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Five years ago the Mexican newspaper described the mysterious story of what happened on the train, EN route from Mexico city to Acapulco. In the compartment where there was a young surgeon and a woman with a child, suddenly appeared disheveled, frightened to death a man dressed in a long coat. On his head was wearing a powdered wig. In one hand he held a goose feather, another large leather purse.
- I - Minister Jorge de Balenciaga, " he cried, trembling with fear. - Where am I? The surgeon is followed by a guard. Back in the compartment, he saw that the man who called himself a Minister, disappeared. The conductor decided it wanted to play a joke and indignant that his tear off from work while on the floor not found material evidence - the pen and purse.
The surgeon picked up both subjects and showed them to the historians who have determined that they belong to the XVIII century. The archives were able to find documents with a curious note of the then Bishop, from which it followed that Minister de Balenciaga, being no longer young man, allegedly fell into madness, everyone talked about how one day, returning home late at night, he saw in front of him iron, long, like snakes, "the devil's crew"", the blazing fire and smoke. Then, according to the Minister, he inexplicably got inside monstrous vehicles, where sitting fancy-dressed people, which he took as minions of Satan. Not a little frightened, de Balenciaga read a prayer to the Lord, asking Him for help. Suddenly he again found myself in one of the streets of Mexico city. Despite the fact that he has repeatedly cast out the devil, to the common sense he did not come back until his death.
No less mysterious incident occurred in 1988 on a street in Tokyo, where the car was hit by an unknown man, who died on the spot. The driver and witnesses claimed that the victim "appeared on the road suddenly, as if fell from the sky". The police drew attention to the fact that the deceased was dressed in a suit explicitly antique cut. Even more surprised them a passport issued... exactly 100 years ago. In a man's pocket was able to detect and business card indicating his profession as an artist of the Tokyo Imperial theatre. It turned out that this street is not existed for more than 70 years. Police have questioned all the inhabitants of Tokyo, bearing the same name. After many days of searching found the old saying that her father had disappeared under mysterious circumstances. He went with a friend to play a game of GO, and never returned. The woman showed police a photograph of a young man, astonishingly similar to the trapped under the car of a man, holding a little girl. In the picture stood date. May 1902.
Last week, the inhabitant of Rouen Pierre Dupre called his sick aunt, who lives in Paris, and had asked her to come. The nephew was forced to ask myself twice and sat in the car and rushed to her. The road he did not know, and besides, there was not a burning lights, and asphalt suddenly changed on the gravel. He was surprised, and that on the way he saw no cars. Pierre decided that he was lost, and seeing the two-story building, stopped to ask how to get to Paris. The door was opened by an elderly man with a candle in his hand. Staring at Pierre, he asked me what he needs. Pierre explained. Two women (apparently, his wife and daughter in men ran out of the house and as a redneck, said he is in the fact that neither is Paris. Here only Pierre noticed that his interlocutors dressed in medieval clothes. They in turn were stunned up his leather jacket and jeans. Suddenly I heard the sound of hoofs. Catholics, " cried the man. - We had to escape, and, turning to Pierre, expressed hope that the Huguenot. Pierre realized with horror that he was in a time loop, which still knew only by hearsay. The past he has always been interested, but the last thing he wanted to get into the era of the famous religious wars. Without hesitation, he pushed me into the car of their casual acquaintances and hit the gas. Pierre had brought the family of the Huguenots to his Rouen. Speechless with fright, they can't respond. After a night in Pierre, they morning left without waking him, and disappeared from his life.
Last year 48-year-old Giovanna Scavolini along with his daughter Loretta, walking down the street native Palermo, noticed an old woman, who was walking with difficulty moving his feet. The women wanted to help her cross the road. But for some reason she was frightened, and as he could, picked up pace. A mother and her daughter did not just hit her clothes - long dress, made in the fashion of the XIX century, and a large black hat, and white as snow face with tight skull skin, on which stood a huge blue eyes. Crooked fingers, covered antique gold rings, fine features and arrogant opinion talked about her high origin. The old woman was lame walk, then looked around, apparently not knowing which way to go. Seeing that her watching crowds, she confused stopped and then disappeared. There are many cases of penetration of our contemporaries in the future. In April 1992 the Italian Bruno Leone went for a walk with his wife and right on her eyes vanished into thin air. When she reported the incident to the police, she was advised to go to a psychiatrist. However, two days later, Bruno safely returned home. However, he was confused. According to him, he got into XXV century. Strange people in the same clothes was regarded as an exotic pet. Having heard that he had arrived from Italy, they surprise rolled his eyes, arguing that the country with such name has disappeared from the face of the earth in the twenty-first century. He was surprised that, walking around the city of the future, he did not see any of the buildings of the twentieth century, and no trees. Hungry Bruno "descendants" kindly took in a cafe, where he served only one dish - colorless unclear jelly, resembling spread jellyfish. Nasty taste, it is, however, instantly satisfy the hunger. Warned him about the coming cataclysms, the hospitable hosts opened a map to show where you will be saved, but just as they pointed to Mongolia as Bruno suddenly hit home.
Last summer, a 17-year-old Frenchwoman Florence Dune at 3 a.m. was returning from a disco. Before the house was just 50 meters when it is turning a corner, were completely unfamiliar street, where rows of towering identical houses bizarre conical shape. Passers-by at this late hour was not, and she became scared. Finally seeing two guys, Florence hoping to rescue rushed to him. Carefully considering its fashionable chic toilet, they asked what the Museum, she had picked up their stuff. They were dressed in grey, as if the rubber sweater and form fitting leg pants. Her questions brought young people in bewilderment, as they first heard the name of the street in which she lived a stranger. And when the girl asked, where you can catch a taxi, they almost fell over laughing.
- You, probably, come so far, " said one of the boys. "Want to go with us? Florence insanely tired, besides, she wanted badly to the toilet, so she accepted the invitation. In the room where they brought her there was no furniture except the first place and covered the floor with a soft mattress. From under the built-in ceiling canopy of light came Near him, too, on the ceiling, green flashing light lighted clock - calendar that shows 23 September 2245 year... Guys heard of a century Florais granted to them, handed her from somewhere appeared glass with a bluish liquid. In the nostrils girl hit unfamiliar odor, but after drinking one drink, she lost consciousness...
When she came to herself, guys wasn't around. Glancing at the clock - calendar, she learned that slept for three days, the lower stomach ached, as if after a reinforced znati sex. Rising from the floor, she walked to the door, which swung open by themselves. Obeying suddenly ostyvshij her thoughts, she went on leading her in that weird quarter of the road, turned "fatal"" corner and... was on the very same street, which was returning from a disco.
Shortly after that, Florence was gone monthly and pulled her in salt, making it extremely surprised, as she half a year had no sexual relationship. Then she remembered how much she has hurt the lower abdomen after she woke up in the apartment XXIII century, and guessed that sheltered her children have been deprived of her mind, and then raped.
Doctor, looking around Florence, confirmed the pregnancy. His parents, Charter something to prove she began to say that he had sinned with the alien. A month and a half Florence had an abortion... the people of the future is also not immune from getting into "corridor of time" and sometimes visit their ancestors. In January in a summer cafe Cape town came an old man, completely bald woman with a face, crippled by a deep scars and sores, and wearing a semi-transparent plastic suit. Greedy old woman ate a dozen cups of ice cream, took two liter bottle of Coca-Cola and eating a heavy bunch of grapes, Refreshed, she turned to leave, not having the slightest desire to pay. When you exit cafe caught her waiter, she stared at him as a fool, and having cursed the last words, promised to complain to the international Committee, summoned by telephone police the old lady explained that all the survivors of the nuclear catastrophe that broke out 30 years ago, enjoy the right of free food in all cafes and restaurants of the world. Sweet tooth presented phosphoRestRows card with his holographic picture. It was the year of her birth - 2198. To clarify the circumstances of the appearance of the guests from the future police invited the old woman to go with them. However, heading to the car, grandma vanished into thin air.