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Пентаграмма и ее тайныThe pentagram, pentalfa, the pentacle is one of the most important characters in magic. The word of the pentagram comes from the Greek words "pente", which means five, and "gramma" - what does the letter. The pentagram is a figure with five peaks formed by two rising intersecting rays that depart from each side of the Pentagon, thus, you get a star. It is the action of the Eternal spirit, and the Four Elements under Divine control characters Yeheshuah.

Some scientists believe that initially the pentagram appeared about four thousand years ago in Mesopotamia, probably as the astronomical scheme of movement of the planet Venus. The pentagram was the Sumerian and Egyptian familiar stars. In Ancient Sumer is very similar to the pentagram symbol - a symbol of Marduk, one of the main gods. In the ruins of the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk found the first known image of the pentagram drawn on clay five-pointed star.

Image of the pentagram are also found on Egyptian statues: the Egyptians called pentagram star pallavolo Anubis". The relationship of the sign of the pentagram and the figure of Anubis was not accidental. In one of the texts of the Egyptian book of the Dead, is a description of the Court of Osiris, God of the underworld, where Anubis weighed heart on the Scales of truth. On the left side of the scale were placed heart of the deceased, on the right - Pero goddess Maat, which symbolized the truth. In the image of Anubis, the Egyptians saw a fair judge, who, along with Osiris decided the fate of the human soul. The pentagram is found in the religious and magical traditions of many peoples.

The Babylonians used the pentagram as a magic talisman: faith in protecting its property was so profound that in Ancient Babylon, the symbol painted on the doors of shops and warehouses in order to protect goods from damage and theft. The pentagram was a powerful sign of the authorities: in the same Babylon this sign is often found on the Royal seals, and, according to modern scientists, it represents "the power of the ruler, which applies to all four sides of the world".

For Jews, it was associated with their sacred Torah, received by Moses from God, the ancient Greeks called the pentagram Pentalfa: Triple triangle. If you translate the word is from the Greek, it means five letters alpha, in its intertwining they formed a five-pointed star. Her Greeks had painted it on their boards.

Early Christians the pentagram was a reminder of the five wounds of Christ which he has received, suffering for mankind, it also symbolized the Trinity and the Dual nature of Christ. In addition, it was identified "the Star of the Magi", which helped the Eastern wise men to find the baby Jesus.

About the pentagram knew and the Pythagoreans. They taught that the world consists of five interrelated elements of Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Ether and elected pentagram secret symbol of belonging to their community. Pythagoras argued that the pentagram represents the mathematical perfection: a five-pointed star proportional, closed and has a so-called "Golden section" (a term coined after Leonardo da Vinci). If you divide the length of any segment figures on the length of the longest of the remaining smaller segments, then you will get the Golden section (Phi). Today, science has discovered that the law of "the Golden" symmetries manifest themselves in the energy transitions of elementary particles, in the structure of some chemical compounds, planetary and space systems, genetic structures of living organisms. In addition, the ratio of the Golden section are present in the structure of certain organs and body as a whole and are manifested in the biorhythms and functioning of the brain and visual perception. In art is recognized Canon of beauty. In addition, Pythagoras believed perfect pentagram in a mystical attitude: it was a combination of numbers "2" (symbol of the female, mundane) and "3" (a symbol of the beginning of the male, heavenly), i.e. a kind of embodiment of spiritual and physical harmony.

That the pentagram is the symbol of intellectual omnipotence and power, and the Gnostics taught, painting it on their talismans. The pentagram, called "seal of king Solomon" was known to Arab mages.

Chinese pentagram U-Sin (Five Elements),the corners of which symbolize: water, land, idea (or spirit) , fire and air, - represents the Union and the interaction of these five stihi

Moreover, the pentagram U-Sin is still used in Chinese medicine and European electropuncture, but she more than 4 thousand years! Why, nobody knows, but, as already noted, the human body and his mind arranged on the principle of petricioli. We have 5 main senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste), 5 limbs (two hands, two legs and a head), 5 fingers on a hand. According to psychologists, attention we can keep from 3 to 7 characters, on average again turns 5. All this points to a fundamental fact: our perception, thinking, action PATIONAL - and five-way star is a great card to correlate these 5 kanalov

In China, more than 4 thousand years, the pentagram is used as a kind of calculator in which the rays of the star or the rudiments of the "attributed" those or other organs. The activity of the authorities in the course of the day, some bodies active then others. Innovation pentagram U-Sin is manifested in the fact that elements support the neighbors of each other, but suppress neighbors. Also interact and internal organs: the pentagram shows how changing one body will cause a corresponding change others. The study of such relationships between bodies to help predict the course of the disease and its complications, to determine the cause of disease.

Mages medieval Europe learned about the "printing king Solomon" directly from Arabic manuscripts. During the Renaissance was the mystery of the Pentagram. If you write in her human form, to link with the four elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth and the fifth - the Spirit that controls them all, you get the image to the Microcosm of the sign of our Spiritual Work on the material plane. For the first time openly wrote about this in 1531, the famous magician Cornelius Agrippa in the second book of his "Occult Philosophy". To fully describe all the mysteries of the pentagram tried in the XIX century Eliphas Levi in his famous work "Doctrine and ritual of High magic".

Each corner of the pentagram represents a particular element (fire, water, air, earth, spirit). There is cause and banishing pentagram. Calling a pentagram drawn towards, and casts out a - in the opposite direction, relative to the angle of the Pentagram, which applies to the corresponding element. Drawing pentagram spirit, should, will draw inside its corresponding keramicheski character. The air is expressed water symbol (Aquarius), because it contains the rain and moisture. The symbol of Fire takes the form of Meelva (lion). Water presents alchemical symbol of the eagle distillation or purification (Head of the eagle). The earth has a symbol hardworking Bull (Taurus). The spirit created for Those, Who moves all things (the symbol of the Wheel).

The first mention of the pentagram as a symbol of evil refers to the notorious Templar process. In 1312, the French king Philip IV Beautiful, poseuses on the money of the knights of the order of knights Templar, persuaded Pope Clement V to start the trial of this powerful society. The official reason was traditional accusation of heresy. The medieval knights pentagram symbolized five knights virtues: generosity, gentleness, goodness, generosity and courage, and, according to the rules, a five-pointed star was to decorate the emblem of the third of the sons in the family. This was the reason for the trial of the knights Templar. In the result of skillful inquisitorial interrogation poor knights he produced such terrible lies about their ongoing satanic rites that they still "feeding" modern occultists. In the documents of the interrogation, the pentagram is mentioned by the knights as a symbol hanging on the neck of the idol named Baphomet.

In the esoteric five-pointed star is a figure of the "third heaven light", along with the sun and the moon. It is an interesting fact, as the ancient Greeks believed that the five-pointed star is associated with the goddess of Love, Aphrodite (Venus). This star had a dual meaning: Venus appears in the sky two times during the day: immediately before sunrise and after sunset. As the morning star Venus positive, as the evening - carries the sorrow of the night the world. It is important that this is one and the same star, serving, however, in two opposite functions. Morning - evening star is a common archetype of any star, and any soul. In every person, in depth coexist two start - dark beginning of the fall and lack of will and bright start dignity and strength of will.
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