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Viewings: 3695
The main Pulkovo Observatory of the Academy of Sciences. Here watching the starry sky almost 200 years. But now through the optical lens astronomers almost nothing seen - in St. Petersburg white nights.

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Viewings: 4094
Астрономы обнаружили почти идеального близнеца СолнцаAstronomers estimated that in our galaxy the milky way is about 10 billion stars similar to the Sun. However, at the distance of only about 200 light-years specialists found an almost perfect twin of the Sun. Found the star has the same mass, temperature and chemical composition, and the Sun.
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Viewings: 3271
Столкновение галактик оказалось обманом зренияSpace telescope "Hubble" fixed a rare sight: a pair of overlapping galaxies NGC 3314.
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Viewings: 41733
Один очень маленький телескоп открыл две очень странные планетыAlthough KELT North, telescope, located at the southern Arizona (USA), is very small, it managed to find two very unusual planet, one of which is a brown dwarf, very close to its star, and the second - for the first time in the history of astronomy - can provide scientists with the opportunity to analyze the chemical composition of atmospheres of exoplanets.
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Viewings: 3840
Two powerful emission of plasma that occurred in the Sun on Wednesday and Thursday, may provoke a surge of geomagnetic disturbances on Earth on Sunday, June 17, according to experts of the center of space weather prediction National Board of oceanic and atmospheric research, USA (NOAA).

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Viewings: 5506
Гости из звёздной системы СириусAbout the Dogon have again forgotten. Forgot thoroughly: after ethnographic expeditions to them in the 1960-1970s poudivlyalis, Poehali and forgotten. 40 years of modern science hardly recalls. And it is in vain: humanity, more seriously embarking on the search of first contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations possibly could in this way to find some hints in his own crib, on the planet Earth.
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Viewings: 3704
НАСА уточнило место посадки нового марсианского вездеходаNASA say that the new American Martian Curiosity is getting closer to the surface of the red planet and in August he will have to make it fit. According to experts, they will try to put the device as close as possible to the point of his initial research. Due to the fact that this point is close to the mountain area, landing promises to be a very difficult operation.
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Viewings: 5137
Кто затопил баню в космосе?People always dreamed of finding in the Universe of brothers in mind. Recently, we have made a big progress in this direction: found is the second planet on which life might exist. About sensational discovery was announced to the participants in the American city Moran (Wyoming).
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Viewings: 3801
Небольшие планеты могут возникать практически у любых звездSmall rocky terrestrial planets can form around stars with virtually any shares astronomical "metals" - elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, which indicates the prevalence of such planets in our Galaxy, say astronomers in an article published in the journal Nature.
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Viewings: 4779
60 ошеломительных фактов про космос!1. Red giant star Betelgeuse, has a diameter larger than the orbit of the Earth around the Sun.
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Viewings: 3938
Стереть нас с лица ВселеннойWipe us from the face of the Universe can, for example, the asteroid Apophis. It is named after the ancient Egyptian God of darkness and destruction. Opened in 2004, an asteroid the size corresponds stecajnom skyscraper and weighs 20 million tons.
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Viewings: 3527
Черная дыра убегает из галактикиNeedless to say, the third always superfluous. This is true not only for people, but for such massive objects in the Universe as a black hole. Recently, scientists were able to see how the merger of two black holes is the most powerful force of gravity thrown from the center of the galaxy third. Now she hit run and soon, apparently, it leaves "home".
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Viewings: 3890
На Фобос надо лететь, там странная штуковина стоит!Artifact-a monolith on Phobos. It was going to fly and automatic spacecraft and astronauts
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Viewings: 5239
Земле грозит внезапный конец света – ученыеIn this century on Earth can happen irreversible environmental collapse, and the global ecosystem could collapse suddenly, not gradually, as previously thought
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Viewings: 5794
Мягкое приземление на Марс: парашют, подушки, ракеты или всё сразу?The project of NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator ("Supersonic moderator low density") is intended to use to soften the landing on Mars aerodynamic drag in the form sphere, first used in the space industry company Armadillo Aerospace.
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