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The rains of frogs. on October 24, 1987, two British newspaper, the daily mirror and the daily star, it was reported that some unnamed elderly lady told gloucestershir trust for nature conservation information about the unusual rain of pink frogs, pouring over her native town of Stroud just during a storm last week. According to the woman, frogs fell on parasols and sidewalks and thousands rushed to the streams and gardens, hurrying to hide. The newspaper informed its readers that the pink frogs, similar to the description, a large number of visited Cirencester two weeks ago, but no one reported that they fell from the sky.
Both Newspapers cite the opinion of a naturalist Ian darling, who examined many of these amphibians. Darling considers them a certain tribe of albinos, saying that their strange pink color is explained by the small blood vessels, seen through the pale skin. Noting that just at this time, Britain was filled red Sands of the Sahara, he stated that he considered to be guilty in the emergence of frogs special air eddies that raised them and moved thousands of miles in water droplets in the atmosphere.
Other naturalists disagreed, and most Newspapers, obavestava about this story, preferred to take a more “down to earth” solution to the problem: namely, what would there frogs nor seen the residents of the two towns, they just jumped out of grass or shrubs (which is the usual behavior of these amphibians during heavy rains) and that old lady, who claimed they had seen as they fell right out of the blue, too grandmother to her testimony could be trusted.
No wonder that most people, especially those who are inclined to the rationalistic explanation of all the mysteries, will refuse from further consideration of the findings of similar stories. For here we are dealing with a mystery whose logical contradiction not only deny all known laws of science, but generally seem to be just insane. Why frogs fall more often than other creatures from heaven - it is impossible to understand, but now we've got this number of witnesses that to put such accidents as simply fabricated becomes impossible.
In his “Book of the damned” Charles Fort gathered dozens of reports of such cases, which occurred in the second half of the past and the beginning of our century. Of these the most stunning, perhaps, is the incident that happened after violent downpour in the afternoon of 2 July 1901 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. As reported by many hundreds of witnesses, during the storm, they saw the fall of the " great green mass”that became a huge number of tiny frogs and toads in the square in three city blocks, and all this wildlife has covered the earth layer in three-inch thick, thereby preventing any movement on the streets. After the death of the Fort in 1932 the number of messages increased, although rarely beings fell from heaven in generous quantities. 12 July 1954 English Mrs. Sylvia Maude was among many witnesses at the fair in Park Birmingham Sutton Coldfield, where shoppers during normal lung rain struck a terrible rain of frogs in three quarters of an inch long, khaki. The frog jumped on umbrellas and was seen everywhere in the air, and when Mrs. Model looked down, he discovered that the earth is literally covered with a carpet of frightened amphibians area of fifty square yards.
In 1969 Veronika Papworth, well known in England journalist, was one of the witnesses, who are under the rain of thousands of frogs that struck the town of Penalties in Buckinghamshire. Ten years later, on July 27, 1979, another English woman, Mrs. Kind Macwilliam from Bedford, going to the garden after a heavy rain, during which shook even branches, discovered that the earth is covered with small green and black frogs, and on the trees and bushes hung threads of their calves.
Many will dismiss these stories, and nothing so quickly makes you frown naturalist and zoologist, as the record and rain of frogs. This phenomenon has never been subjected to scientific research, and I highly doubt that this will ever be held. Among the rationalists who are honest enough to admit that these phenomena cannot be denied, most prefer reasonable explanations like those put forward Ian darling, namely: animals lifted in the air by air eddies and released already in another place, contrary to all the laws of gravitation. This, of course, does not fit with such features as selective nature of all of falls or absence in the collection of the vortex other items. But if we reject this assumption (what I'm personally inclined), then what will remain? Obviously, anything that would make sense.
Sometimes even comes a crazy thought: instead of tricks is it a cosmic jokers? It is interesting to note that in early October 1987, which marked the fall of the amazing pink frogs unidentified species Gloucestershire town of Stroud, SIRENE-erased, Cheltenham, local cinemas showed a picture of “love Child”. Promotional poster for the film portrayed the pink frogs hanging out somewhere from the void, and among the characters featured members of a gang called the Pink Frogs. A simple coincidence? Of course - but what could it be?!
Rain of fish
One clear warm day may 1956 on a farm in Colatchi, near Uniontown, Alabama, fell from the sky live fish. Eyewitnesses of this mysterious incident claimed that the animals had fallen out of the only dark cloud that appeared from a small whirlwind into heaven, “as if out of nowhere.” First zakopala on a small piece of land just some two hundred square feet in size, and immediately unusual cloud of dark was almost white, and it fell three species of fish - catfish, perch and bream. That fish were alive and beating in the wind, it is clear that in heaven they have not been a very long time, which cannot be said about ribadu, which, according to eyewitnesses, lasted for a good fifteen minutes. Although all fish belonged to local species and infested by them the stream was only two miles from the farm, but no tornado or hurricane was not for many weeks, so it remains unclear exactly how they rose into the sky and were moved to this distance. As noted by one of the witnesses: “to me, it is the strangest thing in the world.”
Of course, strange, but it is not the most in the whole wide Flow.
Rabapaty were observed almost everywhere on the globe. Information at first hand about these “trotskys” (falling from the skies are full of pages of the Newspapers were writing about abnormal events, and even sober and reasonable meteorological magazines regularly publish messages showers herring, squalls squid and tornadoes trout.
In this century there were many other similar cases in the United Rods, including floods in Boston, mA, Thomasville, Alabama; Witchita, Kansas. In the morning of 19 December 1984 fish fell in unusually large numbers on Santa Monica (freeway near Crenshaw-Boulevard in Los Angeles), creating a hazard on the road. The following year, in may 1985, too considerable portion of fish fell from the sky in the back yard of the house Luis Castorino in Fort Board, Texas. Castorino then admitted that he was very scared of what is happening, because he firmly believed in his supernatural origin.
Rabapaty so familiar in some countries, such as India and Australia that local Newspapers almost stopped producing about them messages on their pages. One Australian naturalist, Gilbert Witley even released a list of the fifty fish rains on the sixth continent in the same 1972. There came the fall ruchejnik minnows in Cressy, Victoria; shrimp near singleton, NSW; pygmy perch in Hafilda, Victoria; and unidentified freshwater species that hit the suburbs of Brisbane.
Although such showers in Britain is not as common, but few reports about their look is still possible. In August 1914 saw landed in the area Hendon in Sunderland accidents acne; in the same month, 1948, a Mr. Ian Retie of Hayling island, Hampshire, came under a shower of cod in that time, went to play Golf. Among crustaceans, from time to time drop-down on the British land, most often found crabs.
Can you explain such accidents something other than supernatural causes? Some believe that it is possible. Among meteorologists widely believed that so since rabapaty can no longer be considered a fantasy, then at least explanations for them should not be from the field of the paranormal. Such experts believe that some vortices or water funnel tore unfortunate fish from rivers I seas in the heavens like a vacuum cleaner, endure for a short distance and then drop down. This version may explain some cases, but still worth pointing out that no one had seen such vortices pulled creatures of the water, whereas cases of hair loss, as we have shown, witnessed a great many. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine how the devils or the winds sorted fish species, preferring to carry one and rejecting the other. And why, together with the fish never falls nothing else, sand, for example, or algae?
When pouring from above the inhabitants of the sea, nobody says salty rain before or after them, and if the theory of water vortices can deal with showers of species living near the surface of the sea berets, it does not cope with cases where “the rain” deep-sea species or those that prefer to stay away from the coast. Perhaps the most bizarre of all ribadu was a gift from heaven, prognuvshis on Board shestnadtsatiletnij boats belonging to the three fishermen from the tiny Pacific Islands Group Kiribati 4 April 1986. Shipwrecked in a storm, fishermen whole 119 days spent afloat before they were picked up more than five hundred miles from the place where sank their schooner. All this time they ate, catching small shark with his bare hands, which then strangled and ate them raw.
One night, shortly before the end of the adventure, full of despair and suffering from the effects of a shark's diet, three men cried out to the Lord to endow them with some other food, and then, to their great astonishment, something plopped right in their boat. That something turned out to be rare, but very tasty fish, the kind that never comes close to the surface, but on the contrary, when all the vicissitudes of life trying to stay as deeply as possible.
Later, when they were rescued three fishermen told of the miracle, which rather puzzled hydrobiologists, which found that this species is at a depth of six feet, immediately rejected the simplest explanation is about the bird who had rescued, but not oderzhavshey its prey. So what is the answer to prayer? Most of the better think twice than remembers “the hand of the Lord,” but is there some explanation, sounding Portumna? In General, rabapaty better define the words of Winston Churchill - like a riddle, hiding secret.