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Viewings: 3633
Эволюция галактикElaborated the theory of the origin and evolution of galaxies yet. However, the basic idea of this process appear more distinct.
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Viewings: 3562
Темные галактикиThe universe may include a huge number of galaxies that have very few stars. They consist of dark matter. Ultimately these galaxies can be much more than ordinary galaxies with bright stars and gas, and the ratio between them can be 100 to 1. This prediction was made by the astronomers Neil Trentham, Ole Moller and Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz of the University of Cambridge. Their paper will be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
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Viewings: 3840
Спиральные галактикиSpiral galaxies are flattened stellar systems with Central nearly spherical nucleus, have two or more frequently ragged spiral branches. In spiral branches of the galaxy are concentrated their brightest young stars, glowing nebula (regions of ionized hydrogen), young clusters and associations of stars. That is why the spiral pattern is clearly seen in very remote galaxies, although the share of spiral branches represent no more than a few percent of the total mass of each galaxy. The bulk of the stars of the S-galaxies form "solid" drive. Part of the galactic nucleus consists of stars and gas. At the core lies about hundredth of a whole mass of the galaxy. Some galaxies primary energy release occurs in the nucleus. C. A. Ambartsumyan called this phenomenon activity of galactic nuclei.
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Viewings: 4263
Самая большая галактикаAn international team of astronomers has discovered the most massive of all known galaxies. For observation tool was used, when ISAAC famous telescope (Very Large Telescope Paranal Observatory (Paranal Observatory).
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Viewings: 5788
Наша звездная система - ГалактикаEven the most General observations of the sky can be concluded that the Sun is among the many stars, the greatest number of which are located in the direction of the milky Way. Apart from its bright band of stars much less. Stars of the milky Way and visible separately form a single star system.
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Viewings: 4554
Многообразие галактикBasic information about the galaxies gathered in multiple directories. The first galactic directory was created in 1784 Charles Messier and P. Masinam. It includes 108 nebulae, which the authors nazvali motionless, not to be confused with comets moving. Objects included in the Messier catalogue, denoted by the letter M with a serial number. So, for example, M31 designation of the Andromeda nebula. Currently widely used "New General catalogue" Dreyer (its first part was published in 1888), it included about 13,000 objects. Galaxy M31 in the directory Dreyer designated NGC 224. In the late 60's. our century were created "Morphological catalog of galaxies" (group B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov) and "the Second bibliographic catalogue of bright galaxies" (group Gokudera). These directories contain tens of thousands of objects.
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Viewings: 3613
Млечный путьWhen autumn evenings get darker in the sky is visible wide shimmering band. This milky Way - a giant arch spanning the entire sky. "The heavenly river" is called the milky Way in Chinese tales. The ancient Greeks and the Romans called it "Heavenly road". The telescope gave the opportunity to clarify the nature of the milky Way. It is the radiance of the innumerable stars are so distant from us that they individually impossible to distinguish with the naked eye.
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Viewings: 4265
МетагалактикаGalaxies are huge star systems that contain from several millions to hundreds of billions of stars. In addition to stars in the composition of galaxies are the interstellar gas of interstellar dust, cosmic rays. The amount of gas in galaxies mass substantially less than the stars and different from galaxies of various types. Number of other types of substances still substantially less than gas.
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Viewings: 3237
Вселенная расширяетсяTo this conclusion came the American astronomer Edwin Hubble, which repeated the experiments predecessors on a much more extensive observational material. In 1929 he said that not only established systematic red shift of spectral lines of galaxies, but also defined the law on which the speed of removal of galaxies from us increase as the distance increases. Thus it was proved that in the world of galaxies there is a Gulf stream, which carries them on outer space.
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Viewings: 3605
Вещество ВселеннойEvery cubic centimeter of space contains about 500 photons. Substances on the same volume accounted for a much lower: about 10'6 baryons (the so-called heavy elementary particles, including the protons and neutrons). Since photons don't disappear (the space between galaxies is transparent), the ratio of photons to the number of baryons in the course of expansion of the Universe is preserved. But the energy of the photons decreases over time because of the red shift.
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Viewings: 4197
Большой взрывThe spectacle of the starry night sky filled with stars, mesmerize any man whose soul is not lazy and not dry completely. The mysterious depths of Eternity opens in front of the startled human eye, causing thinking about the original, where it all started...
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Viewings: 4299
Как формируются астероиды During the formation of the Sun conditions in protoplanetary disk were not, of course, the same at different distances from the Sun and have changed over time. The matter remained cold just away from the Sun. Near him was strongly heated and dust suffered complete or partial evaporation. Only later, when the gas is cooled down, she condense again, but most volatile substances contained in interstellar dust appeared to be lost in the new dust is not already included. The evolution of the protoplanetary disk led to the formation in it of planetesimals, which later grew planet. The composition of planetesimals formed at different heliocentric distances, due to the different composition of dust, gone to their building, was different.
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Viewings: 3273
Форма и вращение астероидовAsteroids are so small that the force of gravity on them void. She was not able to give them a shape of a ball, what makes planets and their large satellites, crushing and stamping their substance. A great role is played by the phenomenon of fluidity. High mountains on the Earth at the foot of the "creeping", because the strength of the rocks is insufficient to withstand many tons per 1 cm3,and stone, not fractions, not raskalyvanii, flows, albeit very slowly.
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Viewings: 4509
Температура астероидовAsteroids - through cold, lifeless body. In the distant last their bowels could be warm and even hot due to radioactive or any other heat sources. Since then, they have long cool. However, internal heat never warmed surface: the flow of heat from the interior was very small. The surface layers remained cold, and only clash from time to time caused short-term local heating.
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Viewings: 3930
Семейства астероидовIn 1876, when it was known only about 150 asteroids, D. Kirkwood tried to understand "chaos" asteroid orbits and found about 10 groups of asteroids, each of which consisted of only 2-3 members moving on similar orbits. Among them were, for example, 3 Juno and 97 of the Clot.
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