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Scientists have created man from artificial limbs, known as Rex. It is a small robotic exoskeleton, consisting of an array of artificial limbs and organs, collected around the world.
Studies of advanced technologies of prosthetics and artificial organs mean that scientists will soon be able not only to replace missing parts of the body, but also to improve them.
A leading scholar of the project called C4 is Dr. Berthold Mayer, social psychologist from Switzerland, who himself has a bionic limb, because I was born without a left hand.
The creation of the bionic man had cost $1 million of His limbs and organs were developed by leading experts of robotics UK Richard Walker and Matthew Godina. Artificial eyes, which consists of a microchip implanted in the retina receives images shot with the camera placed on the glasses patients. He sends electrical impulses that are interpreted by the brain shapes and patterns.
Leg prosthesis and ankle was developed by Professor Hugh Herr from the Massachusetts Institute of technology, who lost a leg after frostbite, when engaged in mountaineering. It emulates the behavior of a calf muscles and Achilles tendon.