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Almost every people that inhabit our planet, there are legends about the strange travel to other worlds in space. You can, of course, to suggest that such myths is rather a desire to get beyond the Earth, to meet the brethren in mind, but they say that any story - rather, it is a reality to which you want, but it's scary to touch.
Who among us has not looked scientific and fiction films, had not read books about the incredible travel to other galaxies with the help of special devices. The most memorable one was the movie "Stargate", which we watched with such interest. Although skeptics laughing at it "fiction", but optimists hope that such a miracle when anything could happen. Will it be similar or not - time will show, will be held centuries, millennia, but it is quite real.
In 1935 even Einstein speculated about the existence of "black holes", which in 1950 physicist Wheeler were named "kraevymi the holes" or "wormhole". Available their existence can be explained by the example of Apple: the worm, wanting to get to another part of the fruit, it gnaws, reducing their way, not moving in the outer part of the Apple. And so, in space, which is under the influence of the energies and masses bent, resulting gravitational holes, which may move in the universe.
It is likely that in our galaxy these tunnels exist. And it is for him to us aliens fly to watch people. Maybe that's why we still cannot be found, where there are UFOs. Maybe their pilots live on the edge of the universe.
But as they get to our Land?
Not so long ago in the Northern part of Peru, scientists have discovered something that is of great historical and sacred value. In the rock carved a huge door that has a width of seven, and the height of two meters, with a round hole in the middle, resembling the keyhole. This is "the gate of the Gods", through which, according to legend, the residents of Peru could communicate with their gods, walk through the gate and go back. According to legend, many of them became immortal then.
The structure of the rock is really very interesting: those who touched them, felt a kind of energy, some heard the music, others thought that the door opens.
By a strange coincidence, in this part of the country very often see the emergence of blue spheres and bright white disks. Perhaps it's a UFO? And then remains to guess where we are arriving aliens from outer space or of parallel worlds?
Many researchers claim that all existing on our planet anomalous zones are a door to another dimension, the so-called portals through which it is possible to enter into other worlds. And so to us aliens fly.
One such abnormal places - small town of Sedona in Arizona in the United States. Every second inhabitant of this city saw a flying object. In this place are the most weird and wonderful history. But the most surprising is the "door"that at a certain time open between measurements. There are many pictures taken of videotapes on which, before the opening of the portal, you notice strange objects bright yellow or orange color, the little blue lights, which form together the butterfly, "misty phantoms".
If you know what to look for, it's very easy to see portal: there is a distortion or flickering air. And if you take a compass, the arrow will definitely tell on it, because in this zone increases electromagnetic background.
According to scientists, in our world there are about 260 measurements that are not observed, collapsed, but nevertheless they exist.
Mathematics admits that these measurements are linked to each other by some spatial and temporal structures, "kraevymi the holes".
Hence, it is through these "corridors" will be held aliens. And this in turn means that they are open to us mere mortals.
According to statistics, every year on the planet disappears approximately two million people, many of them disappears right in the eyes of others, that it is impossible to explain, of course, if not to link these strange disappearance with the existence of parallel worlds.
So, in 1930 in Northern Canada have gone a whole village Eskimos, remained clothing, food, rifles with which men did not leave, but the strange thing is that emptied even the grave, dead, too, everything was gone...
No less mysterious history with the vessel "Maria Celeste"found near the shores of the Azores Islands: no crew, no passengers, but remained jewelry, money, things...
In 1937, during clashes between Japan and China has gone about three thousand Chinese soldiers who were sent to the Yangtze river. No corpses, there is no information about taking them prisoner. The Chinese government has failed to solve the riddle, although this was done probably all...
In 1947 in the USA the plane crashed with 32 people on Board, however, no corpse, a fragment of the body and even the blood, saying that on Board were people who had not been found...
To this list we can add those ships, crews which mysteriously disappeared at sea, the disappearance of people in the eyes of others, etc.
The version about the existence of "parallel worlds" or other measurements confirm not only cases of "disappearances", but not less mysterious "appearance".
For example, in 1914 in England street Histric from the air materialized naked people, around the same time in Paris and found the man who has lost his memory. In his pocket he had a map of the planet, but not our...
In 1954 in Japan was detained persons, with a passport of the country Toured that does not exist, although he claimed the opposite.
All these mysterious phenomena, and their hundreds, or even thousands, fit the theory of the "star gate"through which people disappear without a trace. Because the only way to explain the dissolution of the people in the air: open the door to a parallel dimension and people "fall" into it.
A very interesting case with 32-year-old Greek Kolofidina, which in 1997 for an hour and a half of work in the ancient well turned into an old man and died on the same day from ... old age. And though the poor man, evidently managed to come back through the same "star gate", but during this short period of time he has lived a full life. It remains only to guess where he spent the last hours of his life, which became for him for decades...
Parapsychologists believe that in the world there are about forty tunnels that lead into other worlds, and where the annual disappears certain number of people. Maybe these tunnels much more, and only know about it people can't open them.
It can be assumed that the ancient people were well aware of these Stargate, they know how to open and use. Because the level of technical progress, who understood today, and could only be attained through delivery of the parallel worlds of other technologies that have helped in the construction of megalithic structures, such as the pyramids or statues, when making affecting their accuracy ancient calendars, etc. of Those things that science can't explain.
Various disasters that occurred on Earth may have destroyed the civilization that had access to "Stargate". Forgotten and paths.
But if mankind had forgotten tunnels, it does not mean that they are forgotten and those who stand on the other side of the corridor.
In 2009, almost all the residents of Norway looked at the mysterious phenomenon: on the sky started to be created huge spiral that glowed. After some time, almost all heaven was closed giant funnel, which became this spiral. Funnel can be observed fifteen minutes, and then she just disappeared...
But the most interesting thing that this crater was observed over Australia, and over Somalia. Is there between them some kind of relationship, saying that the gates began to open?
Not less strange things happened in the skies over Texas, and then over Portugal.
In 2011, after a violent thunderstorm over night city Texas began to appear flash, a powerful and scattered over the whole city, a total of about two hundred who after himself had left the burned down transformers. But, there were neither victims nor destructions...
At the same time, these tendencies have been noticed over the neighboring city Tarrant County and over Portugal at the other end of a planet.
Agree that something strange is happening in the world, what can not really explain the researchers. No science still does not give answers to many questions related to the mystery of the world, however, research in this direction are underway. And today, more and more improbable conjectures and ideas that arise from science fiction writers, become reality. Progress does not stop even for a minute, and therefore mankind is getting closer and closer to the mystery of the existence of parallel worlds and their doors "star gate"through which, it is likely that in the near future we will get the guests from the other side.
And who knows, may be the next step humanity do not towards the nearest star in the galaxy, and in the next parallel world...