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Ghosts is not only a fuzzy white shapes, pictures are often published as evidence of the existence of the afterlife. They may look as a projection of the deceased person and "to appear" in the most unexpected places. So, the British Andrea Samuels says that the image of her late husband regularly occurs on the wall in the bedroom.
According to the 41-year-old woman, Ghost began to pursue her four years later after the death of the spouse. However, this was preceded by a variety of events. First, in the house Andrea in Carlisle wound up poltergeist. New furniture was always breaking from the walls fell pictures, and then on the bedroom wall became ever more clearly and distinctly to emerge in the face of the deceased husband. At the same time on the ceiling began to appear the image of a dead dog boxer nicknamed HB, once belonged to the owners. While going to the bathroom, the owner of the house heard the heart-rending dog howling.
Recently Andrea invited to the house of a Catholic priest, father Paul Dadson. He later confirmed that he had seen on the wall something similar to the image of man, and on the ceiling - image resembling a part of the body of a dog. The priest sprinkled all premises in the house of the Holy water, and gave a series of prayers. According to him, during 13 years of service in the Church of his only two times caused to sanctify the haunted house. Widow also hopes that the conducted rites will help to drive out demons.
And wife Marcelo and Pamela de Souza, in turn, were shocked when several years ago during the procedure, ultrasound saw on the screen of the person deceased mother Marcelo. It is as if emerged from the uterine cavity. The study was conducted on the gestation in 10 weeks. The first mysterious image on the monitor noted Marcelo, and later it drew the attention and wife, looking at the pictures. Of course, the image looked quite blurry, but still it was very reminiscent of the person of the mother of men, who died four months before.
It is curious that the photographs of the future child is nothing abnormal was not obvious. Have a safe birth, and now little girl de Souza for three years. Marcelo believes that the image that occurred during ultrasound, was a sign that his mother filed with the light - she wanted to show that the soul must move to the baby."I immediately realized that this is it, " he says. - It is returned to us, to continue to take care of us and love us. I showed a picture of many of your friends and they were shocked by the similarity".
Often in such episodes participate celebrities. So, in the beginning of this year a group of Chinese tourists have been captured on video mysterious image that appeared in the window of one of the churches of the Scottish city of Glasgow. Many believe that this is none other than the late Princess Diana Spencer! However, I wonder why her Ghost is not observed neither in London nor in, say, the home of Princess Diana in Norfolk. After all, most phantoms appear where they dwelt in life.
Poltergeist were harassed and actress Jennifer Love Hewitt. Having settled in the new house, she felt that her constantly being watched. She heard footsteps in the corridor, and if this quickly turned around, I saw on the wall male shadow. The actress turned to "hunters for the ghosts", which has safely delivered housing Jennifer from "impure force".
Rumor and the Ghost that live in the house in Trekhprudny lane, where previously lived actress Ludmila Gurchenko. The neighbor from the apartment opposite photographed on the landing his friend, and the footage was captured in something resembling a female face. Many who saw the picture, I can assure that it not who other, as late Ludmila Markovna. Besides, neighbors on the landing, and from below, heard coming from empty apartment the sound of footsteps, voices and noises.
However, the supernatural "play" image of a deceased person anywhere in itself is quite a frightening event. Although it is possible that someday science will find this explanation. Researcher Michael Cohen believes that the occurrence of such images can be only an optical illusion, and their similarity with "original" is only a coincidence. But who knows - maybe it still manifest themselves inhabitants of the other world?