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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 4654
Марс а натюрельInterplanetary expedition is a long, costly and risky. And so attempts to organize a round-trip airfare and does can be counted on the fingers of one hand. In fact, lunar soil and to this day remains the only example of a large-scale delivery to Earth extraterrestrial matter.
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Viewings: 4063
Метаном на Марсе и не пахнет. А жаль!The first results of the analysis of the Martian atmosphere, made apparatus Curiosity, who is now "parked" Gale crater. Alas, laser spectrometer haven't recorded traces of methane, which is traditionally considered one of the main signs of life. But we had hoped to find on the red planet brothers in mind!
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Viewings: 4882
Curiosity Rover not found on the red planet methane. According to specialists NASA, the presence of this gas would be proof that there are living organisms.

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Viewings: 6165
Тайна четвертой планетыMars is on the border of the so-called "zone of life" - climatic conditions on the planet is much tighter earth, but still acceptable for organic life forms. In summer on the equator in the afternoon the temperature reaches + 20 C, long winter it can drop below minus 140 C is twice colder most fierce winter in Antarctica.
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Viewings: 4874
И снова намёки на марсианскую воду и древние ледникиJune 6, stereo cameras with high resolution spacecraft Mars Express again staring at the plain of Argir - this time, however, the mountains of the Spirits that 380 km North-East from the crater of a hook. This is the Northern border of Argiri - one of the largest impact craters of the red planet.
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Viewings: 3691
На Марсе обнаружен вулканогенный песок, аналогичный земномуCuriosity Rover completed the first detailed x-ray structure analysis of Martian sand and determined that he will be like volcanic soil, which can be found in places such as, for example, shield volcano Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
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Viewings: 5078
Обезьяны станут первооткрывателями Марса?Zurab mikvabia, Director of the Institute of experimental pathology and therapy, which supplied monkeys for experiments in space, says: "We plan to resume the flight program monkeys to Mars". Already go preliminary talks on this issue with the Academy of Astronautics.
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Viewings: 4622
На Марсе жизни нет, но есть следы ДНКMay be currently on Mars and there is no life, but there could be preserved fragments of DNA, according to researcher Craig Venter, previously engaged in decoding the human genome and by creating the world's first synthetic cells. He believes that it is possible to artificially synthesize Martian organisms on the basis of data from the robot.
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Viewings: 5488
На Марсе и впрямь может течь водаSeasonal streams, traces of which were observed on Mars last year, really could consist of liquid water.
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Viewings: 8684
Есть ли ДНК на Красной планете?One of the pioneers of the sequencing of the human genome, the Creator of the first synthetic cells and just businessman Craig Venter did make loud statements that the synthetic bacteria will help us to colonize Mars.
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Viewings: 5044
The film is about the present color of Mars, which is not the official red, and almost earthly, natural to us, the people of the Earth, the colors - up to a nice blue sky...

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Viewings: 6902
We all know that recently on the surface of Mars landed American Rover "Curiosity", which in Russian means "Curiosity". American he only partly engines, razognalsya a rocket into space, and neutron detector DAN developed in Russia.
And here went beautiful pictures from a faraway planet, the world delighted. However, meticulous minds steel millimeters to disassemble pictures from the NASA website and concluded Americans falsify images from Mars!
All the details are in the video, don't forget to include Russian subtitles.

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Viewings: 5927
Here and below shows the sand grains of Martian soil that have not been filtered and were not used for cleaning the analyzer. Net passes only particles with a diameter of not more than 150 microns.

Анализ марсианского валуна дал неожиданный результатАнализ марсианского валуна дал неожиданный результатАнализ марсианского валуна дал неожиданный результат

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Viewings: 5325
Бактерии построят дома на МарсеWhat can I do for microorganisms to mankind during the colonization of the planet Mars? In fact, many people: bacteria are able to deliver astronauts large amounts of oxygen, as well as sufficient food and building materials. Moreover, the latter ones they will use a very unusual raw materials - waste of human life.
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Viewings: 5314
«Викинги» - Жизнь на Марсе: что дальше?The revision of the already previously obtained experimental data has led scientists to conclude that life on Mars not only exists in our days, but already was discovered 30 years ago. A new study confirms that the experiments "Viking" 30-year-old showed the presence of life on Mars, however, have been misinterpreted by the representatives of NASA.
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