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In 2013, we are waiting for a five eclipses - two Sunny and three of the moon. As star "blindman's buff and hide and seek" will affect our lives? Let's deal.
The reverse side of freedom
Heavenly show opens a lunar Eclipse, which will take place on April 26 at 00:07 Moscow time. The Eclipse will be difficult, because the Moon is in connection with Saturn in Scorpio, and the Sun, on the contrary - in Taurus, in connection with Mars. On the one hand, enhanced energy Yin planets, on the other - they are opposed Yang planet, so may escalate the struggle of various social forces and moods. Eclipse is in the 6th grade of Scorpio, which is connected with humility, patience, and the need for a strong, dominant hand. Ruling C - Saturn - now also in Scorpio and in connection with the Moon, so is his strength at the time of the Eclipse increases.
Such position of the planets can cause a rise in crime, sexual perversions, to cause increased interest in magic and stuff. The opposition of Saturn and Mars lead to outbreaks of aggression. Connection Ascending Node and Proserpine in Scorpio may lead to fatal scientific discoveries and experiments, the consequences of which will be very sad. In addition, this Eclipse may become the first swallow in the chain of events connected with the upcoming world banking crisis.
At this moment it is dangerous to be in a crowd, especially in the subway. The night before the Eclipse should stay at home: do not visit places of entertainment, and in General, try to get home before dark. In the days near eclipses do not make big money operations, investing, take loans. And of course, you should not practice magic, especially on 25 April, in the 15th lunar day: there is a risk to attract dark energy.
In the horoscope on Moscow point Eclipse gets in XI house: he is responsible for the collective mood, riots, keen desire for freedom and independence. In the horoscope of the Russian Federation Eclipse falls in the third house, which is connected with the media, social environment, public opinion that can stir up in our country next wave of aggressive publications and speeches on TV.
Shortage of funds
Another act, the star of the show will take place on may 10 at 4:25 Moscow time. We are waiting for annular solar Eclipse in the 20th degree of Taurus. Annular Eclipse associated with the collective karma and more recognised than on individual people, and to humanity as a whole.
The degree symbol - "Two dogs biting each other". This degree of aggression, intrigues and serious ambitions. And since Eclipse is happening in the Body, the sign of material well-being, in connection with the Descending Node, it is possible to forecast the worsening of the world financial situation. This Eclipse is to wean us from excessive attachment to material things
During the Eclipse, as well as during the three previous and the following three days, you should not start the business connected with money. Failure will and rituals to attract wealth. But to repay debts, to get rid of old stuff on the contrary, it is useful: it will help to get rid of ballast, and achieve financial freedom.
Ruler C Eclipse - Pluto - will be in a strong enough position in the sign of Capricorn. However, the degree to which it falls, dual: on the one hand, it gives energy and activity, on the other triggers for evil deeds.
In the horoscope, built on Moscow, Eclipse falls in the second house - it meets the Calf, and thus Eclipse with double force will hit it on Finance. In the horoscope of the Russian Federation Eclipse gets in X the house of government: it can be a catalyst for major change in the administrative elite, until the overthrow of the ruling financial elite.
The Crusades
on may 25 at 8:24 Moscow time will take place semi-transparent lunar Eclipse. This will happen in the sign of Sagittarius, therefore, will come to the fore issues of faith, morality and ethics, may worsen inter-religious and inter-ethnic contradictions.
In a tense configuration Tau-Square to the line of the Eclipse will be Neptune, which is responsible for the spiritual sphere, so that disputes and conflicts on this ground is inevitable. And yet, dear readers, try to avoid talking these topics: religious discussions and "Crusades" no good now will not.
In the horoscope, built on Moscow, Eclipse gets in the fifth house, which is connected with the younger generation. Probably the strengthening of religious propaganda in schools (remember the heated discussions that are underway now with the emergence of the so-called "head teachers in spiritual work and teaching of religion). In the horoscope of the Russian Federation Eclipse is projected in the fourth house national traditions, which also returns us to the question of the role of the Church in society.
The word is not a Sparrow
The following semi-transparent lunar Eclipse is expected on October 19 at 3:50 Moscow time. The Eclipse will occur in 26 degrees Aries, which is managed by the Moon. Its characteristics - cunning, ambition, anger, rivalries. In the horoscope, built on Moscow, Eclipse falls into VIII house of extreme events and hazards: beware of bursts of aggression (especially that mercury will be in a devastating degree, and to negotiate with people it will be difficult). Watch the speech: any careless word can lead to serious trouble. Globally, this Eclipse is capable of provoking a catastrophe, most likely, associated with the element of fire (possible explosions, fires).
In the horoscope of the Russian Federation Eclipse gets in IX house ideology and foreign contacts: possible problems between ideological and religious institutions or difficulties in relations with other countries.
Magic - the power
Completed heavenly spectacle November 3, 16:46 Moscow time hybrid solar zatmenie Scorpio.
Eclipse in Scorpio is another reason to be careful. It occurs in the 12th C, which is responsible for magic, the secret machinations of the enemies, the evil intentions. Degree controlled by the Moon, so its role is increasing, and the sun, conscious beginning to be depressed. At the time of the Eclipse in Scorpio will be a powerful connection of planets: besides the Sun, the moon and the Ascending Node, there are Saturn, Proserpine and mercury. This reinforces the power of the Scorpion and, on the one hand, gives you the ability to regenerate and spiritual revival, but on the other promises deterioration of the criminal situation, activation of perverts, maniacs, the recurrence of mental illness.
In the horoscope, built on Moscow, Eclipse gets in the eighth house, also associated with Scorpio, so all of his qualities are enhanced.
During an Eclipse is not recommended to travel, to launch new projects, to hold business negotiations. Care will be needed and in private life. People are not inclined to risk should be avoided mass events, trips on the metro, communication with representatives of the criminal world, and with psychics and magicians. But the mages-the professionals of this period, on the contrary, can bring success. They are allowed to start the important things that are associated with the magical rituals. However, it is important on which side you are on light or dark.
In the horoscope of the Russian Federation Eclipse is projected in the fourth house is full of traditions, so that possible disputes and conflicts between historians, politicians, religious figures. Because Eclipse is in connection with IC (this is the beginning of IV house, the deepest point of the horoscope associated with the family hearth, land and property), the changes may affect the very foundations of our society. Also likely radical reforms in the sphere of housing construction and land redistribution.
Eleanor GINZBURG, astrologer