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Viewings: 5053
Международная конференция в Москве рассмотрит будущий полет на МарсRussian Academy of Sciences will hold a major international conference in October 2013, to mark its 50th anniversary, as stated by the Director of the Institute Igor Ushakov.
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Viewings: 4941
Начинается отбор колонистов на МарсThis year, Mars One (the Netherlands) plans to start selection of candidates to the settlers of the red planet. The first crew of astronauts will have to start construction of a colony on Mars.
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Viewings: 5104
Curiosity – «уборка» на МарсеOn Mars is a bit dusty, so Curiosity decided to clean up, and it can be congratulated with achievement - a small area of the Martian surface is cleaned. For the first time the Rover has adopted one of their tools device dust removal DRT (Dust Removal Tool)located on the arm of the Rover.
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Viewings: 5306
Пyтeшecтвиe к Ma??pcy - cкyчнoe зa??нятиePhysiologists found Ruili y of participants of the experiment "Ma pc-500" PA Denia aktivnosti or disruption of sleep , which progressiove whether during the simulation of the flight Kpa scurry PLA no.
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Viewings: 4886
Марсоход Curiosity готовится начать бурение МарсаThe Rover NASA Curiosity is very close to the commencement of drilling on Mars. In outer office say that Curiosity will start drilling operations this week. John grotzinger, scientific Director of the project, says that after the break for the new year holidays group Curiosity shall send the apparatus to the Martian region known as the Gulf Yellow Knife. It is expected that there will be selected first Martian rock drilling.
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Viewings: 4798
Колонизировать Марс полетят только вегетарианцыThe company SpaceX will select the colonists of the red planet on culinary preferences.
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Viewings: 4694
Ученые готовят земные микроорганизмы к жизни на МарсеScientists are preparing earth organisms to life on Mars. Russian scientists conducted a series of experiments with the very substance that is found Curiosity Rover and with the earthly bacteria.
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Viewings: 4723
Curiosity обнаружил и сфотографировал загадочный "марсианский цветок"Although observers have called the find flower, NASA cannot understand what has found the Rover.
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Viewings: 5832
Изображения "живого" Марса представил американский инженерThe engineer and programmer Kevin Jill from the USA demonstrated how from space could look like Mars in the past, if it existed on the planet life. With the results of the simulation can be found in the blog engineer, and brief comments to them passes the Universe Today.
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Viewings: 5321
Галактическое излучение может вызвать дегенарцию мозга и болезнь АльцгеймераAccording universetoday, a team of researchers from the medical center of the University of Rochester (URMC) in new York announced the results of their research. Long-term presence of astronavtov in space, for example, during the flight to Mars, can lead to health problems because of galakticheskogo radiation. In particular, to the degeneration of the brain, and perhaps even the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
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Viewings: 5142
В 2013 году может быть открыта жизнь на МарсеCurrent year was marked above all great discoveries in fundamental physics. "Of course, the Higgs boson. I think it is fair to call this discovery main", - said the member of the CMS collaboration of the Large hadron Collider Andrey Krakhotin, answering the question about the most important scientific discovery of 2012.
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Viewings: 5210
Роскосмос начал финансирование «Экзомарса»Roskosmos signed with the Institute of space research RAS (IKI ran) agreement on the scientific instruments on the project "Eczemas". This was reported by the news Agency RIA Novosti source in the space industry.
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Viewings: 4903
Марсоход Curiosity готовится проникнуть в недра МарсаCuriosity Rover, which is located in the place called Yellowknife Bay, is searching rocky deposits, suitable for conducting first drilling operations, during which will be carried out the first analysis of what is under the surface of the red Planet.
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Viewings: 6147
Вебка на МарсеMan of the XXI century did not impress the live shots from orbit or from Antarctica. But to shoot Mars online, it seems that few people had hoped. Thanks to the European space Agency this was fixed.
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Viewings: 4724
Обнаружены бактерии, которые способны жить на МарсеAn international group of scientists from Russia and America have discovered bacteria of the genus Carnobacterium on the banks of the Kolyma river in the permafrost. These microorganisms can grow and multiply at a temperature, oxygen concentration and pressure, which correspond to the atmosphere of Mars. Spiegel Online sends a summary of the work, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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