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In the research, published in the European journal of physics (European Physical Journal, EPJ), researchers proposed and substantiated the hypothesis of the existence of mirror particles and mirror parallel Universes, consisting of these particles. Such a hypothesis was put forward as an explanation of the anomalous phenomenon of disappearance of neutrons, which is observed during several physical experiments. The probability of the existence of mirror particles and mirror matter has already been theoretically substantiated some time ago in the course of searching for the most suitable candidates for the role of the mysterious dark matter.
Theoretical physicists Zurab Berejiani (submitted by Zurab on Berezhiani) and Fabrizio Bear (Fabrizio Nesti) of the University of l'aquila (University of l'aquila), Italy, re-depth analysis of the experimental data obtained by the group of Anatoly Serebrova of Institut Laue-Langeven (Institut Laue-Langevin), France. Re-analysis showed that the number of disappearances is very slow free neutrons depended on the direction and strength of the magnetic field created in the volume of the experimental setup. And this anomaly cannot be explained from the point of view of the known laws of modern physics.
Berejiani believes that the anomaly can be explained by the existence of a hypothetical parallel world, consisting of mirror particles. Every free neutron can turn into his mirror twins and back, performing oscillatory motions from one world to another. The probability of such seemingly random transitions subjected to mathematical justification, and the transformation of neutrons are very sensitive to the magnetic field, due to which it became possible to detect experimentally.
Oscillatory transformation and disappearance of neutrons are made on time scales calculated in a few seconds time. This is much faster than the duration of the processes of decay of neutrons, amounting to ten-minute intervals, and this serves as proof that the neutrons disappear in a parallel world, not just break up into its constituent particles.
The hypothesis also serves as a justification for the fact that the Earth, in addition to the natural magnetic field, surrounded by another mirror and magnetic field strength 0.1 Gauss. Mirror magnetic field is a result of congestion around the Earth mirror particles that are dark matter, and which are held by the weak interactions between particles and our parallel world.