscious of this relationship. Most people in the Techaof several days can't figure out what was going, and this time is crucial. In a few days can decide the fate of your survival in the new world, if you do not understand.
Present you only a few minutes old, and your life is the first big test. When the window opens in the fourth dimension, and through him, may take any, but not everyone will be able to stay there.
We found that at this stage there are three types of people. First, among the fallen there are people who are ready. They are prepared on Earth, the way they lived their lives. The second type consists of those totally not ready, they are so full of fear that they could not afford to leave the third dimension through the Void; they immediately return to Earth. And finally, the third group are those who are not quite ready for this experience. They have enough training to go into the fourth dimension, but not enough to stay there. Such people was referring to Jesus when at the end of one of his parables said (Matthew 20:16. - Approx. as amended).
In the gospel there is another parable about the farmer who servants said that his wheat field lot of weeds, and asked what to do. The owner told not to touch the weeds, in the time of harvest to remove them and wheat together, and then separate the wheat from the chaff. Usually you try to get rid of weeds, until they grew, but in this case it was decided to do otherwise. The parable Jesus told about two different groups of people - those that are ready, and those that are not.
Not enough trained people carry with them all their fears and hatred. When they get in this very strange world, all their fears and irritation raise his head. People do not even realize that everything they think, immediately acquires the form, so their fears begin to manifest.
Not knowing what was happening, most people trying to play familiar images of the old world, those things that are familiar to them. In this way they try to understand what is happening. They do it unconsciously, they are subjected to the self-preservation instinct. They begin to create the older images and patterns. But the new world is so strange that all their fears come to life. They say . They see dead people, events from his past, from childhood. And I didn't understand. The mind tries some way to bring everything in order.
Confused people decide that they hallucinations, and this just adds to the fear. Thinking earthly, they believe that someone all that specially adapts, so they must be protected. Their ego thinks that he needed a weapon. This is immediately followed by its implementation, there rifle with optical sight, just what they wanted. They take up a gun and think .
Look to the left and see a huge boxes full of ammo. Load the gun and begin to look around in search of enemies who want to kill them. And who instantly? Of course, expected scoundrels, and fully armed.
The result is true worst fears, whatever they were, and then people start to shoot. Wherever they turned - anywhere other people are trying to kill them. In the end, is realized the worst fear, and kill them outright.
After this is in effect a kind of script that sends them from the upper World back to where they came from. It was referring to Jesus when he said (Matthew 26:52. - Approx. as amended). But He also said (Matthew 5:5. - Approx. as amended), so if you come into a new world with simple thoughts of love, harmony and peace, trusting God and himself, then that is what will manifest itself around you. You will create a harmonious, beautiful world. If you're gentle, you give yourself the opportunity to remain in the upper world by using their thoughts, feelings and acts. You will survive here.
Of course, this is only the beginning. You were born in the new world and survived it. Further there are several possible scenarios. One that will sure, is that after some time you begin to explore new reality and at some point will understand about whatever you thought, it actually happens.
Illuminated this knowledge, people often look at your body and talk , and then their thoughts begin to improve ourselves, reaching physical ideal, always dreamed of. They heal all that is necessary, extend their hands and feet. And why not? It's like a toy for a child. Because at this stage, the ego is still little effect, you can create a pleasant appearance, become truly beautiful and higher. But soon you will be bored to improve your body, and you will begin to explore the new reality.
One thing will almost certainly happen. Suddenly you will notice two bright moving spot of light near the spot where you are. It's your mother and your father. Yes, in the fourth dimension you will have parents. However, in recent times, as in the following upper world they never will be.
In the space of the fourth dimension, where you moved, there is no family problems, as on Earth. Your mother and father will love you so, probably, you have always dreamed of. Their love and care do not know boundaries. Once you have survived here, they will not suffer that happened to you something bad. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. There will come a time full of great joy, if you'll just give it all and let love lead you.
You may have the feeling that you've just won the greatest game of life. All the pain and suffering experienced by you in the past, disappeared and reappeared again another beautiful and sacred standard of living. Returned to you an informed understanding of the purpose and meaning of life. You begin to experience another, ancient and at the same time, a new mode of existence, and that your path. He was always yours, but you refused it. And now you are returned to the state of this realization, when God manifests for you throughout your life. Manifest with every breath that is in your shining Light body.
How to prepare: the secret everyday Life
You ask what you can do here on Earth, to prepare to experience life in the upper worlds?
Of course not to stock the products and not to prepare an underground shelter or something like that. Not because it's bad, just that physical preparation have their limitations. In heaven, in the upper worlds, you are what you do. The same happens here, but most people don't know it. This is understandable since the fourth dimension.
Because we are what we create, it is very important and even necessary that all that comes out of us, was in harmony with all life everywhere. We must understand that everything we think, feel and do, creates a world in which we have to live. So a normal life here on Earth can be considered a school, a place where each moment has taught us lessons that can be instantly translated in the next world. Not surprisingly, Egypt and other ancient civilizations belonged to death with special respect. Death, no matter how it comes, there's a passage darkness through the Void, leading to the shining light of the higher worlds of life. If we handle it, then directly reach our conscious connection with all life everywhere, with eternal life.
Fig. 18-1. Female model star gate
Fig. 18-2. Male model star gate
So what are the earth's lessons? The truth is that the Source of all life - in the eyes of every created man. Even here on Earth, at every moment in every man there are great knowledge, wisdom and love. Once this is understood, it becomes clear that your thoughts, feelings and actions are key. You know exactly what to do. Simply put, it improves your character. His glittering like diamonds, faces become the means of survival and climbing.
Buddha, the virgin Mary, Lao Tzu, Mohammed, Jesus, Abraham, Krishna, Babaji, Saint Teresa and about 8,000 of other Great Teachers of eternal life - that your school mentors and heroes. In my example, they show you how to build your character. They all understood that the main key is the love of his neighbour. It brings order to the created world to you.
Gives you eternal life. Do you realize it?
In understanding melkhisedekov, the only thing that will help you to pass through what is called the Stargate, and moving from one area of existence to another, it is your thoughts, feelings, and very specific emotional and mental models, which typically consist of five or six items (see Chapter 13, the New data 5). That's the model I used when entering into this dimension, love, truth and beauty, trust, harmony and peace. There are many other models, and all of them are codes or keys that allow you to pass by custodians. If keepers feel that you are ready for the kind of world that they protect, they allow you to enter. If not, they drive you back to the world from which you came. It is their work - and you have created such order of things.
If you can just to be there and to chant these models of love, truth and beauty, trust, harmony and peace, you don't have to worry. It's the way (see Fig. 18-1). There are other models, such as men's (see Fig. T): compassion, humility and wisdom, unity, love and truth. All models of the Stargate include love and truth.
Where there is compassion and humility, present and wisdom; it is the male component. And as soon as there is love and truth, here, is the unity of the female component. The first model of the Stargate arranged differently: where there is love and the truth is, there is beauty, there is the male component. And everywhere, where there is trust and harmony compulsory whenthere is no peace, women's component.
So, these mental-emotional state or model of the Stargate is most important to you when you enter into the higher worlds. Every time you will climb higher and higher, they will become more and more important. Where is it leading us in the process?
When you reach the fourth dimension and begin to see and understand their situation, and also to demonstrate the ability to manage events, begins to see something funny. Remember the pattern on the ceiling Egyptian temple called the egg metamorphosis (see Chapter 10, Fig. 10-34a) the orange-red oval above the heads of the Egyptians, which makes a 90-degree turn in the transition to the next world? Like them, you will begin to undergo metamorphosis. Your body will quickly turn into something similar, but differing from the previous ones.
The word means . The first ruler who received this name was Akhenaten, who had a pretty wife Nefertiti. If you want to know what you will be, look at them. The Syrians Skye race where they came from, is our paternal aspects, and we carry their genes. When the time comes, we will all turn to Silantev. This race was created for the fourth dimension. When this happens, you'll say . With changes occurring in your body will be so natural that you will not pay attention to them. When you start, grow, life in the next world will seem ordinary Noah. You will enter one of the three higher overtones of the fourth dimension-tenth, eleventh and twelfth. In one or several of these worlds you will acquire knowledge and wisdom to advance into the fifth dimension, you will go back the way straight to God, all the time changing as ordinary-Ruciane truth. Eyes of the Universe are upon us, the great souls of the Universe are closely watching us. We are children of God, bearing in life is the opportunity of a New Life. With feeling of deep gratitude I say unto you .
Unique transition
We told you about what usually happens when a planet is in transition in the fourth dimension. And now let's state a new hypothesis that can happen now, in the beginning of XXI century the third Millennium. Sometimes to facilitate the transition planet enters the anomaly. When this old dimension recreated in such a way that to work out the old karma and make the transition into the next world smoother. This rarely happens at the global level, but theoretically it is possible. However, for such initiation requires a very high level of consciousness, and to achieve it, as a rule, is rather problematic.
Edgar Cayce said that the axis of the Earth will change , but it has not changed. According to other predictions, we had to go to a higher dimension or destroy yourself to the August 11, 1999, but, apparently, this also did not happen. Maybe we have already moved into the fourth dimension and simply do not know about this? It is likely.
This is such a huge, truly immense topic. Perhaps the best way to understand where the required high level of consciousness to make such a change. And, most likely, the New Children of the Earth, the vanguard of consciousness, are here for this reason. Most of our children today are highly spiritual beings who came to Earth to help us to make the transition into the new world. New Kids can initiate the transition through extraordinary means. Perhaps at the moment we are witnesses of this miracle. With its highest level of the universe understanding children are able in the next world to recreate our world so that not to lose a single soul - I think this is their destiny. Then we will have to paraphrase the words of Jesus in . I think he would be full of joy. The most beautiful dream in the Universe has always been striving to help make the transition to every lost soul, but it was impossible before.
How children can save the planet? Pure innocence and love of the child in the higher world are the source of harmonious creation. If the New Children really are, and it seems that the way it is, then anything is possible. Apparently, God only what struck us with His grace.
Drunvalo Melchizadek
"The ancient secret of the flower of life"