Viewings: 4313
![Данные MESSENGER заставляют пересмотреть взгляды на происхождение Меркурия Данные MESSENGER заставляют пересмотреть взгляды на происхождение Меркурия]( At the last meeting of the American astronomical society in anchorage (USA) astronomer Sean Solomon of the Carnegie institution of Washington revealed a number of observations of interplanetary automatic station Mercury MESSENGER, 2011 revolving around the nearest planet to the Sun.
Viewings: 4083
![Жить в космосе можно лишь полторы минуты Жить в космосе можно лишь полторы минуты]( Note - even in a fantastic movies cosmonauts, as a rule, never go into space without space suits. I wonder what happened with the man, if he were in almost airless space environment without any protective equipment? According to experts, we should live in such an extreme situation would have remained no more than 90 seconds...
Viewings: 4287
![Процесс массовых разрушений в районе черной дыры в режиме реального времени Процесс массовых разрушений в районе черной дыры в режиме реального времени]( Scientists-astronomers reasonably believe that in the centers of most galaxies are supermassive black holes. And our galaxy, the milky Way galaxy is no exception to this rule. It turns out that the black hole in our galaxy has its own name - Sagittarius A* (Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A*), and the following year in the field of a black hole Sgr A* scientists-astronomers will be able to observe cosmic cataclysm vast scale, and the process of mass destruction nearby cosmic bodies and objects.
Viewings: 5001
![Медленные нейтроны – «курьеры» между параллельными вселенными Медленные нейтроны – «курьеры» между параллельными вселенными]( In the research, published in the European journal of physics (European Physical Journal, EPJ), researchers proposed and substantiated the hypothesis of the existence of mirror particles and mirror parallel Universes, consisting of these particles. Such a hypothesis was put forward as an explanation of the anomalous phenomenon of disappearance of neutrons, which is observed during several physical experiments. The probability of the existence of mirror particles and mirror matter has already been theoretically substantiated some time ago in the course of searching for the most suitable candidates for the role of the mysterious dark matter.
Viewings: 5222
![Похоже, атмосферы планет могут быть горячее их звёзд Похоже, атмосферы планет могут быть горячее их звёзд]( The surface of our Sun has a temperature of 6 000 K, however, the researchers were able to detect the planet, atmospheric gases, which are heated up to 26 000 K! Of course, without any internal thermonuclear reactions.
Viewings: 5079
![Суперземля пляшет вокруг гиганта Суперземля пляшет вокруг гиганта]( Two planets located at a record close distance from each other, found space telescope Kepler. One of exoplanets system Kepler-36, located at the junction of the constellations Cygnus and Lyra, is a super-earths. Another reminiscent of Neptune.
Viewings: 4961
![По данным нового исследования астрономов, темной материи нет По данным нового исследования астрономов, темной материи нет]( New, but the most accurate study of the movement of the stars in our milky Way galaxy, has not set the expected traces of a large number of dark matter near the Sun, reported by scientists from the European southern Observatory (ESO).
Viewings: 5512
![Небесная лаборатория Небесная лаборатория]( In the history of cosmonautics in the US was the one and only orbital station. And the flight was with adventure - miss the astronauts did not have.
Viewings: 5154
![Столкновение галактик неизбежно? Столкновение галактик неизбежно?]( More recently, astrophysicists called Andromeda "space predator", considering that it devours located nearby dwarf galaxy. Now the prosecution is withdrawn. However, according to the latest disappointing figures, we expect the collision of the milky Way Galaxy, where the Solar system) and of the Andromeda nebula. Solves one - whether it will be four billion years, and mankind (if at that time it still will exist) will not be affected.
Viewings: 3342
![Чёрные дыры предложено использовать вместо экспериментальных ускорителей Чёрные дыры предложено использовать вместо экспериментальных ускорителей]( Researchers from the Institute of theoretical physics at the Vienna technical University, suggested the use of black holes (BH) for the search for axions, all attempts to discover that using experimental particle accelerators has not yet been successful.
Viewings: 3604
![Скрытые сокровища далекой галактики Скрытые сокровища далекой галактики]( In the galaxy m that is in the constellation of Virgo, something strange happens. The telescope "Hubble" recorded some spark, not like a star with variable illumination, nor supernova explosion. "Compromising" galaxy picture was found in the electronic library Amateur astronomer M. Nowak, participant of the contest"Hidden treasures".
Viewings: 4245
![Посылка для инопланетян достигла границы Солнечной системы Посылка для инопланетян достигла границы Солнечной системы]( Scientists specially placed in the spacecraft NASA's Voyager 1" message to extraterrestrial civilizations
Viewings: 4638
![Гонка за луну Гонка за луну]( It is known that first flew around the moon Soviet automatic interplanetary stations. Them in 1959, was the first to photograph the invisible side of the satellite. And a little later they were obtained and samples of the lunar soil. These achievements of Soviet science alarmed the whole world and has caused particular concern among Americans. They would lose its international authority, because in space substantially behind the USSR. The Americans were frightened that the USSR will create military bases on the moon and take from there the whole Western world under the gun.
Viewings: 5562
![Золото-величайшее чудо вселеной Золото-величайшее чудо вселеной]( Columbus discovered not only America. The main discovery of Christopher Columbus in his words: "With GOLD, not only can you do anything in this world, with its help you can extract the souls out of purgatory and populate them Rai...", In a letter to king Ferdinand, the man who discovered America, pointed out the main secret of the Creator, lost with the death of the library of Alexandria.
Viewings: 4808
![Частная космонавтика: реальность и перспективы Частная космонавтика: реальность и перспективы]( on 21 June 2004 was a truly historic event. From the airport of the city Mojave, California soared spacecraft SpaceShipOne", designed by an Amateur inventor Bert Rotana. The machine reached a height of a hundred kilometers and successfully returned to base. Pilotasowe his 62-year-old Michael Melville became the first person, who received the title of astronaut bypassing the state space corporations. The road to space tourism is now open...