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Viewings: 4264
Марс – непознанная родина боговThe exploration of Mars began a long time ago. Long before our era the mystery of the red planet fascinated astronomers Egypt and Babylon. The Egyptians called the Red planet Choir and has devoted her famous statue of the Great Sphinx at Giza, having painted it red. Later Mars studied ancient Greek, Chinese, Indian, and then and Arab scientists. With the light hand of the Romans it was named in honor of the God of war.
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Viewings: 3746
Curiosity сделал "маленький шаг для человека"The Rover has sent the photo which is clearly visible trace similar to human
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Viewings: 4656
Стеклянный Марс About glassy Mars informed the American geologists, Brioni Hogan and Jim bell of the University of Arizona. In the images transmitted by the probe Mars Express, they saw like melted dunes. Scientists have suggested that the glass that covered dunes were formed by volcanic eruptions. What, in their opinion, convincingly proves that Mars was violent volcanic past. In the end, glass steel in total about 10 million square kilometers of the surface.
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Viewings: 4251
Curiosity обнаружил на Марсе следы присутствия воды в далеком прошломAmerican Curiosity Rover found on the surface of Mars traces of the presence of water in the distant past. The Rover has transferred to the Ground a few shots of stones with a rounded surface. According to researchers, this figure and shape suggests that these rocks were in the stream channel.
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Viewings: 4941
До Марса дотронулась рука с ЗемлиCuriosity Rover began a study found on the red planet unusual stone in the shape of a pyramid. The unit, which was managed by NASA employees, managed using a robotic arm to touch the object, whose value is approximately equal to a football ball. This contact was the first of its kind in history. Moreover, the three-manipulator Curiosity in contact captured the rock samples for analysis, writes the TPM. Show videoanimal events here.
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Viewings: 4659
Дворники для Curiosity всё же полетят на МарсEngineers from Madrid University Carlos III (Spain) under the General guidance of Professor Luis Enrique Moreno has developed a brush-based alloys with shape memory for cleaning ultraviolet sensors of Curiosity Rover from dust.
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Viewings: 3782
Марсоход Curiosity нацелился на необычный каменьCuriosity Rover chose the first goal for his manipulator - a stone the size of a soccer ball.
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Viewings: 3946
Why Mars is cold and dry? Although recent research has indicated that ancient Mars, perhaps, was not wet and warm, many scientists still believe that the once Red planet had a denser atmosphere that can support liquid water on the surface. If so, then on Mars formed conditions that could exist microorganisms.

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Viewings: 3888
Тайна марсианских шариков раскрытаA few years ago, the Rover Opportunity found on the red planet mysterious little black balls, layer which covers the landing of the Rover. Recently the device found on Mars balls already another type. Most likely, both have natural origin and are associated with the composition of the Martian rocks, experts say.
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Viewings: 5297
Марс уже давно заселили земные бактерии?Housing space technology specially treated with ultraviolet light to destroy all microorganisms. However, soil bacterium, Bacillus (saprophyte) were resistant to this treatment. Since 2006 it has consistently found on the surface of the aircraft. This means that our bacteria can be the first colonists on other planets!
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Viewings: 4151
Марсианская глина вновь озадачила...Until recently discovered on Mars clay was considered a sure sign of the fact that on the red planet has or, at least once existed water. However, new research conducted by Alain Meunier from the University of Poitiers (France), shows that clay layers can specify only on the processes of volcanic activity.
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Viewings: 6370
Марс,как вторая лунаSocial networks wanders sensation that Mars in August are as close as possible to the Ground and will look like a second Moon.
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Viewings: 3934
Марсоход Curiosity успешно прошёл первый тест-драйвSo, Curiosity Rover finally moved and left landing, named after the late writer ray Bradbury.
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Viewings: 3928
On Wednesday, NASA scientists spent the first sea trials of Curiosity Rover on the surface of the red planet. At a press conference held at the jet propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (USA, California), they said that "the tests went well, all systems are working fine". Photos made during the experiment, already transmitted to Earth.

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Viewings: 3641
Марсоход Curiosity оплакивает первую потерюMoving his wheels, the Rover Curiosity gave to understand that he is ready for its first test-drive which is to be held today, August 22. But instead fanfare NASA plays a mourning by the first loss.
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