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57-year-old California resident is different from all people of the unusual colour of his face. His skin was blue because of long-term consumption of colloidal silver for treatment of dermatitis. Paul Karason fourteen years ago contracted dermatitis...The man began to self-medicate and the result of this was to use so-called colloidal silver - in other words, colloid solution of silver particles, which he received with the help of electrolytic method (in other words, the transmission of electric current between immersed electrode in water). The resulting solution was the man took as inside, and outside - putting it on skin areas that have been affected. Some time later, the man began literally "to change the color of your face", and this process took place quietly and gradually. Strange skin color of the Floor first drew the attention of his friend, who had not seen for several months. According to medical opinion, the blue men can be explained by the so-called argyria. This state appears due to the systematic use of purified silver into the body or many years working with silver or its salts. The primary symptoms-arhirii occur within two to four years of the use of silver, and serious skin darkening is manifested not earlier than one decade. Lips darken first, then his eyes and whiskey, then change the color of the mucous membranes of the gums and mouth, and colors of nail holes. During that any of health disorders and pain usually does not occur. ![]()
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