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Симптомы квантового перехода, трансмутации и вознесенияAt the moment the information on the so-called Quantum Transition of the Planet (the process of purification-transmutation-resurrection-ascension), brought somehow almost to everyone. The other question is - who wanted to hear and understand, and who is not. The time has come immediate choice, because the training program is tightened. Recently, many have begun to global and deep transformation already and physical bodies - as a result of expanding matrix of the body of the New Man, the Man of a New Epoch, and "overlay" on the physical body.

This process took place before, but in softer energies of the Earth, but only those who deliberately improved and know yourself, your soul, studied wider and deeper understanding of the laws of the Universe and to live them, voluntarily and deliberately cleansed his body from the negative emotions, thoughts, actions, learn to Love and Accept the world and people for what they are. Now this process of transformation is happening in a much more high environment than before, and started on a massive scale. And depending on the level of consciousness that is man, and the cleanliness of their bodies (as thick and thin) the first stage of transformation someone is quite soft (or even apparent), and someone quite difficult and hard. Greatly facilitate and accelerate this process classes any spiritual energy, psychophysical, meditative practice both ancient and modern.

Stages and stage transmutation changes

I - stage - Transmutation Transformation of the physical body:

a) the purification of the physical body;
b) the cleansing of the bodies;
C) the regularity of the meal and the intervals between meals;
g) vegetarianism;
d) freedom from internal fats;
e) hardening.

Streams of Fire Transmuting Energy, affecting the physical body at the first stage, will have its influence on organs and systems having deviations, performing the recovery process. The physical body has to pass three stages of Transmutation Conversion to modify the code (as changes in the physical and disclosure of multidimensional quantum DNA):

I stage - reconstruction (cleansing-the resurrection);
II stage - chemically converts (transmutation);
Stage III - the replacement Code (resurrection-ascension).

Regarding the order of passage of various organs and systems of transmutation, will occur following stages of deployment matrix a New Person in the Physical Body.

The first stage of manifestation of the matrix on the physical body consists in transformation (transmutation) hormonal system, the brain and nervous system, up to abatemarco level. Perestroika hormonal and nervous systems will be accompanied by periodic pains in the field of endocrine glands and the corresponding chakras (head, throat, heart, back, solar plexus, the lower abdomen). Next steps:
The restructuring of the blood and lymphatic system, blood.
The restructuring of the digestive and excretory systems.
The restructuring of the respiratory system.
The restructuring of the heart (deep transformation).
Rebuilding of bone.

The completion of the restructuring of the physical body, which can be superimposed on the following steps, accompanied by the cure physical ailments. In addition, one notices that it can no longer be exposed to the negative influences of the environment, ceases to respond to environmental pollution, climatic factors, pathogens etc. Body begins to rejuvenate.
One of the aspects of physical transformation is Electric transformation (evolution), connected with change of the electrical conduction system of the body. Human beings have largely electromagnetic nature. The electromagnetic force is one of the most important fundamental forces of nature in relation to the life a human form. It has an important impact on the physical, emotional, mental and astral levels of the soul. In addition, changes will concern, in particular, quantity, structure and role of water, change of movement of currents and charge distribution, structure and other characteristics of the field and the saturation of the body. In many respects, electric evolution of the body is already in II-th stage of transmutation:
Anenskoye amount of water in the body by 20% is a symptom of crystallization of water in the body accompanied by a decrease of emotion, crystallization of the body.
Alectryonia phenomena - changing relationship with electric processes, devices, fields, phantom feelings, problems, changing the nature of the interaction with radio-electronic appliances, computers.
Nova sexuality wave of sexual energy as a result of the consolidation of the spirit in the body, the penetration of sexual energy, energy Kundalini in all manifestations of life.

Stage II - Transmutation Conversion Spiritual-Energetic Structures:

1. Raising the spiritual level, the change of world view;
2. Changing the energy mix and energy purification, cleaning of the energy channels, the cleaning of the energy centers;
3. Change the code parts that affect Immortal I, holding (formation, centering) aura.

III stage - Development in the new States Transmutation Transformations with transition to a New Evolutionary Stage

As of this moment for most of the inhabitants of the Earth it is not relevant and detailed information for it is still not enough. To determine the achievement of this stage, i.e. already completed the transition to the new vibrations, you can use the test on the definition of stay in the vibrations of the 5th density: If you no longer have any thoughts of fear, any sickness, any dissonance or disharmony in your personal life, you have ceased to grow old, and you will no longer affect the environment, then you have reached the state vibrations of the 5th density...
Another test to determine how to check the conformity of the frequency of the physical body frequencies and radiation of the Earth at the moment: well If you carry discharged pressure and ozonized air mountainous areas, or not burn and have good health, while in the afternoon under the sun, your body resonates with the ascension process of the planet.

Signs stages of the process of transmutation

Waskita centers, their ignition:
Emotional vulnerability, increased sensitivity
Increased physical sensitivity, feeling pain from sensations
Insatiable an appetite, especially cooked food
Loss of interest in the material
Moshoryne centers, organs, body:
Feeling like after sunburn, skin flakes, bleeding from cuts, abrasions
Irritation after service, especially synthetic
Decrease appetite, preference fruit, dairy products
Severe headaches
Reduction of appetite (up to the ability to prolonged fasting)
Westrenen chronic diseases, transmutation and transformation bodies:
The sensation of another intervention
Skin itch as in the healing of sutures
Francotte cells:
Stage 1.
Reducing the amount of food to a minimum
The symptoms of influenza (sustainable runny nose, cough. headaches)
Neurological symptoms (paralysis, paresis, incoordination)
Sudden inflammation in the heat
Tuberculosis (the fastest way)
Stage 2.
Unusual feeling in your bones
Head, nauseated, vomiting
The increased body temperature in the heat, cold sores
Quick change symptoms
5.stvorennya new body:
Like state of pregnancy, signs of toxicity (headache, dizziness, unstable chair, etc.)
Deep fire in the body (increase or feeling temperature rise)
Reduced body temperature up to 350 C
Solid protruding clot above the navel
Improvement and further reduction of body weight

Individual signs, symptoms Transmutation, ascension
in the higher planes and their meaning
Arastuna sensations that everything that man does, is of no great value for him. He sees how other people choked with the game of duality - the possession of material goods and the pursuit of happiness: family, career, respect, fame, finally. And this duality is pushing in search of the self and the meaning of life.
One helpless in the incomprehensibility of the truth. A person understands that the farther he goes in his researches, the stronger he becomes confused. Whatever he tried on this road, and what only experienced in the changed state of consciousness. Highs in the higher realms, where could feel the unity with the whole universe, are followed by crashes and depression.
Thres - it feels as though you are under the pressure of high energies in a double boiler. You go through a process of adaptation to a higher vibration and also begin to be pushed out the old beliefs and habits. Inside you literally bubbling different processes.
4. Dizziness, "spatiality", confusion, discoordination, the feeling of disorientation, especially on the full moon and during solar flares,lack of understanding of where you are, loss of sensation location. You are no longer in the third dimension, as they began to move into the higher worlds.
On in the ears - the violation of relationship, a balance of male and female energy. ."Hearing" of sounds or of a sequence of high frequency sounds. This may be accompanied by pressure in one ear or both ears.
Haljavnye pain - expanding energy on the background of limiting beliefs, limitations of the mind. Headaches can signal and on the transformation of the brain on energy and material levels. Can manifest itself in the form of non-localized pressure
inside the head or pressure, the rolling waves. Possible heaviness and pain in the neck, between the eyebrows is "pressure ' third eye and other, new chakras.
7. Unusual (sacred) pain in different parts of the body, wandering pain, burning sensation, temporary numbness of the extremities, strange pains in the spine, neuralgia, rheumatic pain, nervous convulsions, polyneuritis, pain in the solar plexus, nausea, vomiting - you are cleared and removed from the old locked energy vibrating at frequencies third dimension, while you are already at a higher vibration. Pain is a symptom of dissolution of the old incorrect directions of creative energy, and also, cell membranes and formation of new ones. Unusual neuralgia can have the character of an epidemic.
ABT in the extremities, weakness, swelling of extremities, lips, nose - lack of energy during intensive transmutation.
U you will be days incredible fatigue, causeless depression, irritability, sudden fear, crying. Your body becomes less dense and has been undergoing intensive restructuring. And this helplessness in front of the unknown makes people dead. Once you get a feeling of indifference to their fate; all desires disappear, one of the last - attachment to the spiritual path.
Yot (night sleep up to 12 hours a day), a state of depression, check that, periods of deep sleep, chronic fatigue syndrome (lack of energy), vampirism (especially among close people). You rest from all accumulated and go through the process of integration, simultaneously preparing for the next phase. These are signs of growth that you need a lot of energy. This state of search, search, search, loss of interest in the material. The outside world can be nasaspace you as a new creature higher vibrations. You are not very good feel to it. In addition, you continue to be free from low and dark energies, and you can see them through.
One incomprehensible, occasional bloated, swelling of the body, the vagueness of its scope. The process of creating a new body, moving perception to more subtle plans.
Sa or tightness in the chest. Your Galactic Heart is revealed!
13. Jaws compression, gnashing of teeth - strong resistance personality of its mission, its relationship with the Supreme Ya
Any electrical sensations in the body, the energy tremors ripple, tingling, expansion, light, vibration of body, waves, itching of the skin (especially on the full moon) - the collapse of the non-crystalline tissues. Energy shocks that you feel physically, can even cause the movement of your body up. Loss of attention and concentration for a long period of time - varying electrical design of the body.
15. Violations of sleep, awakening within 2 hours of the night and Wake up to 4 o'clock in the morning. You visit such intense dreams that you can't too long to sleep without interruption. "Normal" people spend more time on the earth plane, and you just now very quickly evolyutsioniruet, adapt to the new cycles of space.
Are, dynamic dreams, sometimes with violence scenes, you are free from the burden of so many past lives on the level of the lower vibrations. And gradually your dreams will improve and already today many talk about the beautiful dreams that they see. Some even see waking dreams.
Are sense of time. You can skip the meeting or right turn onto the highway, to be late, to forget what day it is also a process of adjustment cycles.
18. Kind memory loss, memory lapses, short outage consciousness is well aware of the recent events and rather vaguely their more distant past. You are not only in one dimension, and all the time running back and forth between measurements (this is also part of the transition). In addition, your past is part of a coffin of the old, which is gone forever. Be here now - is the way of the New World.
Are their identity, periodic "loss" of life, a sense of reluctance to do anything (passivity, laziness, nothing-doing)that causes irritation of the active part of others. You are trying to rely on themselves old, but it no longer exists. You don't know who you see in the mirror! You are released from their old shit and now embody more Light, revealing his more simple and refined divine essence. You're all right! You are in a state of rest, a kind of "reset" your system. Your body knows what it needs. In addition, when you start to reach higher planes, "to do" and "to achieve something" will become for you not so much because the new energy will encourage you to such actions as taking, to create, to take care of themselves.
The desire to free up more space. You may want to get rid of their personal gems", to feel the need to remove all the old and unnecessary, to distribute his property and discarded furniture.
21. The feeling of being "out of body". Sometimes it will seem that even speak not you, but someone else. This is our natural defense mechanism of survival, when we're under great stress, feel traumatized and lost control. Your body is going now through many changes, and you may not want to dwell in him at this time. It is a peculiar way to facilitate the transition process , but it will last long and will soon pass.
We "see" and "hear" strange things, can see through the veil, increased psychic abilities, increased levels of consciousness. Your vision may seem uncertain and volatile. You feel that you need glasses, you will see another kind of whim. Sometimes you sure that "see" someone or something in the corner of his eye. Your ability "see" develops. As you go you will experience a different dimension, in line with its "configure".
23. Increased sensitivity to everything that surrounds you. You will hardly bear noisy gatherings of people, noisy and loud music, some food, TV, voices of others, especially negative vibration, the crowd. You will quickly get tired and perevozbuzdenie from all the world. You tune into new worlds, so it will gradually subside. Know that you move an enormous amount of energy.
24. You will become unbearably low vibrations of the third dimension, which you will find in the talks, relations, social structures, some types of healing, etc. You will literally become "bad" from them. You have already upgraded to a higher vibration and your energy more of nasosny so low frequency factors. In particular, you will have an unexpected effect of the old, familiar medication, therapies, especially physiotherapy.
Ona emotional sensitivity, abrupt changes of mood and "mania", the emotional UPS and downs, frequent tears. Our emotions have a way to let go of old problems, and now we are very much relieved.
Are old habits, from which you, in your opinion, completely eradicated. Try not to condemn yourself for it. To fully "ascend", you have to come to terms with their old habits.
Are desire is, a change of appetite and weight, changing the power mode (preference live food cravings for fatty foods, craving for salty, craving to proteins, watermelons, pineapples, grapes). Your body adjusts to the new, higher state. In addition, some of you might not want to exist in this body.
28. You may often need to "bite", which is associated with periods of sharp decline in the level of sugar in blood. Can be observed increase in weight, as you will need a huge amount of fuel to maintain the process of ascension. Weight gain is a reaction to the excess toxins (see next paragraph), released during the cleaning, transmutation, the glut of new energies, in addition to this there are 2 additional authority for the processing of toxins the size of the liver in the area of the diaphragm, which leads to a change in the shape of the body - like the Buddha, the pharaohs, in pregnant women. Aperture is omitted, increase the size of the heart grows thymus, expanding the chest, which is especially noticeable in women appears fat in the neck, shoulders, which is associated with the opening of new chakras. Weight gain when it is impossible to reduce them by any means is one of the typical symptoms.
One salt intake, swelling - formation of new crystalline cells.
30. You will be completely unable to do some things. When will try to do normal things, this routine will be for you absolutely unbearable. The reason is the same as above.
On priorities in the career or relationship. Often this occurs when there is no "logical" reasons for it, but you feel the urge to change.
One the disappearance of your life friends, certain activities and even change jobs and places of residence. You have gone beyond what you were before, and all these people and your old environment is no longer appropriatesimply verify your new vibration. Your plans may suddenly at full speed to change and go in a different direction. - Your soul balances your energy. Usually you feel that go in a new direction - just fine, because your soul understands more than you. She knock you out "gauge" habitual decisions and vibration.
You body - strengthening work of the excretory organs (skin, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract). Can manifest itself in increased skin pigmentation, and the odour and appearance of products of metabolism.
ITA skin pigmentation (red, yellow, orange...), spots can dramatically appear and then disappear, they are very itchy, dry skin in these areas flakes, can become subtler, become vulnerable - enhancing metabolism, body cleansing, strengthening stream of fiery energy through the body.
One blood counts, indicators of the circulatory system (sometimes in the form of unexplained spikes of individual indicators that the doctors can't explain and normalize - reconstruction of system of blood circulation.
Are to return Home, as if everything is OVER and you are no longer here. We return to its Source. Everything is really OVER (but many of us remain, to create a New World). In addition, our old plans that prompted us to come here, have already been completed.
37. The feeling that you go crazy or have developed some kind of mental disease, temporary mental disorder. Also you may find that you are not able to concentrate in the usual way. You will very quickly go through the experience of several measurements and powerful erections. Now you very much available and you are not used to it. Your awareness is growing, the barriers are gone. All this will pass, and eventually you will feel so at Home as I had felt before, because the House is now here.
38. Anxiety and even panic, anxiety. Your ego is losing its positions and afraid. In addition, your entire system is under heavy load. You do something strange to you. You also lose the behavioral model zarabotavshie you in the world of the third dimension for survival. It can make you feel vulnerable and helpless. It's all too will pass and in the end you will feel a lot of love, confidence and unity.
Buy Death or fleeting thoughts of suicide. Remember that so you just try to give a three-dimensional explanation for what happens to you.
Wi up in a situation that you think is the worst nightmare. Your soul puts you in the conditions of the mines in the direction of the formation of those properties, which you lack, and, on the contrary, in the direction of "mute" those aspects that you possess in abundance. Just goes balance your energies. Find your way to the inner world in such conditions is the test that you have prepared yourself for yourself. It is YOUR journey, and your soul never organized it if you were not prepared. You are the man who must find your way, and you will find it.
41. Excessive concern with the state of nature, ecology, etc. (pollution, destruction of animals, diseases of people, aliens, dangerous technology).
42. Excessive need to know, such excess interest to news of all kinds, increased brain activity, reinforced fears, fear of going crazy, fear of the future.
43. Fever, sweat, night flash temperature (without symptoms), tides temperature, pressure surges are symptoms of fire fever. The treatment, after which there comes a state of ease. The temperature goes along with all the impurities from the body and mind. After that, it may be omitted (see below). Turns on the mechanism of cleaning. This can be in the form of high temperature. It occurs spontaneously without apparent reason, almost every month, and may, within 5 to 10 minutes to exceed 41os. Temperature burns all the toxins in the body, all the fears, and most importantly, the person ceases to cling to life, it is all the same.
One temperature to 350C, cold, around the body cold burning plasma (the blue, purple) - the second stage of cleaning after the stage of temperature increase. At this time, the physical body is hardly felt, even when people lifting weights. No desire to accept earthly food, it becomes tasteless and alien. In the consciousness manifests transparent purity, both in mountain lake during the calm. At this moment there is no fear, no love, no feelings, the more self-pity. Man begins to feel as empty, transparent vessel and all its quiet emotions are only reflections of the external world on its walls.
45. Viral diseases or symptoms, such as flu-like symptoms manifestation of latent viruses (herpes) - signs of mutation (transmutation, fiery fever). May be the nature of the fastest growing epidemics.
One "high-speed". You energetically do more in a shorter period of time! You can physically feel"acceleration energy". On Friday you may think that was a whole month, not a week.

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